Who is a shopaholic? Joint purchases in Samara

How can I get past new shoes? Fashionable, inexpensive, beautiful ... And it doesn’t matter that several dozens of pairs are already gathering dust, because, as you know, TV stars have several hundred pairs of shoes - and there’s nothing wrong with that. However, there is a problem. It is called "shopaholism."

Samara shopaholics

Shopping and shopaholism are not synonyms, and you need to be able to separate the good from the bad. It is important to be able to buy correctly, but not become dependent on things.

Why do you want to buy?

A shopaholic is a person prone to impulsive shopping. He liked something - and right away there was not a single thought in his head, even breathing became less frequent, and the object he loved became the center of the universe. Psychologists say that sometimes a person even goes into a trance, and the price completely loses its value. Of course, for the seller to take advantage of this situation is a matter of honor.

The fashion industry makes money by creating things that no one can pass by. A shopaholic is the main profit object of fashion production.

joint venture 96 shopaholics

Paradoxes and shopaholism

As you know, it is fashionable to be slim. If you believe the catwalks, that woman is beautiful, whose stomach is perfectly flat, there are practically no priests. If clothing emphasizes the elegance of the body, it is stylish and fashionable. Reaching middle age, almost all women pay a lot of attention to glossy publications, where they are looking for how to dress properly. As a rule, they concentrate on the elements from which the images are composed, but miss the picture as a whole. Well, when it becomes clear that the figure of an ordinary woman is not the podium standard at all, the lady sits on a strict diet to fit into the “same” red dress of small size.

So what do Samara shopaholics do? They buy clothes one size smaller, thereby creating a stimulus for losing weight.

Brands as a means of luring money

When a woman buys a new thing, she is sure to see what kind of company she made it for. And belonging to the top brand is what immediately increases the value of a blouse or dress. It doesn’t matter that neither quality nor design stands out from the others, because the cherished words are written on the label - Prada, D&G, Louboutin.

shopaholics Samara parents

Where do the roots of the dream of having such a label grow? Yes, these brands themselves grow it. You need to make people pay unrealistic money for simple things. This is status, this is fashion, this is the style of a big city. What to hide, it turns out that well-known companies advertise their name for five points. And what do we see? In stores, the lady seeks to buy a Louis Vuitton handbag and Pazzolini shoes, while she takes the subway and lives in a rented apartment.

Shopaholism in Russia

Is it possible to say that shopaholics are Samara parents if they are people with a low income level and do not allow themselves expensive brands? Much depends on behavior. If a person, despite a small salary, leaves all the money in the store, you can safely talk about uncontrolled shopping as a disease. However, it is necessary to separate those who are really sick and those who made an impulsive purchase several times. Everyone has accidents in life, but it’s important even before the cashier to analyze whether a particular thing is needed. Maximum self-control is a powerful defense against shopaholism.

shopaholics sp

More often than not, a shopaholic is a woman. This is largely due to life's difficulties, constant stressful situations. Many say that shopping helps to calm down, leave unpleasant experiences and conflicts in the past. Often, buying is just a universal way to improve your mood; it works like an antidepressant. However, it must be remembered that healthy people do not need medications, and few are truly ill with depression. This means that you should not resort to shopping every time a small breakdown occurs. They don’t shoot sparrows from the cannon, and the chances of getting used to it with each new impulsive purchase are all higher.

To relieve passion and not spend a lot of money: how?

Is it possible to buy everything you need, save a significant amount and ensure a good mood? Of course, yes. Joint purchases come to the rescue - "SP 96". Shopaholics of Samara have long rated them as an effective tool that saves the family budget.

shopaholic is

Everyone loves to buy things cheaper, but of high quality. A few years ago, we came up with the following mechanism: a group of people come together to order together a large batch of products directly from the manufacturer. The factory sells goods at a wholesale price, and the organizer of such an event takes a small percentage as a reward. The benefits of a retail purchase in a regular store vary from 30 to 70 percent.

Are shopaholics able to buy things in bulk? The joint venture taught them this. Fortunately, there are special resources where experienced wholesale procurement organizers post detailed instructions and large catalogs. Here, users can share impressions of a particular batch of goods. As soon as the necessary number of applicants is gathered on the lot proposed by the organizer, the order is sent to the supplier and only a few days later the treasured gizmos are in the hands of the participants.

All organizational issues are assumed by the person who deals with the joint venture. Often this is a person with the legal status of individual entrepreneurs, since factories and factories can not sell bulk lots to physical customers without extra charges. The organizer takes upon himself all communication with the supplier, payment of bills, organization of delivery and distribution of goods “in hand”. Many reserve the right to return unsuitable goods to bidders, which they then sell at a retail price.

So, a shopaholic is someone who does not know how to spend money wisely. A joint shopping service allows you to exclude this disease, fill the house with necessary things and save money.

Organize by yourself: is it possible?

The thought comes to mind: if everything is so simple, why not do it to me? She visited the heads of many, and people went into business - and successfully. True, you need to understand that money does not fall from the sky, and the organization of a joint venture requires certain efforts, in particular, the trust of potential buyers.

shopaholic is

The most difficult moments:

  • it is not always possible to communicate with the supplier in Russian;
  • you need to build up your own customer base;
  • you must have the status of an individual entrepreneur.

If the language barrier and legislative difficulties are not a disaster, you can safely start organizing your own business. You can build a clientele through regional forums, social networks, but it is best to start with your friends and good acquaintances. The first purchases may not go too smoothly - for example, the deadlines will be delayed due to the lack of experience in placing orders. It is necessary to select such customers for the first parties, which will sympathize with a slight delay.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22856/

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