Peach spraying in the spring. Peach care in the spring: features and main rules

Gentle and aromatic peach pulp quenches thirst and delights with its taste. And if you consider that this fruit is very healthy and rich in mineral salts and vitamins, then its value increases even more. Regular consumption of peaches increases the level of hemoglobin in human blood. To grow a peach in a summer cottage, you need to know some agrotechnical features.

Peach soil

This tree is very demanding on the quality of the soil. For him, salt licks, swampy and heavy soils are contraindicated. It is strictly forbidden to plant peaches after raspberries, tomatoes, gourds, strawberries, eggplant and potatoes. This fruit tree does not respond well to the remains of alfalfa roots. Therefore, peach can be called a very finicky plant.

Peach spraying in spring
For planting, chernozem or loamy soil is better . Sandy soil is also considered acceptable, but in this case the tree will require frequent watering. Although on such soils the plant is less susceptible to disease. Peach is also demanding for good drainage. Therefore, when landing at the bottom of the pit, stones or gravel are poured.

Landing place

Peach is considered a photophilous plant. Subject to all conditions: proper planting, care and watering, it will give a rich harvest. It is also important to spray peach in the spring. For landing, choose a well-lit place, protected from the wind. Near the peach, it is not recommended to plant taller trees. They will obscure it, which is why crown deformation often occurs, as well as reduced yield and fruit quality.


Peach care in the spring and in any other period consists in regular watering. The future crop depends on it. Although peach is a heat-loving and drought-tolerant plant, it needs a sufficient amount of moisture constantly. But, as they say, in everything you need to know the measure. Excess moisture leads to a tree disease. Waterlogging makes it difficult for oxygen to reach the roots, and they begin to develop poorly.

Peach Processing in Spring
Gum appears on the branches and trunk of the peach. All these factors contribute to the development of diseases and death of the tree. Therefore, proper watering and timely spraying of peach in the spring is very important. In especially dry periods, it is necessary to water the plant every two weeks. Water does not have to be poured into the barrel area. The entire periphery of the crown is well wetted.

Light is the most important factor

As already mentioned, peach is very fond of light and warmth. They plant it in the sunniest, but not windy place. If such conditions are not created for growth, then the tree will not tolerate the cold period. In the spring, many branches will be frozen, and flowering will be sparse.

Peach prune spring pattern
A peach orchard is usually formed in rows, between which there should be a distance of about 5 meters. Between the trees in a row should be about three meters. It is possible to reduce these parameters only in very warm regions, and then not too much. So that the peach does not obscure itself, they regularly prune its branches, forming a crown.

Peach dressing

Regular fertilizer application is very necessary for peach. Peach care in the spring includes a number of activities, including top dressing. The type of fertilizer depends on the type of soil. If the soil is light, sod-podzolic, then annually apply organic and mineral fertilizers. The amount of fertilizing increases with frequent watering, as water leaches nutrients. The first fertilizer should be carried out when planting.

Peach Care in the Spring
In the prepared pit add 10 kilograms of manure or humus mixed with 50 grams of potassium chloride, 50 grams of superphosphate and 300 grams of wood ash. These fertilizers must be mixed well with the soil. Further fertilizer application is carried out in the area of ​​the trunk and around it. In the early years, when digging the earth around a tree, 55 grams of urea or any nitrogen preparations are added. These activities are carried out in the spring, before spraying. In autumn, fertilizing with phosphorus and potash fertilizers is done .

Peach pruning

Pruning peach in the spring, the scheme of which is very simple, is carried out in all adult plants. Spend it early in March or April. This anti-aging procedure gives abundant growth of young shoots. Be sure to remove dried and prune old branches. A tree that has not tolerated frost should be pruned harder. This will help him recover quickly and give new shoots. You can not do pruning in the fall.

Peach inoculation in spring
This will weaken the peach and reduce its chances of a good winter. The crown is regularly thinned so that light penetrates inside. All shoots need to be shortened every year, then the crown will be perfect, and the fruits will not move to its edge. Here is a pruning peach in the spring. Its scheme is not complicated. It is necessary that a spherical crown is obtained. Then your tree will look very good.

Peach spray

The most important procedure is spraying peach in the spring. It is carried out without fail. Curly leaves are a very common disease. Very cold and damp spring weather affects this. The disease manifests itself after the opening of the kidneys. Processing peach in the spring is vital in this case. A diseased tree slows growth, and freezes in winter. If you correctly spray the peach in the spring, then you can cope with the only wave of this disease, which affects mainly young leaves.

How to spray peaches in spring
What are the signs of kinkiness? The leaves curl, coarsen and gradually die. They also change color to light green and reddish yellow. Peach processing in the spring is carried out using fungicides. Also recommended is spraying with Bordeaux liquid (3%). How to spray peaches in the spring? An excellent tool is the fungicide "Skor". Its advantage can be called security. Enough 2 ml per 10 liters of water. Enough of one treatment, but you can repeat the procedure, only no more than three times. Good drugs for spraying are considered Trichodermin, Planriz and Haupsin. They help get rid of diseases such as curly hair, moniliosis, powdery mildew and klyasteroporioz. To control pests, “Haupsin” and “Lepidocide” are used.

Peach grafting

Vaccination of peach in the spring is a very troublesome event. Harvesting cuttings is carried out in December. To do this, use one or two summer plants. Shoots must be strong and well ripened. Then they are stored in a cool place. In early spring they are placed in the refrigerator. The day before planting, the slice is updated and the cuttings are placed in water. As a stock I use wild peach, apricot or almonds. Inoculate cuttings in the spring, in mid-March. Use any method. It is better to carry out this procedure in the morning when the humidity is high. It is advisable to consult with a specialist who will tell you the best way and give advice.


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