Karakol lakes: description and photo

These wonderful water bodies, attracting more and more tourists every year, are one of the most interesting sights of Altai. These places are famous for their magnificent climate and nature, great opportunities for a varied vacation.

In this article, travel enthusiasts can find answers to questions regarding this wonderful region of Russia - the region where the Karakol lakes are located (see photos in this article). Their name in translation means “black lakes”.


There are Karakol lakes in Altai, in the territory of the Chemal region of the republic. This group of reservoirs consists of seven high-altitude picturesque lakes located on the western slope of the Igozh ridge, which is a watershed of the Katun and Biya rivers .

In this place the river Tura originates, which flows into Karakol. The latter, in turn, carries its waters into the Elekmonar River, which is a tributary of Katun. The lakes are 30 kilometers from the village of Elekmonar.

Karakol lakes


In geological terms, the origin of the water bodies is glacial-tectonic. All basins are located on the steps of a powerful ramp. In other words, the Karakol reservoirs are a kind of giant stepped depressions, each of which is filled with water. Therefore, Karakol lakes are located at different levels. The height of the lowest, seventh lake, is 1840 meters above sea level, and the highest is at an altitude of about 2100 meters.

A certain regularity is observed both in the size of the lakes and in the temperature of the water: they decrease with increasing height of their location. All of them are not very deep, but even in summer the water in them is cold. From the upper reservoirs, it gradually flows into the lower.

The distance between the lakes is from 300 to 800 meters, and they are interconnected by streams. In clear cold water there is practically no vegetation, as well as fish.

Karakol lake

About the status of the area

In 1996, the complex of Karakol lakes in Altai was granted the status of a Natural Monument. The mode of his visit is reserved-recreational. In recent years, compliance has been strictly monitored.

Campgrounds may only be set up in specially designated places. There is also a guesthouse “Karakol Lakes”, located at one of the lower lakes. Travel agencies of the Chemal district organize excursions to the lakes.

Climatic conditions

The climate in Karakol lakes differs from the areas of nearby valleys. In the summer months, the average temperature is 5 degrees lower. For example, in July it is 10-11 ° C. In winter, air temperature rises due to the influence of temperature inversion, and it is higher than in other areas. For example, in comparison with the lower reaches of the valley of the Elikmanar River, it is 3-4 degrees warmer here.

Annual precipitation reaches up to 1000 mm, with the maximum amount occurring in summer. In winter, the thickness of the snow layer reaches 120 mm, despite the fact that it is almost absent in the Katun river valley (Chemal - Elikmanar).

Top view of the lake


Due to the location of lakes at high altitudes with a significant difference, the territory of this place covers a wide range of climatic and natural zones.

Massifs of mountain taiga represented by cedars were located in the vicinity of the lower lakes. Alpine meadows with various herbs and flowers appear above. Surrounded by upper reservoirs, trees, bushes, grasses grow, and animals, characteristic of the alpine tundra, live.

Many lakes and streams with waterfalls flow on the territory of the lakes. The warmest lake is the lower one. Therefore, sometimes in the summer the most brave and hardy tourists bathe in it. The water in the lakes is so clean that you can drink it even without boiling.

Vegetation on the Karakol lakes

Short description of the lakes

  1. The lowest first lake is at an altitude of about 1820 meters. Area - 25 thousand square meters. meters with a length of 225 meters and a width of 150 meters. The total length of the coastline is 625 meters. Depth on average - 3 m, maximum - 8 m. The shape of the lake is round. The aquatic vegetation is rather poor: reeds grow in the eastern and northern parts, and this indicates the gradual overgrowing of the lake. Summer water temperature - + 8-10 ° .
  2. The second lake is the largest of the entire system. Height - 1830 meters. It is almost round in shape, length - 440 meters, width - 350 m. The total length of the coastline is 1250 meters. The area is 117 thousand square meters. m, depth - on average 6 m (maximum - a little over 10 m). Origin - moraine-dammed. There is no vegetation in the water. In the summer, the water warms up to +7 ° C.
  3. The third lake is located at an altitude of 1915 meters. Area - 36 thousand square meters meters with a length of 370 meters and a width of 150 m. The total length of the coastline is 950 meters, the average depth is 3.6 m. The origin is moraine-dammed. Summer water temperature is 5 ° C.
  4. The fourth lake, located at an altitude of 1940 meters, has an area of ​​17 thousand square meters. meters with a length of 240 meters and a width of 105 m. The coastline stretches for 660 meters, the average depth is 2 meters. The water temperature in summer is 5 ° C. Today, overgrowing coasts.
  5. The fifth lake is not very large (an area of ​​10 thousand square meters). Height - 2100 meters, width - 60 m, length - 212 meters. It is 500 m long and 1.5 m deep on average. The coasts of Karovy origin are composed of bedrock. Summer water temperature is 3 ° C. Above is the highest step of the car, which is usually filled with snow.

There are two more small lakes located in the valley that goes from the fourth lake.

Upper Karakol Lake

How to get there

By the standards of the Altai mountains, Karakol lakes are relatively close to settlements. It is believed that getting to them is quite simple, although there is no asphalt road to these lakes, as noted above.

The weather here is good at any time of the year, but it is better to travel in the summer. First, you should use public transport or a private car to get to the village of Elekmonar. Then, on an SUV, you can drive part of the path along a rocky road that stretches along the Elekmonar River along a mountain gorge, which presents delightful landscapes to the gaze of travelers. Then 5-7 kilometers to the destination you have to walk along the path rising up the mountain. You can take an equestrian tour from the village of Elekmonar to the lakes.

All the way from the first lake to the last you can safely walk in 5 hours. Such a leisurely hiking allows you to fully see the rich diversity of the nature of these places.

Seven lakes

About rest

Karakol lakes are one of the favorite places for tourists. Most of all, these water features attract travelers who love camping. There are more and more such people. As noted above, these places are protected, so you can not put up tents everywhere. The places intended for them should be obtained from representatives of either travel agencies or environmental organizations.

Traveling companies offer horseback riding and hiking tours for vacationers. On the coast of one of the lakes (fifth in a row) there is an equestrian tourist base "Karakol Lakes" with comfortable living conditions. The following tours are offered for vacationers: to the complex of lakes, to the Bagatash pass, to the old mysterious Castle of ancient spirits, to the Muehtinsky waterfall, horseback riding in the mountains and to the lakes, to Lake Victoria. There is a two-day excursion to Lake Veronica.


All Karakol lakes of Altai are a unique natural monument. These lakes and surrounding places have attracted people from ancient times, providing more and more opportunities for both educational and recreational activities.

Undoubtedly, those feelings are incomparable when you see all the beauty and splendor of the whole Altai Territory with your own eyes. And the Karakol reservoirs are one of the most amazing monuments created by the enchantress-nature.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22883/

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