Planting plants

Each housewife strives to make her home as cozy and comfortable as possible, decorating it with exquisite plants. In order for green friends to grow and develop well, delighting all households with their flowering, it is necessary to know some features for caring for them. Perhaps one of the main is planting. This procedure is recommended for indoor plants during their active growth and awakening - in spring or early summer.

When does a plant need a transplant?

With imported flowers sold in a plastic peat-filled pot, this procedure must be completed a few days after purchase. During this time, the green friend adapts to the new atmosphere and can easily move the move.

Planting is necessary if roots begin to appear from the drainage hole. This indicates that the grown root system completely occupied the space of the pot, and it became cramped with it. Another sign is the active growth of greenery, which is why the land is practically invisible. Most often, the roots of the flower protrude outward, and he himself seems to โ€œjump outโ€ of the pot.


Land for transplantation is best obtained in a specialized store in accordance with the necessary type of plants. It is not recommended to plant flowers in universal garden soil. It can be fatal to indoor plants and contain a huge number of pathogens. It is best to purchase ordinary soil or peat with sand.

Which pot to choose

When buying a flower container, you need to know one simple rule. The width of the new pot should be 2-3 centimeters larger than the old. Do not buy too large containers in which the plant will feel very uncomfortable. Planting plants in an old clay pot is possible only after its preliminary treatment with soap and water. The new container also needs to be thoroughly rinsed.

Planting indoor plants

This procedure can be performed in three ways:

  • landing - the substrate is removed as much as possible from the root system;
  • transshipment - the part of the land in which the roots are located is stored and transplanted into a new pot;
  • replacement of the topsoil.

Usually, the term planting implies transshipment of plants. This method allows less damage to the root system.

When transplanting a home flower, it is recommended to close the drainage hole of the pot with a thin piece of foam. For these purposes, you can also use a mosquito net, folded in several layers, or a shard. It is necessary to pour drainage to the bottom, and then a layer of earth, not more than two centimeters high. After that, a flower should be removed from the old pot. It is recommended to slightly clean its roots from the old turf and place the plant in its new "home". After that, holding the flower, it is necessary to fill its lower part with soil, compact the earth with your fingers and water it well. You can pour a small layer of drainage on top. It will help to create the necessary microclimate in the pot.

Plants in the aquarium play a critical role. They maintain the necessary ecosystem balance. Planting aquarium plants possible only after a thorough inspection. The root system, cleaned of dirt, should be thoroughly rinsed in water. Rotting or diseased parts must be removed. If the roots are too large (especially for small plants), then they need to be cut to 2-3 centimeters long.

Planting in the aquarium can be done both before filling it with water, and after the part has already been poured. In the first case, it is necessary to make small holes in the sandy soil and place the plant there. It is important to ensure that the roots do not bend. In the second case, tweezers will be required for planting. With its ends, it is necessary to pinch the roots of the plant and insert the seedling into the ground. Take out the tweezers at an angle. It is recommended to press the long rhizome lightly into the sand with your fingers. Thai, key moss or fern is attached with a nylon string to the stone. The tuber of the plant should be slightly open on top, it cannot be completely immersed in the sand. Before planting, it is recommended to wrap the bulb with filtered cotton to leave room for root growth. Floating plants are lowered into the aquarium after it is filled with water.


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