Barberry - growing and care

The genus of barberries combines different types of spiny evergreen and deciduous shrubs. Their flowers are golden and small, fruits of various shapes and colors (edible in many varieties). Landscape designers in the decoration of personal plots very often use barberry. Growing this shrub and creating a hedge from it is finding an increasing number of fans. There are several hundred varieties of this plant. Unpretentious, drought-resistant, withstanding frosts and strong winds - this is barberry. Growing it thanks to these properties has become popular all over the world.

Growing methods

Propagation of barberry is possible through seeds, cuttings or by dividing the bush. When using any method, the main thing is to know how to choose the right planting material.

Seed method

It will take a long time to plant barberry in a seed way. The fruits are harvested, crushed, squeezed through a sieve. Then they wash and dry to a friable state. The result is seeds that are ready for planting. It is better to sow them in the fall, stratification is carried out before spring use. For two years, barberries that have risen from the seeds are not touched at all, the cultivation of the next two or three years takes place in the school, where they are transplanted.

Vegetative propagation is much faster and easier. We choose a sunny place and plant barberry. Growing in a little blackout is acceptable, the main thing is that there is no stagnation of water.


For cutting cuttings use sharp and clean tools: garden knives, pruning shears or scissors. In some species, those shoots that shoot when bent break with a crunch are used as seedling material. The green branches of the new generation are cut and divided into small bars up to 10 cm long. Each segment should have two nodes and one internode. The top of the handle is cut horizontally, and the bottom - at an angle of 45 °. The lower leaves are completely removed, and the upper ones are cut off halfway. If the shoots have passed the lignification stage, then the blanks are made at the end of the leaf fall and put away in a cool basement until spring. Barberries are planted in boxes with prepared soil mix from peat and sand (1: 3).

Growing in a greenhouse takes from one year to two years with regular watering and spraying. Next, the selection of strong sprouts is carried out and they are transplanted to a permanent place. The weak leave for another year.

Bush section

For division, plants dig a five-year-old planting. With special care, cut the bush along with the roots into two or three parts. Planted in designated areas and watered with a preparation for rooting. This procedure is permissible only in the early spring. If the bush shoots directly from the ground, then this method of propagation is not applicable to it.


It consists of several stages: watering, mulching, top dressing. Water is required only during planting and once a week after it. Before mulching, the soil is loosened. Sawdust, nutshells, peat are used for mulch. The recommended mulching height is more than five centimeters. In the second year, fertilizers with nitrogen, slurry or bird droppings are used - 6 times per season. During the ovary buds are fed with granular complex fertilizers with trace elements. In the fall, superphosphate and potassium fertilizer are scattered around the bushes .

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