Polynesian tattoos: meaning and history

Today, Polynesian tattoos are very popular along with many other types. And now it’s not difficult to do it yourself: you just need to choose a sketch and a good master.


The origin of such intricate patterns is quite interesting. Tattoos are called Polynesian because they originally appeared in Polynesia from the Maori tribe. The process of applying the pattern was considered sacred, so only priests had the right to stuff them. And, as you might already guess, tattoos were also made not for beauty, each of them had a special sacred meaning and was, according to people's ideas, a kind of divine channel. Drawings could be on a specific part of the body (lower leg, chest, thigh, face, hands, etc.) or on several at the same time.

polynesian tattoos

They also played a large role in the tribal society of that time. By tattoos about a person it was possible to determine: character, tribe, occupation, origin and much more. However, it is worth noting the fact that only men could make such a picture for themselves, but in no case women.

What it is?

Sketches of Polynesian tattoos can not be confused with anything. Each of them consists of small patterns, geometric shapes, spirals, bends, lines and other details, which together together form the final whole picture. For example, a turtle, a wave and much more. When choosing, you should know what the meaning of the Polynesian tattoo is. We will consider this in more detail below with specific examples.

sketches of polynesian tattoos


The image of a shark indicates stamina, fortitude, perseverance, because it is a strong and dangerous predator. Such a tattoo could be applied, for example, to fishermen so that it would protect them from other animals. Often such a pattern was applied to the legs or chest.


Very interesting tattoos in the Polynesian style in the form of masks. They are called TIKI in a different way. In ancient times, such images of masks could only be worn by hunters and warriors of the tribe. Why? Because it was these people who were more at risk due to their activities, and TIKI could protect them in difficult times, protect them from attacks by animals and people and, most importantly, from evil spirits. Such Polynesian masks have eyes, when looked into which all the "impure forces" are frightened. As a rule, the Polynesians had several tattoos with TIKI masks on different parts of the body in order to scare away evil from all sides.

Polynesian tattoo mask


Often you can find such an image. The turtle is a symbol of protection, because its durable shell will never let anything bad break through: negative energy, misfortunes, bad thoughts and emotions. It is also a very powerful amulet, according to the Polynesian tribes.

Polynesian tortoise tattoo

The sun

It is a symbol of energy, life, light. Such a tattoo seems to illuminate the life path of a person. The sun is depicted in different ways, which also affects the value. For example, sunrise is an influx of energy, awakening, and sunset means rebirth.


In contrast to the Sun, there is another equally important symbol. The moon (as well as the Month) as a whole denotes everything related to fortitude, and also serves as a kind of figurative source of light and protection for hunters.


In nature, the ramp is generally harmless, but at the same time toxic. These cute creatures are perceived by the Polynesians as a symbol of calm, measured, graceful and beautiful, which can, however, hurt if you encroach on it.

stingray polynesian tattoo


As you can see, the Polynesians with images and patterns on the body sought to adopt all the best traits and qualities personified by these objects or creatures. The same thing happened, for example, with the pattern of a lizard. They come in different forms, but all of them are distinguished by speed, resourcefulness, courage. As a rule, such tattoos were worn by soldiers to help them in difficult times. If the lizard was portrayed with a turtle, then this meant that the carrier of the tattoo is a man of the word.

lizard tattoo Maori tribe


But a kind of spiral was considered a sign of hope and the beginning of a new (better) life. Another name is Koru. Spirals are closed and open. In the first case, this means infinity, constancy, self-development, and in the second - updating and restoration.

Character Meaning

Above, we examined the main options for images and drawings, which consist of patterns and details. However, besides them there are smaller, but no less important symbols of the Polynesian tattoo, each of which also has its own meaning. From them, as a rule, large drawings are also created.

These symbols are interesting not only from the point of view of the history of tattoos, but also for studying the culture and mentality of the tribes of Oceania as a whole. For example, the famous traveler and ethnographer Karl von den Steinen at the end of the 19th century (1897-98) made a lot of useful notes about the life of the Polynesian tribes. He transferred them to other scientists and universities. In his notes, he also touched on the symbols to which the Polynesians attached great importance.

Let us consider in more detail the meanings of these figures.


A person (in other words - "enata") is a fairly simple symbol. As a rule, it happens as part of complex drawings, and denotes loved ones. If enata is upside down, it symbolizes defeated foes.

Also, many Polynesian peoples depicted a circle of these little men, translated as “cloudy sky”, which symbolizes the sky, as well as all the ancestors, which according to legend can patronize the living.

But the semblance of two figures, united together, usually depicts a marriage, a wedding, a couple.

The enata symbols are very easy to confuse with other images of warriors in the form of the same human figures. But between them there is a significant difference - the presence of a spear. And the meaning of such drawings is already different.

It is worth noting that it is not always possible to recognize the symbols of men in a Polynesian tattoo. Some variations are so simplified that they are a kind of geometric image, only slightly resembling a person.


From small simplified images of objects could also make up the whole picture. So, for example, to designate a man-warrior, spears, tips, sharp objects (fangs, stings) and other battle tools could be painted on it. Of these, a long chain or circle was often also made up.

Another indispensable item in the life of the Polynesians, which was also a tool for battles, and used to build houses / canoes, was a hoe. She symbolized skill, strength, respect.

But according to the drawing of the baton, it was possible to determine the leader of the tribe, since only they used it in battles. This subject denotes leadership, nobility, honor, respect, honor. In general, all the qualities of an ideal leader.


Of other simple symbols, inhabitants of islands in Oceania often stuffed animals on bodies. So, for example, often centipedes were depicted. They, like stingrays: are generally harmless, but poisonous, therefore dangerous and symbolize courage, the spirit of struggle.

Lizards (geckos, moko), which often appear in the ancient myths of many peoples, also have a special sacred meaning. The Polynesian tribes believe that these animals bring good luck and protection, protection from evil spirits. In some cases, the image of moko meant divine origin.

Another important animal in the tattoos of Polynesia is the tortoise ("hon"). It represents family, fertility, longevity, peacefulness, the ocean, freedom. The whale symbol also has a similar meaning.

Polynesian arm tattoo

Fish was important for the islanders, as it was the main source of food. And that is why the image with the fish meant abundance, prosperity, life. But the pattern in the form of scales, as was believed, can be a protection for humans.

Often, the inhabitants of the islands tattooed themselves with sharks, or rather, with their sharp triangular teeth. Such a symbol means strength, courage. It is believed that drawing can protect in water. In addition, there is also a symbol of the hammerhead shark, which also symbolizes sociality, friendship.

How to get a Polynesian tattoo these days?

If earlier not everyone could afford such tattoos, but only men of some tribes in Oceania, now everything has become much easier and more affordable. If you went through the directory of Polynesian tattoos and decided to make yourself the desired pattern, then now you need to find a master in a tattoo parlor. In such places, as a rule, many of the tattooists can do such things. They draw a sketch or immediately fill in the selected image. You can make yourself a neat Polynesian tattoo on your arm or fill your entire body, the scope for the embodiment of fantasies is wide enough.

polynesian tattoo symbols

However, many believe that such patterned drawings should be done in Polynesia. And indeed, only there you can feel the sacredness of such an action. Often, drawings are filled there as the distant ancestors of the Polynesians did, using the fang of an animal (for example, a shark or a wild boar). It is worth noting that this is a painful, but at the same time more impressive process.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22836/

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