How to get permission to redevelop the apartment: where to go, what documents are needed

How to get permission to redevelop the apartment? It is necessary to collect a package of documents for the regional housing inspection. Experts verify the consistency of each paper with the relevant department, the placement of rooms on the architectural scheme, the state of building structures that the owner plans to affect. It is mandatory to know all the little things, how to get permission to redevelop the apartment, because unauthorized destruction of the walls is dangerous, fraught with the destruction of the entire structure. Architects had stringent requirements for restructuring due to illegal interference in the supporting structures of real estate owners, as a result of which the multi-storey building turned into a children's pyramid, and a gap in the communication pipeline occurred.

redevelopment cost of the apartment

A redesign view

The need to answer the question of how to get permission to redevelop the apartment arises from citizens during overhauls. Bold design ideas are born in the head, but a partition, a narrow doorway or other design features interfere with their implementation. It is impossible at your own discretion, without understanding the construction schemes and the purpose of each beam, to demolish or move the wall. Projects are developed and created by architects with knowledge of all the connecting links, which is why the construction serves its master for a long time and with high quality. Why is it necessary to know how to get permission to redevelop an apartment? Because you have to change the configuration of the premises.

The concept of redevelopment includes actions:

  • new walls or partitions are being built;
  • completely dismantled building surfaces;
  • Plumbing communications are being installed and moved;
  • floor or ceiling ceilings are changed;
  • openings are arranged or removed;
  • intervention in the design of loggias, balconies, including glazing;
  • front installation of air conditioners.

Any change in the structure scheme must be recorded in the technical passport. A similar procedure is allowed by competent authorities, each carries out verification, calculations according to its profile, which depend on the complexity of the restructuring.

redevelopment of the apartment that is impossible

Characteristics of simple changes

If you think about the price of the issue, then the cost of redevelopment of the apartment increases from the amount of work. But coordination requires a simple rebuild:

  • laying of a doorway in a bearing wall or opening;
  • cutting openings on the surface of the partition between rooms;
  • the construction of a new wall that does not increase the load on the ceiling;
  • any manipulation of partitions, demolition or device elsewhere.

It will be enough for the specialist to hand over the sketch with the new device so that he assesses the degree of danger of the upcoming restructures.

redevelopment of the apartment that is possible

What fits the definition of complex building configurations?

The cost of redevelopment of the apartment consists of the following values:

  • development of design documentation - within 100 000 rubles;
  • obtaining a technical passport - up to 15,000 rubles .;
  • issuance of permission - up to 30,000 rubles.

Obtaining such documentation requires a serious redevelopment of the structure:

  • work with doorways in load-bearing structures;
  • breakdown of the apartment into additional rooms;
  • interference with the bearing surface;
  • changing the area of ​​any room;
  • moving bathrooms, bathrooms, kitchens to another place;
  • combining two rooms or apartments into one;
  • the increase in the apartment by adding auxiliary areas;
  • change of plates with another energy source;
  • change in networks, communications, devices, devices.

To obtain a modified project, new calculations by designers are required, which means serious work and material costs.

redevelopment of an apartment that does not require permission

What perestroika is prohibited?

The property owner needs to prepare for the redevelopment of the apartment and where to start the design. First you need to know the actions for which it is impossible to obtain permission, if as a result:

  • conditions for further residence will worsen;
  • constructive damage to the building will be inflicted, rebuilding is dangerous for residents;
  • decrease or liquidation of the ventilation system;
  • the load will increase due to the installation of heavy partitions;
  • kitchens with living quarters will be connected if gas stoves are installed in them;
  • the appearance of the building will deteriorate;
  • balconies and loggias with vein rooms are combined;
  • heating wiring to balconies or loggias will last;
  • Underfloor heating will be connected to the general power supply.

Before proceeding with the redevelopment of the apartment, where to start the design, you need to familiarize yourself with the phased coordination with all necessary departments.

redevelopment of the apartment where to start registration

Step sequence

No matter how simple or complex the ideas for remodeling your own apartment or expanding a private house are, building work needs to be done after approval has been passed and permits have been received. At the first stage, they apply for permission to BTI to redevelop the apartment. These institutions collect, replenish, modify, issue information on the state of real estate in the territory of the Russian Federation.

When the experts conduct a study, make an analysis, record in a document what kind of redevelopment of the apartment is being done, what can be structurally changed, they will give a floor plan, it is necessary for the next stage.

Who gives an opinion?

Having the documents from the BTI on hand, you can visit the city or district department that oversees overhauls in the region. Where to apply for permission to redevelop the apartment? need to collect paper:

  • a certificate from the Ministry of Emergencies about compliance with fire safety will be needed;
  • SES;
  • extract from the housing inspection;
  • confirmation from the organization operating the house.

