Types of legal norms

Public relations are complex and multifaceted. Without proper regulation, they will quickly get out of hand. The task of the state is to create conditions in which everyone could freely exercise their rights. The structure of legal relations is not simple. It is based on legal norms that are adopted for various purposes.

What is a rule of law? This is a specific rule contained in the order of the competent authority. Sanctions on the part of the state may ensue for its failure.

Types of legal norms are different. There are several reasons for the classification.

Types of legal norms

They are distinguished by subjects of lawmaking. In this case, they can come from the state itself or from civil society. In the first case, they are created by representatives of the authorities, in the second - ordinary people (for example, residents of a rural settlement at a gathering or residents of all of Russia in a referendum).

Types of legal norms can be distinguished on the basis of social purpose, as well as the role that they play in a particular legal system. In this case, they can be:

- regulatory;

- constituent;

- security;

- definitive;

- operational;

- conflict;

- protective.

Constituent legal norms are the initial principles of all legal regulation of any social relations, the limits of the state, the legal status of people. They consolidate the foundations of the social as well as the economic structure of the country, and act as the guarantor of freedom and human rights. They are enshrined in the Constitution, laws and codes.

Protective types of legal norms are associated with measures of state coercion. This refers to those that occur as a result of violation of some prohibitions. They not only establish a specific procedure for sentencing, but also conditions, as well as the procedure for exemption from it.

The security standards contain prescriptions that act as a kind of guarantee that in the process of legal regulation all subjective duties and rights will be taken into account. Their social value will be really great only if they are used correctly.

Declarative norms include programmatic proposals that define the tasks and goals of the legal regulation of any particular types of social relations. They contain regulatory announcements.

Definitive norms contain definitions of legal categories and phenomena.

By means of the conflict of laws rules that periodically arise between legal requirements are eliminated. All legal norms are subordinate to higher. Nothing can be contrary to the norms of the Constitution.

The operational ones are related to the date of entry of new legal acts into legal force.

There are other types of legal norms. Distinguish those relating to constitutional, criminal, labor or other law. All these are norms of branches of law. In turn, they can be divided into procedural and material. The latter contain certain rules of conduct, procedural - the basis of the procedure for applying these rules.

Legal provisions may be dispositive, advisory or imperative. In this case, the division is based on methods of legal regulation. The nature of peremptory norms is purely imperious; deviations are unacceptable. Dispositive types of legal norms are autonomous - they provide a certain choice. Recommenders establish the rules of desirable behavior.

Finally, we note that the norms can be:

- general action:

- limited action;

- local.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F2282/

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