Why do cats trample us paws? Let's figure it out!

If you have a fluffy pet, you probably have repeatedly wondered why cats trample us with their paws. This regular ritual is performed by almost every tailed domestic resident, sometimes causing pain to its owner. Let's look at the origin of this behavior.

why cats trample us paws
One of the reasons why cats trample us with their paws is a reflex, a memory from childhood. They often wrinkle their mom’s tummy like this when they drink milk. In some way, you are now successfully performing the role of mother: feed your pet, caress, play with him. Therefore, it is obvious that for the cat, the owner is the most dear creature who wants to give pleasure. If you drive the animal off its knees at this moment, it will not understand what is the matter and will be very offended - because the pet acts only with good intentions.

In animals, many of the main receptors are located on the pads of the limbs. One of the versions of why cats trample us with their paws is based on the fact that in this way they “mark” us, leaving their smell and confirming that only they have the right to you and no one else. If at the same time the pet purrs loudly - this is a sign of the highest pleasure for him, he is completely relaxed and trusts you. Appreciate such moments, do not drive the animal, you play the biggest role in life for it. If the sharp claws cause too much inconvenience, regularly bring the pet to the veterinarian so that he carefully shears them, or do it yourself.

why cats trample the owner
Scientifically proven that cats are able to feel the pain of their master. In such cases, they anxiously raise their faces to you, as if asking about what is happening. It is clear that the pets want to help. That is why cats trample us paws in the very place that becomes a source of pain. They make a kind of massage, taking on themselves the negative and unpleasant symptoms. Fluffy doctors try to make you feel better.

It often happens that pets get used to sleeping in the owners' bed. Moreover, they can choose different places for sleeping: in the legs, at the head of the head, or even on the head, on the chest. The answer to the question of why cats trample the owner before going to bed is obvious - they are preparing a place for an overnight stay, trying to lie down with maximum comfort. Well, they are preparing you, so to speak, for night relaxation. Cats, after all, came from wild animals - instinct makes them trample the cover in the place where they decided to lie down.

why cats trample hosts
In the evening, when you return from work, most likely, the first to meet you at the door, of course, is a cat. The beloved with all his appearance expresses joy from the meeting, rubs against his legs and, of course, meows. Then, when you tiredly lie back on the sofa, he will immediately jump to his knees and begin to “dance” on them. After all, why cats trample the owners? So they express their sincere love and joy that you are finally at home. Be sure to pet a furry friend - for him this is associated with licking his mother, he will be very pleased. Do not spare time, play with your pet, talk with him, scratch his ear, he’s been waiting all day for you and missed you very much.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22787/

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