Guide: Yasuo - description, features and reviews. League of Legends: Mid-Lane Guide Yasuo

Today, League of Legends is one of the most popular games in the multiplayer battle arena genre. The only worthy competitor is the Dota 2 project, which is built on a similar principle. The main distinguishing feature of the project is the fact that the game has a lot of heroes, each of which has five different skills - this means that you do not select one hero and pump it for dozens of hours. This means that one battle here usually lasts no more than two hours, that is, you can pump your character to the maximum level literally instantly - therefore, you will need to study the hero very well in order to improve it correctly.

This guide will help you with this. Yasuo is a very interesting character, but he is not very popular, many gamers prefer simpler characters. But you should not be afraid of complexity, because if you master the character perfectly, he will become very powerful and incredibly dangerous. So you should definitely read this guide - Yasuo may unexpectedly please you.

guide yasuo

Wanderer's Way

What will this guide describe ? Yasuo is a hero who has very impressive abilities that become even more powerful if used correctly and in combination. Like other characters, Yasuo has a passive ability, an ult, and three ordinary skills. Naturally, starting with a passivation that you do not need to activate is always active. With her help, Yasuo doubles the likelihood that he will inflict critical damage (although the damage itself is slightly reduced, but such an exchange looks extremely fair).

However, this is not the only thing that gives the character a passive ability. All the time he accumulates energy to create a shield that blocks the enemy’s blow. But you should remember that the accumulation of energy occurs only when Yasuo moves, so you should never stop. The more you move, the better the defense will be in the end. Naturally, this guide is not limited to passivity - Yasuo can still surprise you with what he is capable of.

Yasuo Guide Season 6

"Steel Storm"

So, it's time to talk about those skills that you will need to pump and use yourself. The "steel storm" in this list goes first, since it is basic - this ability can be set to use automatically, that is, as soon as the ability to use it becomes available again, it will be activated automatically. The essence of this skill lies in a more powerful attack, which adds additional damage to the standard damage.

In addition, if two times in a row you can hit the enemy using this skill, then on the third one another effect will be added to it, which will throw your enemies into the air. At first glance, this does not look very useful, but by continuing to study the guide, you will understand that in combination with other skills this skill will become a real find for you, and this will greatly strengthen Yasuo. Guide 6 of the season is simply obliged to mention this vortex, because it, among other things, is the basis for the application of the ult - you yourself can see a little later.

Yasuo Guide Season 5

"The wall of the wind"

There is another very interesting skill that Yasuo paints a lot. Guide 5 of the season did not pay him much attention, because then he was not so good, but now you will be happy to use this ability. With it, you can create a protective wall that will move with your character for four seconds. And she will protect you and your partners from any long-range strikes and skills that were sent through the wall. This is an incredibly useful defensive skill that, however, you cannot use often because it takes a very long time to recover. So here you will need to wisely approach to which situation it is better to apply the skill. Even if you study all the LOL guides, Yasuo will still stand out from the rest with his skills, which are quite difficult to understand, but then they just become killer.

guides lol yasuo

Swift Blade

Perhaps you have already seen that one of the most unusual characters in LoL is Yasuo. Guide up to this point only confirmed this fact, but now it's time to be surprised even more. The next skill of the character also looks quite ordinary - it looks like the first active skill that was described above. Only in this case, Yasuo does not just hit the enemy, but makes a jerk in his direction, causing even more damage. In this case, the subsequent successful spurt will cause twenty-five percent more damage, and the third - as much as fifty.

Moreover, the time has come to remember that the combination of Steel Storm with other skills can become deadly. If you use this jerk at the same time as the “storm”, then it will cause not directed damage, but in a circle, thereby causing more damage to enemies. A great place to use this skill Yasuo - forest. The guide, of course, will also tell you about the ult that this character can use.

lol yasuo guide

Last breath

Well, it's time to move on to an ult that many novice gamers generally can not understand. The effect is simply unbelievable - the character does terrifying damage to the enemy, but only to take this damage it is necessary that the enemies are in the air. How to achieve this? It's time to get back to Steel Storm, that very first active skill. As you recall, the third successful hit causes a whirlwind that throws the target into the air.

It is at this moment that you need to use the ult - then your hero will cause very big damage to the enemy, in addition, ignoring half the armor that he receives from additional items and buffs, and using the ult prolongs the enemy’s presence in the air. Thus, it is extremely difficult to master this ability, it is also not easy to find the right moment to use it, but if you can figure out all the little things and details, then you will become a really dangerous opponent for even the most experienced players.

yasuo forest guide


According to reviews, Yasuo's defensive skill is one of the most effective in the game, so you should not neglect it. Gamers are also advised to pay attention to the range of use of skills, quick reload of ult and high mobility of your hero. And, of course, do not forget that you can immediately control a group of enemies if you successfully apply the skills provided to you.


Naturally, this hero is extremely strong, but at the same time he is extremely difficult to master, in particular due to the fact that using the ult requires skill and understanding of how and when to apply skills. Well, like many strong characters, Yasuo does not have a skill that would allow him to leave the battlefield quickly and safely, which puts him in extra danger.

Dangerous opponents

But even if you master the hero and become a real master, there will always be those characters who will have a trump card in the sleeve. For example, Lissandra has such a set of skills that can completely block Yasuo and prevent him from using the most powerful abilities. You should also be wary of Svein, who has a skill that can block all attacks on your part, which will prevent you from reaching the ult. And, of course, Sindra is a character who can cause you a lot of trouble, and if she manages to persuade you or even use ult on you, then you are unlikely to leave the battle alive.


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