Melamori Blimm: character, appearance, abilities

Melamori Blimm is one of the main characters in the series of works “The Labyrinths of Echo”, written by a literary duet under the pseudonym Max Fry. An unusual character that causes mixed emotions after meeting him. He has magical abilities, which he improves as he grows older and with the advent of new adventures. Consider in more detail in the article.

melamori blimm appearance

Who is Melamori Blimm?

Melamori first appears on the pages of the cycle when Max gets into Echo and begins to get acquainted with his future colleagues in the search. She turns out to be the only girl who works under the supervision of Juffin.

Melamori Blimm immediately hit Max. Almost at the very beginning of history, they are trying to build a relationship, but due to a combination of circumstances, this does not work. Only after going a long way of friendship and relationships with others, they changed so much that they could be together. After all, nothing has remained of the past Max and Melamori.

melamori blimm

Biography of Lady Melamori Blimm

Lady Melamori has aristocratic roots. Her relatives are close to the Order of the Seven-year-old, Uncle Kim still works for them as the keeper of the wine cellars. It is from him that Melamori Blimm can often be found a rarity in wine stocks. The parents are Lady Atissa and Sir Korva Blimm.

Father expected him to have an heir, but a girl was born. Because of this, they often cursed with their father. Having matured, Melamori studied at school, after which she was invited to the service by the chief of the Secret Police, Juffin Halle. At the time of the beginning of the story, the girl is about 130-140 years old.

Melamori's character is not sugar, she is rather stubborn and freedom-loving. That is why it is not going to get married, despite the large number of fans. In appearance, Melamori Blimm is similar to the English actress Diana Rigg.

melamori blimm appearance

She also has a fragile physique, but has physical strength and dexterity. All this helps the girl in work.

Some time after meeting Max and Melamori, they begin to feel sympathy for each other. However, the girl is afraid of relationships and her feelings. Eventually, events lead to fatal actions, as a result of which the couple cannot be together.

To get rid of attachment to Max (after all, both are sure that they can never be together), Melamori after a while swims to the distant Arvarokh with Alotho Alliroh. It is there that she grows older and wiser, becomes a bird. In fact, Melamori just learned how to transform into a gimlet - a bird very revered on Arvaroha. So she changed her fate, as a result of which a new round in relations with Max began, they moved to a romantic level.

melamori blimm photo

Melamori's choice of profession and ability

About her work in the Secret Investigation should be emphasized. She received the post of Master of Pursuit of those who hid and flee thanks to her unique abilities (although in Echo they are almost unique to everyone). Melamori can find any living person by simply standing on his trail. Moreover, when she finds him, it is not a fact that a person will feel as good as at the beginning of his journey. He begins to have health problems, his heart goes awry, and he doesn’t want to go anywhere.

When Melamori lived on the island of Arvarokh, she, thanks to her personal actions, received a continuation to her name (like all Arvarokhites). She was also accepted for training by local burivuhi, who were revered by the locals as gods. Melamori made her nest and began to live on a tree. After some time, I learned to turn into a gimlet in a dream.

At the beginning of the story, when Max moved to Echo, Melamori was the only woman in the Secret Investigation. But by the end of the story, the situation is changing, and Juffin is hiring another woman - Kekki Tuotli. Melamori was not very upset, because after a while she had other problems (imprisonment of Max in the Silent City, his search and rescue).

city ​​of Echo

Interesting facts from her life

  • It has the ability to turn into a gimlet (after a trip to Arvarokh).
  • There is a pet - Hub, which was presented to her by Alotho Alliroch.
  • The second after Max learned to drive a car fast.
  • He simply loves ice cream and can eat it in large quantities.
  • Learned to travel in a dream in the guise of a gimlet.

If it were possible to take a photo in Echo, Melamori Blimm would appear on it a refined lady with an adventurous look. A sort of bird that can condescendingly look at the interlocutor, but after a moment peck it on the forehead. The character himself makes the reader pay attention to himself with his spontaneity and ease. Although many, after reading the book, note that Lady Melamori behaves somewhat repulsively.


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