Ferapontov monastery and frescoes of Dionysius

Ferapontov Monastery (Vologda Oblast), towering above the village of Ferapontovo, is a unique ensemble of beauty, which is a historical monument of world significance. At the moment, it is included in the list of UNESCO. The history of the monastery is directly related to those significant events that took place in Moscow in the XV-XVII century. Here, in the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin, many frescoes by the famous icon painter Dionysius have been preserved.

Monastery ensemble

Ferapontov Monastery is built on a hill between the lakes Borodayevsky and Pavsky, which is connected by a small river Paska. Its ensemble harmoniously combines architectural details of various centuries. Of particular interest is the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin. This is the main church of the monastery, the construction of which was begun in 1490. Not far from the Cathedral in 1530 the Church of the Annunciation was built, and in 1640 the construction of the Church of St. Martimian began.

Ferapontov Monastery

How the monastery was founded

Ferapontov Monastery was founded in 1397 by Ferapont, a native of the ancient Poskochins family. The saint received tonsure at the Simon Monastery in Moscow at the age of forty. Here he became friends with the Monk Kirill Belozersky. Together they listened to the sermons of Sergius of Radonezh, who often visited the monastery. Fulfilling obedience, Ferapont went north to Beloozero. The saint liked the severe northern region, and a little later he decided to return there for feats. This time they went north with Rev. Cyril. Here, at the Siversky Lake, they founded the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery.

After some time, Ferapont founded his monastery on a hill between the lakes of Pavsky and Borodayevsky. At first he lived in a cell built by him in seclusion. He had to go through many hardships. Over time, monks began to come to him, who also built cells here. So gradually this place turned into a monastery.

Ferapontov Monastery Vologda Oblast


The Ferapontov monastery became widely known thanks to the efforts of the Monk Martinian, a disciple of Cyril Belozersky, who, at the insistence of the brethren, became his abbot. Famous representatives of the Russian nobility once came here to worship - Elena Glinskaya, Ivan IV, Vasily III, etc. In the XV-XVI centuries. prominent figures of the Russian church — Bishop of Vologda and Perm Filofei, Bishop of Yaroslavl and Rostov Joasaph and others — came out of the walls of this monastery. Over time, the monastery becomes a place of exile for prominent figures who fought for the supremacy of the Church in the state - Patriarch Nikon, Metropolitan Spiridon-Savva, etc.

murals of ferapontov monastery

Among other things, Ferapontov Monastery was also the largest estate. In the XVII century. about 60 villages, three hundred peasants and 100 wastelands belonged to the monastery.


Despite the fact that in the monastery, starting from the 15th and ending with the 17th century, many stone buildings were erected, it never became a real fortress. His fence remained wooden until the 19th century. This was the reason for the ruin of the monastery in 1614 by Polish-Lithuanian robbers. Stone construction was resumed only 25 years after the invasion. It is precisely because the monastery fell into decay that we owe the preservation of the frescoes in their original form. The monastery was not rich, and therefore the renewal of paintings was never performed.

Ferapontov Luzhetsky Monastery

In 1798, by decree of the Synod, the monastery was abolished. In 1904, a monastery was opened here again, but this time a female one. It did not last long - until 1924. Nowadays, the museum of the frescoes of Dionysius operates on the territory of the monastery.

Icon painter Dionysius

In 1502, the icon painter Dionysius with an artel was invited to the Ferapontov Monastery. His task was to paint the Nativity Cathedral. By that time, Dionysius was already famous and was considered the leading Moscow master. He received his first serious order between 1467 and 1477. At this time, he was invited to participate in the design of the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin in the Pafnutievo-Borovsky Monastery. In 1481, he began to carry out another important task - the implementation of the icons for the iconostasis of the Assumption Cathedral (Moscow Kremlin). The master dealt with the order simply superbly and since then has become the personification of the Moscow school of painting.

Ferapontov Monastery. Frescoes of Dionysius

The frescoes of Dionysius in the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin are the only surviving mural paintings of the master. Before the alteration of the facade in the XVI century. the plots depicted on it were visible from afar. On both sides of the gate are the archangels Gabriel and Michael. The portal is decorated with scenes of the Nativity of the Virgin and the fresco Desus. At the head you can see the medallion with the image of Christ. Above the door, Dionysius placed an image of the Mother of God herself, surrounded by Kozma Mayumsky and John Damaskin. It is this fresco that becomes the beginning of interconnected plot images dedicated to the Blessed Virgin. In the central aspect, the Virgin Hodegetria seated on the throne is depicted with angels kneeling before her. In the temple there are other frescoes representing the attention of the Virgin Mary. Ferapontov Monastery is famous, first of all, thanks to the murals of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin.

Ferapontov Monastery Murals Dionysius

Features of the murals of the temple

The painting system of the temple is organized very strictly and concisely. The frescoes are made taking into account the architectural features of the building. Another special feature that makes the design of the temple harmonious is the mastery of composition. This can be attributed both to the placement of frescoes, and to each individual plot. The pattern is distinguished by the flexibility of the lines and at the same time their conciseness. All images look weightless, looking up. Murals are crowded and dynamic. In order to consider all the murals in the sequence of the plot, it is necessary to go around the entire temple in a circle several times.

Another of the distinguishing features of the frescoes of Dionysius is the softness of colors and elegance. The images are dominated by white, sky blue, yellow, pink, cherry and light green tones. For the background, the icon painter used mainly a bright blue color. Paints were supposedly delivered to the artist from Moscow. The richest paintings in terms of color scheme are medallions under the drum and on spring-loaded arches. In their implementation, both pure colors and mixtures were used.

The murals of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin can be safely called the pinnacle of the work of Dionysius. An interesting fact is that all the frescoes of the Ferapontov Monastery were completed in just 34 days (from August 6 to September 8). And this despite the fact that their total area is 600 m 2 .

Ferapontov Luzhetsky Monastery

In the XV century Beloozero belonged to Prince Andrei, the son of Dmitry Donskoy. In 1408, he turned to Ferapont with a request to establish a monastery in the city of Mozhaisk. After much deliberation, the saint agrees to become the hegumen of the new monastery. The monastery , built on the banks of the Moskva River, was called Luzhetsky. In 1420, the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin was built in it. Not far from the Luzhetsky Monastery today a spring with healing water beats. They call it the well of St. Ferapont. According to legend, he was discovered by the saint himself.

Ferapontov Monastery

Saint Ferapont remained in the Luzhetsky monastery until his death in 1426. In 1547 he was considered a saint. His relics still lie in the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin. Vologda and Luzhetsky Ferapontov Monasteries today are the most valuable monuments of medieval Russian culture.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F2284/

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