Turkish carnation: planting and care in the garden

Carnation is a flower that is traditionally one of the most beloved decorations of the house and the garden. Its various varieties are distributed throughout the globe. These flowers are quite unpretentious, they need only some necessary measures. One of the most common types of these flowers is Turkish clove, planting and care for which have some features.

clove turkish planting and care

These lovely, at the same time delicate and classically serious flowers are interesting not only with the variety of shapes and colors, but also with a subtle unique aroma. Among representatives of this species, you can find both undersized specimens and real giants. And Turkish cloves, the photo of which adorn many pages of magazines for gardeners, can be either short (reach 15-20 cm) or tall (grow up to 60–80 cm). Love her for the original colors, catchy and diverse. Its flowers favorably diversify the foothills of perennial plants, decorate the alpine slides, simply make bright cheerful colors in any landscape. This plant has thin green leaves, the flowers consist of five petals, but can be double. They can be blue, pink, yellow, raspberry, purple and so on. Varieties with a white or color border, variegated or colored, are found. They can be combined or created with their help bright colored spots.

Turkish carnation photo

Planting Turkish cloves is usually done by sowing seeds. They are sown most often in late spring, approximately in May – June. The first sprouts will appear in two weeks. They will need to be thinned, and then fed with complex fertilizer. In the first year, the plant will give lush greenery, and the next year the long-awaited flowers will appear. Turkish carnation, planting and care of which is carried out correctly, pleases the eye with a long flowering. In addition to seeds, propagation is possible and vegetatively - by transplantation of rooted shoots.


planting Turkish carnations

Best of all, these flowers will grow in sunny, well-lit places. They prefer fertile soils, so you should take care of the timely application of fertilizers. But watering should be regular (at least twice a week), but not redundant. These flowers do not tolerate excess moisture, and its stagnation can lead to a serious disease - root rot - and subsequent death of the plant. Given that fresh greens cover the ground with a fluffy carpet, care must be taken to loosen and drain the soil to avoid waterlogging. Gardeners who like Turkish cloves, planting and caring for it seem quite simple. This flower reproduces very well also on its own, self-seeding. For this, part of the faded flowers is left to ripen, and then the seeds are allowed to fall on the same flower bed where the parent plants are. These variegated cloves tolerate winter cold.

Turkish carnation, planting and caring for which is not difficult, is one of the most common garden flowers. Usually it is used as a two-year plant, but reproduction by self-pollination will allow you to constantly have a flower bed with blooming flowers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22851/

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