Khilok River of the Transbaikal Territory. Where does the Khilok River flow?

In the 17th century, this river was called the Kilka River. According to Pashkov A.F., its name appears as a kind of border between two peoples: the Tungus - sovereign people live “on the left side” of Kilka (to the north, where sable and fishing are developed), and on the right side (to the south) “ Mungal princes ”with ulus people -“ non-peaceful peasants ”.

Today this river is called Khilok. Where does the river flow, located in the Khiloksky region of Transbaikalia? What are its features? About this little-known natural reservoir and some information is presented in this article.

Brief description of the area

Khiloksky district is located in the southwestern territory of the Transbaikal Territory. On the southwestern side, it borders with the Krasnochikoysky district, and in the west, east, and southeast, respectively, with the Petrovsky-Zabaykalsky, Chita, and Uletovsky districts. The territory of the district covers an area of ​​more than 14 thousand square meters. kilometers. As of 2014, the population is more than 30,100 thousand people. The administrative center of the district is Khilok.

The main waterways are the Prodigal River and the Khilok River. Both reservoirs are characterized by a fairly strong branching of the channel. All rivers flowing through the territory of the district belong to the basin of Lake. Baikal. From the eastern part of the region to the west stretch the mountain ranges Malkhansky, Tsagan-Khurtey and Yablonovy.

The area is crossed by the Trans-Siberian Railway. The distance from the city of Khilok to Chita by rail is 260 kilometers, along the highway Moscow-Vladivostok - about 330 kilometers. The nearest airport is in Chita (223 km from the district center).

Description of the Khilok River, Trans-Baikal Territory: source and mouth

The Khilok flows through the territories of Buryatia and the Trans-Baikal Territory. Its length is 840 kilometers, the catchment basin has an area of ​​38,500 square meters. km

The place of the source of the Khilok River

The Khilok originates from Lake Arakhley, then flows through Shakshinskoye Lake (area - 53.6 sq. Km). In the upper reaches, the river is connected by channels to several lakes, the largest of which is Irgen (area - 33.2 km²).

The river water mainly flows along the intermountain wide valleys (Bichurskaya, Khilokskaya and others) in the south-west direction. In the lower reaches, approximately 90 kilometers from the mouth, Khilok at a right angle turns north and at the end of its path flows into the Selenga River along its right bank, 242 kilometers from its mouth.

Hydrography, tributaries and settlements

The food of the Khilok River is mainly rainy, in the summer there is a flood. Water consumption per year at 22 kilometers from the mouth is an average of 97.6 cubic meters. meters per second. Freezing occurs in October or early November, and an autopsy occurs in April-May. Water freezes in the middle course from the end of December to April.

Transbaikalia, Khilok

The main tributaries are: Prodigal, Hila, Upper and Lower Hilkosony, Sukhara, Bichura and Ungo.

The following settlements are located on the banks: Khilok, urban-type settlements - Tarbagatay, Mogzon, Sugar Plant, Novopavlovka; villages - Maleta, Maly Kunaley, Bud, Podlopatki, Katangar, Ust-Obor, Kataevo and many others.

City of Khilok

Source lake

Arakhley, from where Khilok originates, is the largest lake of the Ivano-Arakhleya lake system, stretching in the south of the Vitim plateau of the Transbaikal Territory. The distance to it from Chita is 40 kilometers. This natural reservoir belongs to the Khilok river basin.

The water surface has an area of ​​58.5 square meters. kilometers, the catchment area is 256 square meters. km The length of the lake is 10.9 km, the maximum width is almost 7 km. Arachlay is located at an altitude of 965.1 m above sea level. The deepest place in the lake is the north-eastern part of the reservoir (19.5 meters). Fresh water, flowing, with a salinity of 100 to 200 mg / dm³.

Arachlay Lake

Two small rivers flow into the body of water - Gryaznukha (or Shabort) and Domka. In years of high water, the Kloi brook flows out of the lake, which flows into Lake Shakshinskoye. This is the beginning of the Khilok River.

On the lake shores there are the villages of Preobrazhenka, Arakhley and bases for summer holidays.

In conclusion, a little about fishing on the river

Speaking about fishing in Buryatia, most of them mean a fascinating and interesting trip to Lake Baikal - the deepest natural lake in the world. Fishing on Baikal is the dream of every lover of this activity, and there is an explanation for this: the composition of the ichthyofauna in the lake is diverse, and besides the usual varieties of fish, there are representatives adapted to local conditions.

Among several tributaries of the Selenga, Khilok deserves special attention. Fishing on the river Buryatia Khilok is conducted throughout the year. The composition of the ichthyofauna of the river resembles neighboring water bodies. There is roach, perch, grayling, lenok, taimen.


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