Building levels: varieties, manufacturer reviews

Measuring equipment in the construction industry has always played an important role. The accuracy of the arrangement of structures, the correctness of the laying of facing coatings and the installation of equipment depend on it. But if earlier a tool with a minimum set of functions and a significant error was used for control tasks, today manufacturers offer a wide selection of high-tech equipment. The most popular measuring tool is still the construction level, but in a modernized version. However, the traditional instrumentation also does not lose its fan.

Bubble models as a basic solution

The classic design, characterized by a simple device and an affordable principle of operation. The standard option is a model with a rectangular case made of metal or plastic. On the outer surface of the structure there is a scale with divisions, according to which the master fixes geometric indications. The responsible working element for assessing the level is a flask with a liquid. These are the so-called spirit levels, the state of which determines the correctness of the current position of the instrument.

Level Spirit Levels

Depending on the model, the building bubble level may have one or more liquid bulb indicators. Moreover, there are horizontal and vertical spirit levels that allow you to simultaneously record deviations along two planes. Also, some modifications include an addition in the form of an inclined flask. To determine the level of an object, it is necessary to attach a tool body to it and visually assess the degree of deviation. In the normal state, the spirit level bubble should be strictly in the center of the bulb.

Hydro levels - what are the differences?

This device has a long tubular hose and flasks connected through it. In the process, they are filled with liquid, the level of which also allows you to record deviations. The principle of operation is very simple - in communicating vessels according to Pascal's law , the filling levels will be the same. Accordingly, if each of the flasks is brought to objects that are at a remote distance, then their location relative to the horizontal can be estimated by the water level in the tanks.

The advantages of this tool include a low price tag and a simple design, but there are some nuances of application. Firstly, the construction water level is quite sensitive to the slightest fluctuations, and the formation of bubbles will no longer provide the correct information. Secondly, the environment is also capable of violating the accuracy of measurements - especially if there are thermal devices in the room that affect the state of the liquid. And it should be borne in mind that hydraulic levels work only with a horizontal plane.

Hydraulic level

Pipe construction level

In a sense, a kind of bubble models. At least the principle of action is similar for them. The device allows you to evaluate the vertical and horizontal position of various structures and objects. Usually with it, the installation of poles, beams and profile objects is checked. And if the building bubble level has a typical rectangular design, then for tube-type models the form factor is more diverse. Some models are notable for their compact size and the possibility of folding the case, and there are also V-shaped structures, the shape of which allows them to be attached to the measured objects. On the other hand, on flat structures, the use of such modifications is difficult.

Hand goniometers

Construction goniometer

Another variety of traditional levels that solves the complex tasks of assessing the position of objects. The fundamental structural difference from bubble models is the dual layout of the rulers, which can be used as a protractor. Correct positioning is also carried out using spirit levels. That is, the goniometer can be used both as a normal building level, and as a tool for precise position fixation on inclined planes. As a rule, such models are used in the construction of cottages, verandas, arbors, stove constructions and other objects for which a comprehensive assessment of the situation from different points of view is important.

Features of digital levels

An extensive category of measuring instruments that can have the same physical equipment to fix the current position, but the way of presenting data will be digital. They use such devices during the alignment of structural parts of equipment, when installing suspended ceilings, in carpentry and other works. As a rule, the building electronic level is equipped with a digital display, which reflects the data obtained during the measurement process. Accuracy on average is 0.05 degrees, but it already depends on whether you belong to a user class - professional or household.

Electronic building level

The device is powered by rechargeable batteries or batteries. In the choice of electronic devices, it is important to read additional functionality - for example, the presence of an automatic shutdown system, a delay in the readings on the display, or an audible alert when a certain tilt is reached.

Laser levels

Laser measuring equipment appeared on the construction market more than 20 years ago, but only recently in terms of price and ergonomic properties it has become available not only to professionals, but also to ordinary home craftsmen. The main feature of such levels, but essentially levels, is the opto-optical filling, which provides a laser beam to the target object. As a result, a perfectly flat line is projected, along which you can evaluate the position of structures and directions. To date, the construction professional level of this type allows you to perform complex mathematical calculations. The microprocessor built into the device calculates the installed functions in automatic mode based on the data received.

