The most expensive stones in the world: description, names and reviews

Gemstones have amazing magic - they conquer a person at first sight. In ancient times they were used to decorate amulets. It was believed that they can protect a person from illness and evil spirits. Some believed that stones were able to predict the future. Later, when they began to study, it turned out that each gem has its own strength. The most expensive stones in the world are valuable precisely because of this property.


A diamond is a gem that has a simple structure. It consists of a single chemical element - carbon. The atoms of the substance are located deep underground, there they are exposed to strong heating and pressure for a long time.

Diamonds are believed to be the most expensive stones in the world. A quality diamond weighing just one gram can cost hundreds of thousands of rubles.

What determines the price of a diamond:

  • weight;
  • quality;
  • the form;
  • color.

Diamond weight is measured in carats. By the way, a very interesting fact: in ancient times, “karate” called special seeds, by which they compared the size of gems. One carat is 0.2 grams.

the most expensive stones in the world

The most expensive stones in the world have uneven weight. For example, a one gram diamond will cost several times cheaper than a stone that weighs 0.99 g. It is believed that such a gem is unique, special. The reviews of those people who managed to get such a stone are enthusiastic. They say that he is of unprecedented beauty and simply “burns” in the sun.

The cost also depends on the cut and color. Most often, a diamond can be found in a round shape. Of all the variety, only a few stones are colorless. The more transparent the gem, the more expensive it will cost. As for colored stones, it is worth noting that they are more expensive than white. They can have a pink tint, green, yellow or red.

What kind of diamond can we say that it is the most expensive stone in the world? The name is very interesting - "Cullinan." The stone weighs more than 600 grams (3106 carats).


This stone is also known as corundum. The structure is crystalline; from chemical elements it contains only aluminum oxides. According to the hardness scale, it is believed that after diamond sapphire is the strongest gem.

what are the most expensive stones in the world

One of the main factors determining the cost of a stone is its origin. Quality sapphires can be found in Kashmir, they have a delicate cornflower blue hue. An interesting fact is that the gem does not change color even under artificial lighting. That's great rarity.

The most expensive stones in the world are those sapphires that are of natural origin. The cleaner the shade of the gem, the higher its value. Too dark or pale stones are cheaper.


The crystal structure of the stone consists of aluminum and beryllium. With artificial lighting, the gem retains its natural tint.

Emerald, which has been recognized as the most expensive gem in the world, is the size of a watermelon. Its weight is 57.5 carats, which is about 12 kilograms. It is believed that it was mined in Brazil. The stone is called Teodora.

the most expensive stones in the world name

Most natural emeralds have internal defects, uneven color and surface cracks. The brighter the color of the gem, the higher will be its main cost.

It is not difficult to distinguish a real stone from a synthetic one. A natural emerald is neither ideal nor transparent. As for high-quality synthetics - such gems are completely transparent and have a rich green color.

The most expensive gems in the world are those whose color resembles the shade of dill. They are extremely rare and are very popular.


When the question arises of what are the most expensive stones in the world, the name "ruby" cannot be ignored. The gem structure is composed of alumina. A stone of natural origin is characterized by internal defects that are visible to the naked eye. Color can be brown, red.

The most valuable is the ruby, which has a shade of "pigeon blood" - a pure red color with a slight purple tint.

the most expensive stone in the world

What determines the cost of ruby:

  • number of defects;
  • clarity and beauty of color;
  • purity.

Top quality ruby ​​is considered valuable regardless of its weight. In Upper Burma, there is a gem of a shade of "pigeon blood." It has 5 carats and costs 10 times more than the exact same stone, but from Thailand.

As for reviews of ruby. Jewelry with this stone is very popular with the fair sex. It is believed that the ruby ​​adorns the girl, reveals her femininity.


What are the most expensive stones in the world? The list of gems is large. The place of honor is pearls. It is formed in the body of an oyster. If an object of foreign origin, for example, the smallest grain of sand, somehow enters the sink, then the mollusk immediately begins to push it out. He allocates mother-of-pearl to cover them with a “stranger”. The thicker the pearl layer, the more elegant and more expensive the pearl will be.

what is the most expensive stone in the world

By the way, a very interesting fact is that this is a unique stone that jewelers use without preliminary processing.

The pearls that can be found today in stores are cultured. Its creation takes place with human participation. A bead is hooked into an oyster. The properties are the same as those of natural stone, only the pearl layer is much thinner, and these stones are collected much earlier.


Everyone knows this gem. Its main feature is the ability to change its shade. If in daylight the gem shines with bluish-green rays, then with artificial it will show itself as olive or blue-green.

the most expensive gems in the world

The very first stone was found in Yekaterinburg in 1833. He impressed people with his unusual shape and play of colors. The cost of alexandrite can be different, it depends on its quality and cut - from 9 to 16 thousand conventional units.

Blue tourmaline

The first time such a stone was found in eastern Brazil. The gem has a blue-turquoise hue. The most expensive stones in the world are mined there to this day. However, their deposits were also discovered in Madagascar.

the most expensive gem in the world

Blue tourmaline is a very rare gem. Lovers of jewelry note that the faceting, shape and uniqueness of this stone are striking with their unique beauty. The price varies from 12 to 15 thousand dollars per carat. However, if the gem is of the highest quality, it can cost even more.


Translated from the Tamil language, this name means "sunrise." This sapphire has an amazing shade - something between soft orange and pink. Once mined in Sri Lanka. However, now there is practically no stone left. Man has found another way to get it. In a special furnace, mineral corundum is heated to a certain temperature. The last stone mined in this way in Sri Lanka was sold for 18 thousand dollars. It was more than 20 years ago.

the most expensive stones in the world

To date, a 5-carat padparaj is considered a collectible gem. Its cost is approximately 30 thousand dollars per 1 carat.


This mineral is considered the most mysterious of all that have been found on the planet. Has a beautiful smooth green color, rounded shape. The approximate cost in the market ranges from 20 thousand dollars.

what are the most expensive stones in the world

Now the gem is mined in Mexico, Japan, China, the USA and Kazakhstan.


Some time ago, the value of this gem was known only to individual collectors. The mineral is considered a variety of beryl, but it is very rare here. Has a rich burgundy shade, uneven cut.

You can get the gem only in New Mexico and Utah. Finding a stone for sale is almost impossible. Collectors note that a copy of this mineral is extremely expensive. For one carat will have to pay about 12 thousand dollars.

the most expensive stones in the world name

It is difficult to determine the true value of stones precisely because there are very few of them.


This is one of the rarest gems. All over the world there are no more than 10 copies. The average cost per carat is 6-8 thousand conventional units.

the most expensive stone in the world

The only place where the gem was mined is San Benito County. The first time a stone was discovered there in 1906. He was later recognized as the state's precious state symbol.

Red diamond

Many people wonder what is the most expensive stone in the world. This is a diamond. But not simple, but red. It is very rare and is considered the most significant gem. Over the entire existence of mankind, only a few instances of this mineral have been found. Most are relatively lightweight - 0.5 carats.

what is the most expensive stone in the world

Red diamond is mined at the Argyle mine. Gems weighing more than 0.1 carats are immediately auctioned. The price of such a pebble can reach more than a million dollars. Many collectors of unique jewelry dream of getting a gem for their collection.

Customer reviews of gems can be found versatile. Someone prefers diamonds, others like alexandrite. Only one conclusion can be made: a stone is an amulet that each person must choose individually for himself.


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