The final step will be to obtain final permission from the local architecture department. At this point, all checks, calculations will be completed. Specialists will find out all the complex processes of reconstruction and the possibility of their implementation, after which they will record their opinion on this issue in the act.

Documentary Kit

Before starting the redevelopment of a three-room apartment or any room, it is necessary to collect a package of documents:

  • take a copy of the applicant’s passport;
  • certificate of ownership of real estate;
  • floor scheme issued by BTI;
  • outline sketch of the upcoming restructuring or project;
  • extract from the managing organization;
  • The conclusion on TU from BTI;
  • written consent to redevelopment from all competent family members, owners of this property;
  • certificate of utility payments, confirming the absence of debts.

If permission is issued in the form of a paid service, you will need to attach a receipt for payment.

The correct application form

After the project is developed and the necessary documents are collected, and there the entire redevelopment of the apartment will be reflected, which should not be affected during the work, and so on, the papers are attached to the main application. The document is filled in compliance with the rules of office work - the notes are made clear, without corrections and blots. It is necessary to make:

  • information about the applicant for the redevelopment of the building with the full name, address and contact information;
  • ownership of this property;
  • if the apartment is public, a municipal contract is required;
  • undertaken obligations for work;
  • provision of inspection by the housing commission.

The provided sample will help to fill out the document.

unlawful redevelopment of an apartment

What you need to know before overhaul

Some types of work relate to the redevelopment of an apartment that does not require permission. Prior notification of authorized bodies is not necessary for them, but the owner must be ready to hand over the premises of a special commission. Reconstruction specialists will make sure that nothing in the load-bearing structures is broken. The owner of the real estate is obliged to inform the housing technical supervision about the work done, that, in turn, will transmit to the housing inspection about the necessary inspection and acceptance. If such requests are not made, it will be difficult in the future to freely dispose of the apartment:

  • to give;
  • sell;
  • transfer to the heir.

Difficulties arise due to the inconsistency of the previous layout with this scheme.

redevelopment of the apartment where to apply for permission

What work is enough notice

The informative actions of a notification nature will be performed by the landlord after the restructuring:

  • moving to other places of plumbing within the existing areas in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen;
  • bookmarks of a doorway on a partition of a bearing wall;
  • elimination of the vestibule, changing the configuration, provided that the external dimensions are not increased;
  • installation of the partition, if it does not increase the allowable load on the ceiling;
  • change not to a bearing wall.

Any interference in the construction of the building should not violate them and be dangerous for neighboring rooms. When the owner is confident in his actions, it is necessary that specialists from BTI confirm them, therefore it is required to inform the fiscal authorities about each perestroika.

redevelopment of a three-room apartment

Unlawful redevelopment of an apartment

Citizens performing ordinary cosmetic repairs in apartments are not required to receive special notification of their completion, provided that additional surfaces have not appeared or the bearing walls have not been demolished. Such structural changes can withstand some time, and then bring disaster to their destruction. So that property owners do not engage in arbitrariness, they are responsible for the safety of buildings and structures. Violators of structures in buildings waiting for:

  • penal sanction;
  • the requirement to legalize redevelopment through established for this institution;
  • order to restore the premises.

If the owner pays the assigned fine, this does not mean that he does not need to draw up a redevelopment and get permission for it. Each institution will conduct due diligence to identify the risk of restructuring. If inconsistencies in building standards are found, it will become impossible to legitimize them, then it will be necessary to fulfill the obligation to restore the structures in their original form. It should be noted that failure to comply with the requirements of authorized bodies will lead to the sale of real estate by a court decision. The landlord will receive the remainder of the funds after the sale of the apartment, minus the cost of legal costs and restoration work.

bti permission to redevelop the apartment

Permission Actions

A law-abiding family draws up documents always and all on time, but this is not enough. The administration has a period of 45 days for consideration of an application for redevelopment. After receiving all the permits, the main work remains:

  • repair, reconstruction, relocation or change of structures during the year, only this period documents are valid;
  • after the completion of the restructuring, it is necessary to again obtain the conclusion of the BTI employees that everything was done in accordance with the project;
  • specialists will take measurements, record the work performed, a reconciliation report will be issued in 10 days;
  • registration of a new technical passport;
  • the updated apartment is re-registered;
  • get another certificate of ownership.

The owner of the property should be prepared to refuse to restructure his apartment for reasons:

  • the project was developed with significant violations of the law, in this case, the designer eliminates errors or returns the money to the customer;
  • the documentary set is not assembled in full;
  • conflicting data in the papers;
  • documents have expired;
  • discovered the implementation of actions and the provision of certificates by incompetent organizations.

In order not to lose the right to your apartment, you only need to comply with the law. Violators are easy to spot, watchful neighbors take care of this. Therefore, do not deal with dangerous redevelopment for others.


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