Poland. Elblag. City attractions and reviews of tourists

Harsh forests, clear lakes, high mountains, wide fields, deep sea, the complicated history of statehood, unique examples of ancient culture, proud residents - these are all Poland. Elblag, unlike Sopot or Gdansk, is not so famous in the world of travelers, although it is also located on the shores of the Baltic Sea. Moreover, the city has an interesting history, full of curiosities and monuments. Those lucky ones who have already managed to visit here share vivid impressions and positive emotions in tourist reviews.

poland elblg

History of the city

Elblag was founded in 1237 by the master of the Teutonic Order, Hermann von Balke. Initially, it was a small settlement, but its development took place so quickly that after 9 years it already received the status of a city (1246). During the first seven decades of the existence of the village in Elblag, the most important center of regional life, the only seaport and the main military base of the organization of the state of the Teutonic Order, was located. In the XIV century there was an important port of the Prussian kingdom. In 1454, after many battles, the city finally passed into the hands of the Poles, and the castle was destroyed. The main memorials of history and culture relate precisely to this period.

Poland. Elblag. sights

Almost 800 years of history left in the city many traces of the past. Much was destroyed during World War II, however, a thorough reconstruction of the Old Town allows us to appreciate the power of past eras. This area is a true paradise for archaic scholars. Gothic architectural monuments include the Market Gate, the Canal, old houses on the Holy Spirit Street and the Palace of Augustus Abbegg, as well as the ruins of the upper and lower castles.

Poland elblag description

Among the memorials of an earlier period, a special place is occupied by the Cathedral of St. Nicholas, built in the 13th century. Valuable interior items have been preserved in it: a bronze font of 1387 and a sculpture of the patron saint of the diocese - St. Wojciech. Next to the cathedral is now a statue of John Paul II. It was staged in honor of the visit of the Pope to Elblag, which took place in 1999. Then he gathered for mass for about 300 thousand believers.

Poland elblag attractions

The Dominican Church of St. Mary, the Corpus Christi Hospital, the churches of the Holy Spirit and St. Anthony also belong to the Middle Ages. Of no less interest is the Way of the Church - a narrow passage between the houses, uniting the three temples of the Old City. Poland was included among the most unique architectural monuments of the country. Elblag proudly supports this opinion. Reviews of tourists remind that, being here, it is worth visiting the museum of history and archeology, as well as the library and art gallery.

Market Gate

One of the most characteristic and recognizable sights of Elblg is Market Gate. Their image can be found on numerous souvenirs and postcards, as well as on the back of the commemorative coin dwuzłotowej from the series “Historical cities of Poland”, issued by the Polish National Bank in 2006.

The building was built in the XIV century and was part of the defensive system. The shafts themselves have not been preserved. The lower part was erected in 1319, in the 1420th the building acquired a superstructure. While working on the top, they completed the porch with two turrets, which lasted until 1775, protecting the city from the north, especially at night. Later, a baroque-style observation deck and clock appeared on the roof - a gift from the Hamburg Senate to the residents of Elblg.

Poland elblag photo

A lot of legends about sights tremulously save Poland. Elblag describes the market gate description with a beautiful legend. It tells how a young baker’s apprentice, Waldemar Grabovecki, saved the inhabitants of the city from the invasion of the Teutonic Knights. In memory of this event, a monument to the brave and resourceful young man stands at the Gate, and a festival of bakers is held annually.

Museum of History and Archeology

Few people know that numerous fruitful excavations were carried out in Elblg. It is in the local museum that history buffs will discover all these treasures. Many exhibits are unique on a European scale. So, here you can see medieval musical instruments, wax boards and pilgrim signs. In addition, there are presented no less interesting artifacts from ceramics, amber, metal and leather. The exposition of the Museum of History and Archeology is divided into two main areas: the Old Town of Elblag and the commercial settlement of the Middle Ages.

Elblag Canal

Another attraction, the Elblg Canal, was designed by an engineer, Georg Jakob Šteenk, in 1848 to link the system of lakes with the Vistula Gulf in the Baltic Sea. The connecting structure with a length of more than 80 km and a height of about 100 meters includes a number of unique lifts on which ships move on land. In the 19th century, the waterway acquired important economic importance. But with the development of road and rail transport, Poland also discovered new roads.

Poland elblag what to see

Elblag canal is now used for individual and group tours. Reviews of tourists who visited the route claim that the natural landscape here is simply amazing. The inaccessible swamps and reeds along the shores of Lake Druzno have become an ideal refuge and bird nesting site, as well as a stop during seasonal migrations. An ornithological reserve has been opened on its territory, which has 110 species of only nesting birds. This is about 50 percent of the entire avifauna of the country.

Poland elblag description

Forest Park Bażantarnia

A charming natural park, full of wooded hills, deep ravines, mysterious and beautiful valleys, is located in a suburban area. The silver stream so shaped the picturesque landscape that Northern Poland (Elblg) in this place is deceptively similar to the mountainous Southern. The territory covers an area of ​​369 hectares.

poland elblg

This is the most visited vacation spot of citizens. Here you can take a short walk, ride a bicycle or spend hours wandering around marked hiking trails of varying difficulty. In the reviews of tourists, the legend of the Devil's Stone is often mentioned. Tradition has it that Satan himself threw a block into the channel of the Silver Stream. And the trained eye can even detect the imprint of his paws on the rock.

Poland elblag attractions

Poland. Elblag. What to see more?

In tourist reviews, two more objects worthy of the attention of travelers are often mentioned - the city library and the EL gallery.

The unusual appearance of the reading room is associated with its past. On March 15, 1242, the city council established the foundation act for construction. Initially, there was a shelter for the elderly and sick, and then a hospital. And only in the 70s of the last century a book depository was opened here. The library has one of the most valuable collections of antique prints in the country. It also hosts cultural events of the city - meetings, exhibitions, etc.

The Center for Contemporary Art is located in one of the oldest temples of Elblg in the Dominican Church of the Virgin Mary. On July 24, 1961, Gerard Kvyatkovsky and Janusz Hankovsky first exhibited their works in the church. This date is considered the beginning of the existence of the EL gallery.

What do travelers write about Elblag?

Many reviews of tourists note that in recent years, the update has become characteristic of the settlements of the Commonwealth. Gradually turns into one of the most beautiful cities of the region and Elblag. All-knowing tourists believe that the manifesto of the first President of the country, Lech Walesa, “Government from the people for the people”, or, more simply, financing of transformations often goes according to the scheme: “Poland - Elblag”, really works here.

Poland elblag photo

Photos and videos of travelers capture the charming atmosphere prevailing here. Someone compares local landscapes with the Netherlands. And this is understandable: the junction of two geographical regions - the dull Vistula-Zhulavsky and the plateau rising above the waters of the Baltic Gulf - opens up great opportunities for various forms of recreation.

Poland elblag what to see

Almost everyone admires the Old Town with a historical layout. Its characteristic feature is the path of the church, which lovers of art and sacred architecture especially like. Once here, tourists feel as if in the Middle Ages.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22873/

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