How to understand the expression "There is a joke in every joke"?

Most of us believe that laughter prolongs life, so we are not averse to laughing and having fun from the heart. We are happy to watch humorous programs, but there’s nothing to say about KVN that everyone loves, he is the leader in the number of admirers of the contest participants.

It's no secret that laughter is an excellent antidepressant, and even skeptical doctors who do not believe in traditional medicine, but recognize only the therapeutic effect of the tablets, recommend setting yourself up for positive. We will not advise to watch specific programs and funny films, everyone has the right to choose what he likes.

there is a joke in every joke

Jokes about politics

Surely each of you had to hear the phrase: "In every joke there is a fraction of a joke." Very often we laugh at embarrassment on live television and do not always look for the planned intent of the directors in this. But if you take into account the humor that sounds in the format of the Ukrainian program “Evening Quarter”, then you can note the subtle sarcasm with which the participants in the show cover politics. Anyone who is familiar with the situation in Ukraine will immediately notice that in every joke there is a fraction of a joke, everything else is true. Unfortunately, this is laughter through tears, because under the veiled funny images often mean specific people who occupy high posts in the country and do far from funny things.

Family humor

Very often, joke ideas and funny stories that underlie many jokes can be taken from everyday life. A particularly close topic for everyone is the so-called family humor. We are talking about jokes, telling about the difficult relationship of the son-in-law and mother-in-law or about adultery. But in every joke there is a fraction of a joke, and everything else, again, is true. And any family person will say this, because all the stories that we laugh at in jokes, as a rule, happen in reality at almost every step. No need to invent anything, the main source of information is our everyday life, which is full of comic situations. However, this is only partly funny, because if you think about the root of the problem, it turns out not at all fun.

there is some truth in every joke

"Comedy club"

If you try to analyze the humor that sounds from the stage of the well-known Comedy Club, you can clearly see that the ideas for most monologues and sketches are taken from everyday life. Sometimes quite veiled, and sometimes even in plain text, the residents of "Comedy" ridicule human vices and the absurdity of many life situations. So it turns out that in every joke there is a fraction of a joke, and everything else is food for thought and analysis of their behavior.

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Even if you pay attention to communication between friends, it can be noted that with the help of humor we sometimes try to focus on mistakes in the behavior of another person. A veiled hint in which there is a joke, we sometimes understand quickly enough and make the right decision, change our behavior. Sometimes it’s not easy to tell the truth in person: we are afraid to offend a person, or upbringing does not allow us to reproach another ... but we can be smart and subtly joke. So it turns out that in every joke there is a grain of truth.

Development of humor

I must say that as human civilization developed, humor also improved, it became thinner, sharper, more diverse, and most importantly, it acquired a certain didactic function. At first light irony appeared, then stabbing satire and, finally, heavy sarcasm. We began to joke not only and not so much just to laugh, but to make fun of some kind of infection that has become ingrained in our being, be it corruption, censorship, the tendency of fast food lovers to become obese, or a religion that is completely forbidden at first glance. . Now the phrase “Every joke has a fraction of a joke” has acquired quite tangible meaning.

there is some truth in every joke

Yes, in many humorous reprisals, a really large percentage of serious problems can be traced. That’s why laughter is sincere and louder, because we recognize ourselves. And, hearing another joke about her husband’s untimely returning from a business trip and his wife’s love affairs, or about an official who wasn’t clean at hand, we grin: “But it is true! But this is life! ”


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