Tomato Nobleman: description of the variety, characteristics, productivity, features of cultivation

The Nobleman's tomato is specially designed for those regions that are characterized by adverse and even severe weather conditions. However, unlike the other varieties, it tolerates both sudden temperature changes and frosts. About tomato Nobleman, planting and care for him, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this variety can be found in this article.

Plant description

The height of the noble tomato is more than 70 cm. Its bushes can independently regulate their own growth, while needing some formation. Plants are quite stable, they need to be tied up only before the mass ripening of fruits begins.

We begin the description of the Nobleman tomato with leaves. They grow to medium size and are painted only in light green. Most often, the first inflorescences begin to form already over 7-8 leaves. The rest are located higher in the trunk. When the bush begins to bloom profusely, this is not always good. The fact is that in this case, the balance of the distribution of nutrients is upset, which can lead to the harvest of a large number of small tomatoes. Therefore, in the process of growing, it is recommended to pinch the brushes, while leaving about half of the existing flowers. This procedure promotes the formation of extremely large tomatoes.

Tomato Nobleman

Fruit characterization

Before continuing with the description of the Nobleman tomato, it is worth noting that these tomatoes are practically devoid of free fluid. Solids make up 3-5%. The fruits are large and very fleshy. If you cut a tomato, then in its inner cavity can be found from 5 to 9 chambers.

The fruits of this variety have a slightly elongated heart-shaped shape. Depending on the composition of the soil and growing conditions, their color may vary from light pink to dark red. The peel of tomatoes is very delicate and thin. The average weight of large fruits is 300-400 g, but if pinching of the inflorescences was carried out, then individual tomatoes can grow up to 1.5 kg.

The taste of tomatoes of this variety is their main advantage. They are distinguished by a dense and at the same time tender pulp and a rather significant sugar content. Ripe fruits exude a truly alluring aroma. Thanks to the above factors, the Nobleman tomato is one of the classic salad varieties, but it is completely unsuitable for extracting juices. But it is an excellent raw material for the preparation of various sauces and ketchups.

Grade Benefits

The strengths of these tomatoes are as follows:

  • increased immunity to many diseases that affect other varieties of tomatoes;
  • simple care that even a gardener can handle without the experience of growing such crops;
  • during ripening, cracks almost never form on the fruit;
  • the ability to grow plants even in adverse climatic conditions in the open ground;
  • tomatoes are great for cooking not only salads, but also ketchups;
  • excellent taste characteristics. Tomato has a delicious, fragrant and sweet flesh;
  • high yield with proper care. When all agricultural standards are met, the number of fruits collected can reach 30 kg from 1 m² or more;
  • Tomatoes are covered with a strong and at the same time thin and delicate skin, which allows you to keep the crop for a long time. In addition, this characteristic of the Nobleman's tomatoes provides them with good transport tolerance.
The fruit of the nobleman tomato

Variety disadvantages

Despite the excellent characteristics, these tomatoes have their drawbacks:

  • sowing of seeds is made later than small-fruited tomatoes;
  • not suitable for whole-canning;
  • during fruiting, plantings need protection from significant gusts of wind. Despite their powerful stems, they can break, so they need to be tied.

In addition to the above disadvantages, there are two more significant disadvantages that directly affect the crop yield. The first of them is the need for regular fertilizing, and the second is abundant watering of plantings. In addition, you will have to constantly remove stepsons and pinch peduncles. However, all these efforts to grow the Nobleman’s tomato will not be in vain, because they will be rewarded with a tasty, fragrant and high yield, which can last quite a long time.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

For most regions of Russia, this process can begin in the second half of March. The first step is to pickle the tomato seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate. This is to prevent the development of a disease called the "black leg".

For sowing seeds, a fertile, light, and moisture-intensive soil is needed. The depth of planting seeds should not exceed 0.5 cm. Not more than five days later, the first sprouts begin to appear. In this period, good lighting becomes very important, since its deficiency can lead to excessive stretching of seedlings.

When the third pair of full leaves grows on the seedlings, this means that the time has come to dive. This technique contributes to the formation of a well-developed and strong root system in tomato.

Tomato varieties Nobleman


The optimal time for this is considered the second half of May, since the soil already has enough time to warm up. The Nobleman's tomato is a stunted variety, so there should not be more than three bushes per 1 m². If the planting is made thicker, then the plants will interfere with each other's good development. In addition, due to the high density, there is a threat of infection of tomatoes with various fungal diseases. At the end of planting, beds with plants are abundantly watered with slightly warm water.

Experienced gardeners believe that the most suitable time for planting seedlings in open ground is cloudy and rainy weather. This will greatly help plants adapt faster to new living conditions.

Planting tomatoes in open ground


In order for tomatoes of this variety to bring a high yield of the largest fruits in open ground conditions, it is necessary to form them correctly. For these purposes, you need to remove the lateral processes that are below the very first of the flower brushes.

In tomatoes growing in greenhouses, it is better to form two stems. So you can save space and increase productivity. To do this, the lateral process is left on the first stepson, which will subsequently develop and become the main full-fledged stalk.

Such large-fruited tomatoes as the Nobleman variety must be tied up, otherwise the plant will break or weep under the weight of the pouring fruits. For these purposes, either a pre-prepared trellis, or separately dug up stakes, is suitable.

As for watering, in order to obtain large tomatoes, it is necessary to organize a sufficient flow of moisture to the plants. In particular, they need it during the formation of the fruit. When they begin to ripen, the intensity of irrigation must be reduced to avoid cracking. Do not forget about the removal of weeds and periodic loosening of the soil, since getting a good crop without these agricultural techniques will become impossible.

The method of tying tomatoes

Productivity of a tomato of the Nobleman

Its level is quite high, but it largely depends on the composition of the soil and the climatic conditions of the area in which it is grown. It is known that in the West Siberian region, productivity can fluctuate within 105-590 centners per hectare, in the Urals - 260-580, and in the Omsk region - up to 780.

Subject to cultivation technology, in your own personal plot of 1 m², you can grow up to 8 kg of fruits or more. From the time of sowing seeds to the complete ripening of tomatoes usually takes about 105-120 days. Tomatoes are harvested on average, that is, later than early ripening varieties.

The nobleman is a hybrid, so the number of seeds contained inside his fruits is very small. Collecting them is not easy, but quite possible. To do this, you need to take one of the very first ripe tomatoes, wait until he pours, and then select the seeds, wash and dry well. It is recommended to sow them only after 2-3 years.

Growing tomato nobleman

How to deal with diseases and pests

It is believed that tomato nobleman has a relatively good immunity. It is resistant to most diseases characteristic of this culture. However, when growing fruits in a greenhouse on this tomato, you can find areas affected by brown spotting. This disease can develop due to insufficient lighting, as well as excessive soil moisture. If you balance the above factors, you can avoid such a problem.

When growing tomatoes in open ground, they can be threatened by a spider mite. To get rid of it, you need to spray the tomatoes with a soap solution. Until green fruits appear, plants can be treated with special solutions designed to protect against insects.

The nobleman's tomato in a cut


Tomato Nobleman is very popular among gardeners because of its fragrant, sweet and very tasty fruits. In addition, it is not afraid of frost and is resistant to most diseases that affect other varieties of tomatoes.

According to reviews, tomato nobleman is easy to grow. In addition, its fruits in warmer regions begin to ripen by mid-summer. Many lay them in storage and at the same time note that tomatoes can maintain their freshness even before the New Year holidays.


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