As for the physical method of treatment, the laser levels are installed on a flat surface and are included in the operation by pressing a button. The design of the device itself is compact and ergonomic, therefore it does not cause any special difficulties in control and layout.

Laser building level

Types of Laser Levels

There are two types of levels on light-optical elements - point and linear. For domestic purposes, you can purchase the first option as the simplest and most suitable for most home repairs. The point level works with one beam, letting it along the wall in a straight line. By the way, the case of these models is flat, which allows them to be installed on flat surfaces without special mounting.

For more critical measurement tasks, a linear building level is used, which can also guide several beams. Specialists, in particular, build groups of planes with points, which makes it possible to mark on walls, floor and ceiling.

Features of rotational levels

Another variety of laser models, but it has a significant difference. The rotational principle of action involves such a device of the beam that during operation it captures not a specific point or angle, but a full view of 360 degrees. This makes it possible to carry out marking around the entire perimeter of the site, which is very convenient in work at large facilities.

For small-format repair activities in the room, it makes no sense to acquire such a model. As a rule, rotary devices are used in open areas, therefore, appropriate protective characteristics should be foreseen in advance. The best building levels of this type are provided by moisture-proof and shockproof cases with a protection class of at least IP54. As for temperature resistance, manufacturers on average indicate ranges from -10 to +40 Β° C.

Rotation level

Stabila Product Reviews

One of the leading developers of measuring construction tools in the level segment. In the primary class, the Pocket Electric 17775 model stands out with a value of about 500-600 rubles. This is a simple device, the advantages of which include an ergonomic design, a special shape for sockets and good build quality.

For specialists, the company offers a model 80A 120 cm long, the price tag of which is 2.5 thousand rubles. The advantages of the Stabila construction levels in this series include well-milled working faces, high accuracy and physical reliability. However, there are also weak points such as a large mass and the absence of shockproof plugs with handles.

Kapro Product Reviews

Also a well-known brand, the models of which are worth contacting if you need a professional markup tool. Users themselves note that the best at the developers of this company succeed in electric levels of a premium class. In particular, PLUMBSITE GENESIS 200 cm long is a powerful machine for working with horizontal and vertical planes. The model has two eyes, shockproof polyacrylic spirit levels and built-in magnets. According to the owners, the construction level of Kapro of this modification withstands significant loads, does not deform, and at the same time maintains measurement accuracy. But the price tag at this level is also impressive - 5.5 thousand rubles.

As an alternative and more affordable option, you can offer the PLUMBSITE SHARK model with a length of 60 cm for 2 thousand rubles. This device is also appreciated for a combination of high reliability and accuracy. The best option if you need an assistant for professional repairs in the premises.

ADA Product Reviews

This manufacturer specializes in digital measurement technology, offering advanced solutions and technologies. Particular attention in the middle class has earned the combined model Pro-Digit RUMB. It is distinguished by the ability to accurately measure angles and deviations along planes. Despite the high technical and operational characteristics and a considerable price tag, this tool is appreciated by ordinary users. Compactness, ergonomics and ease of transportation are the main advantages that are noted in the reviews. The construction level of Pro-Digit RUMB may interest the professional with its option. The device supports auto power off, captures data on the display and provides extensive opportunities for measuring relative angles.


Building bubble level

Choosing the right tool for the correct marking and accurate measurement during repair or construction work is possible only with a comprehensive consideration of operational parameters. It is necessary to take into account the technical characteristics of the device, and the control capabilities with additional functionality. Moreover, each segment may have its own selection criteria. For example, what should be considered if you need a household building level? Which is better? Build quality and structural reliability in this case come to the fore. Kapro's models in this sense will be the optimal solution, although for simple everyday tasks they are too overloaded with an option.

If the task is to choose electronic laser levels, then auxiliary tools will need to be taken into account. Acquiring models of this type is desirable for universal work, so you should not save on rotary devices, provided with the ability to perform complex calculations.

The multifunctional measuring technique, which combines not just several operating modes or functions, but also different measurement principles, is also popular. Light-optical elements and spirit levels can be combined in one design. This option also justifies itself as a universal measurement tool in the professional field, but it will also have a significant price tag.


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