How to descale a washing machine - effective ways and recommendations

Water in the water supply is not perfect. Usually it is stiff, has the smell of bleach and contains impurities. In addition, chemical components are constantly added to washing machines. And the technique reacts negatively to this, requiring purification. This procedure will help extend the life of the instrument. How to descale the washing machine is described in the article.

Causes of pollution

It is important to make sure that cleaning is necessary. You should also know what needs to be cleaned. If you look into a machine that has worked for a long time, then dirty plaque can be found on the surface of plastic and metal elements. Usually it is solid, with minerals, so it is difficult to remove it with a rag or hands.

how to descale the washing machine

The causes of pollution include:

  1. Hard or dirty water.
  2. The presence of many chemicals in the powder.
  3. Constant functioning of the machine in the "Intensive washing" mode.

Moreover, the device must have hard-to-reach corners where dirt accumulates. Over time, it becomes so much that it leads to damage to the machine. And repair work is quite expensive. Therefore, all owners should know how to descale the washing machine. This will extend the life of the unit. And if you perform regular preventive maintenance, you can avoid many problems with the equipment.

Why does scale appear?

When the water is very hard, it contains salts of calcium and magnesium. They heat up with carbon dioxide and a solid precipitate, which, together with dirty particles, remains on the heater and the tank of the device. After coating with a layer of scale, the metal heating part conducts heat poorly. As a result, the water heats up for a long time, and more electricity is needed. Dirt from the water will clog the intake valve, parts of which quickly deteriorate.

how to descale a washing machine ways

You can determine whether scale is present on the tene or not, you can independently. Typically, the heating part is under the drum or slightly offset from the center. You need to take a flashlight, point it at the hole in the drum, consider the heating element. In this case, you need to slightly shake the drum for uniform lighting. Often this does not work right away - you need to experiment with wiggle speed.

The use of chemicals

What is the best way to clear the washing machine of scale? To do this, there is a special tool - "Anti-scale." It contains acid, which dissolves the sediment layer. After falling asleep in the device should include the function "wash without laundry." The effect comes quickly - a chemical reaction due to heating removes the elements of the machine from scale.

But this method also has disadvantages. If the powder is added more than the norm, then the rubber parts of the device may deteriorate. Yes, and inhaling acid fumes is harmful. But this method is very simple, and it is cheap. Just do not confuse it with softeners added during washing. They certainly do not remove scale.

Lemon acid

If washing is carried out frequently, then cleaning must be done every quarter. And with rare use of the device, 1 time every six months will be enough. How to clean the washing machine from limescale with citric acid? It is necessary to set the washing mode “without laundry”, a temperature of 60-90 degrees, and then add citric acid (50-100 g) to the powder connector. This method is high-quality and affordable, besides it will get rid of odors. This prevention does no harm to the elements of the device.

the better to descale the washing machine


This method is considered by experts to be one of the most effective. How to clean the washing machine from vinegar scale? This procedure is performed according to the following instructions:

  1. In a car, pour 2 cups of vinegar. Then add hot water, and you can wash without laundry and powder for the longest cycle.
  2. After 5 minutes, you need to pause the program for an hour. This is required for the penetration of the solution into various corners of the tank.
  3. After that, it is necessary to continue the washing program until the end.
  4. To flush the cleaning solution, pour water, turn on the wash function with a short cycle.
  5. A cloth should be moistened in a weak vinegar solution, and then wipe the door of the machine inside. Seals should be treated with particular care.

How to prevent the appearance of scale

Mistresses need to know not only how to descale the washing machine. Contamination can be prevented. For this, different magnetic water softeners are used. They can be located both in the inlet hose of the device and at the inlet of the pipeline to the apartment. They are called softener filters.

descale the washing machine ten

A magnetic type water softener purifies magnesium and calcium. The absence of these salts eliminates various problems. In this way, no scale will appear on the tank and the heating element. The disadvantages of the method include high cost. The softener has a price of about 1,500 rubles, which is much more expensive than “Antinakipin”. But it’s more convenient to use it, and the filter has been working for about 50 years. Once you spend it, you can no longer be interested in how to clear the tenh of the washing machine from scale.

In addition to magnetic filters, there are also mechanical cleaning filters. They eliminate rust and sand. This serves as protection against clogging of pipes and saving household appliances from damage. Plumbing fixtures with these filters will last longer.

Technological scale protection

How to descale the washing machine in other ways? One of the methods is as follows: the more hot water is required for washing the equipment, the more scale deposits on its parts. Manufacturers of modern technology take this fact into account, so they equip the unit with new washing programs. Water heats only up to 40-50 degrees, and dirt is removed perfectly. This way you can get rid of scale and save on electricity.

descale soda washing machine

Ten can work much longer or break down quickly. The reason for this may not be a marriage - it all depends on the washing mode and loads. If you often wash worn things, then their particles will lead to scale. Falsified laundry detergents, which lead not only to damage to the heater, but also to the entire machine, also negatively affect it.

Therefore, to save money, you should choose a filter softener or use "Anti-scale." Do not forget about the mechanical filter, which removes dirt particles. And when washing, you need to choose those modes in which the water heats less.


Calgon will help to quickly clear the washing machine of scale. But this is a common water softener. The composition contains soda and sodium triphosphate. The cost of packaging weighing a little more than 0.5 kg over 150 rubles. You can take these substances and create the mixture yourself.

But as it turns out, this softener cannot be a reliable defense for PETN, on the contrary, it worsens the situation. With the constant use of the product, the surface of the tubular electric heater will be solid, similar to cemented. As a result, ten quickly burns out.

A softener and other components that provide gentle care for the machine are added to high-quality washing powders. And Calgon experienced masters are not advised to use. Descaling a washing machine ten can be done using more affordable and effective methods.


You can clean the washing machine from limescale soda. This tool will help remove mold. Soda with water must be mixed in equal amounts. The finished mixture must be treated on the inner surface of the drum, including the rubber seal on the door, because it is there that a lot of mold accumulates.

how to descale the washing machine drum

Soda can be used in another way. The product must be poured into a container for powder and a long washing regime with hot water should be turned on. If the stains are very persistent, you can combine cleaning methods, for example, use vinegar and soda.

Filter cleaning

It is important to know not only how to descale the washing machine drum, but also how to process the filter. To avoid breakdowns, work is required regularly. Before the procedure, it is necessary to lay a rag under the technique so as not to remove dirty water. You will also need a container where you can remove water using the drain hose, which should be lowered into it. The filter is located in a special hatch at the bottom of the machine. The procedure is as follows:

  1. You need to open the hatch.
  2. The filter must be removed after draining the water. This is done by turning counterclockwise.
  3. It is necessary to eliminate existing dirt, fluff, hair. Then the filter is put in place.
  4. The filter base must also be cleaned.

Other folk remedies

You can use other means:

  1. Whiteness must be added to citric acid. It is required to start a long wash cycle at a temperature of 90 degrees. With this method, ventilation is recommended. You should also air the rest of the rooms. Chlorine vapor affects the mucous membranes of a person.
  2. Chlorinated agents help get rid of mold spores. It will take 100 ml of liquid, which must be poured into the drum and a washing cycle is started at a temperature of 90 degrees. For the procedure, you need half an hour to wash.
  3. Cleaning with copper sulfate. It will take 50 g of the product, which must be filled with water (100 ml). The solution should be mixed and poured into the drum. You need to start the wash at a temperature of 90 degrees.

how to clear the heating element of the washing machine

All cleaning is done without laundry. These are the main ways that concern the question of how to descale a washing machine. Each of them allows you to save equipment by extending its life.

The choice of washing powder

For the washing machine, you must choose a quality powder. Each product has a surfactant - surface-active components that combine with fats and other impurities, as well as wash them out of clothing. This is the main substance that provides washing things. The rest is made up of additives, colorants, flavors, perfumes, bleaches, scale additives, antifoam agents. An exception is children's powders, where surfactants are less.

It is recommended that powders be selected for the type of clothing that is to be washed. For example, for a down jacket you should not purchase standard tools. Usually, more expensive powders are washed better, although their composition is not too different from cheap ones.

Pollution prevention

Cleanliness of equipment is a guarantee that it will work for a long time. You should not leave things inside for a long time. From this, fungus, mold can form, and the operation of the machine is also deteriorating. Therefore, linen should be hung up or placed in a specific container.

It is important to ventilate the machine - so excess moisture will be removed from it. Wet drips inside the equipment are wiped with a dry cloth. The machine must be cleaned every six months. Prevention will not hurt. It is advisable to carry it out every 2 months. To do this, you can use the above methods.

Each machine has a filter that becomes dirty after washing. It should be cleaned regularly. The scale undergoes crystallization when the water is heated to 75 degrees. If the temperature is up to 70 degrees, then the tank with PETN will be clean.

A washing machine, like any other household appliances, requires careful care. Regular descaling significantly extends the life of the equipment.


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