How and with what to paint the OSB-plate from the outside: finishing methods, painting tool and recommendations

Oriented particle board is a universal building material used for decorating external walls, installing flooring and installing internal partitions. With the help of a plate, you can fill in impressive areas and make their surface durable and even, spending minimal funds on it.

However, after installing the slabs, home craftsmen ask themselves how and how to paint the OSB plate outside and inside the house. After carrying out such work, the material acquires an aesthetic appearance, and lasts much longer. Staining is one of the rational, affordable and practical methods of decorative cladding. A feature of this process is that you can implement it yourself.

Paint selection

how to paint the osb plate outside

In order to answer the question of how to paint the OSB-plate from the outside, you need to remember that the described product consists of 90% wood. In most cases, you can use the same compositions as for the treatment of wooden surfaces, among others, alkyd mixtures should be distinguished, the main element of which is alkyd resin. It is made by cooking vegetable oils, to which acids are added.

When dried, a strong thin-layer film is formed, which protects the surface from moisture penetration. Among the advantages of alkyd enamels are the following:

  • low cost;
  • the possibility of creating a moisture barrier;
  • ability to endure low temperature;
  • surface resistance to ultraviolet;
  • short drying time;
  • lack of toxicity.

However, alkyd enamels have their drawbacks, they are as follows:

  • poor fire safety;
  • the presence of an unpleasant odor during application and at the stage of drying;
  • low alkaline resistance.

If you are faced with the question of how best to paint the OSB-plate outside, then you should know that the application of the described mixture is carried out on a completely dry surface, otherwise you may encounter peeling and the appearance of bubbles on the base.

Acrylic paint

how to paint osb slabs outside

Acrylic paint is the most common today, it is based on water, and acrylates act as bonding elements. After surface treatment, water evaporates, it simply evaporates, and a reliable polymer layer is formed on the base. If you have not yet decided how to paint the OSB-plate from the outside, then it is worth considering the advantages of acrylic enamel, which is easy to use, is available for sale in a wide range of shades and has excellent resistance to moisture. Acrylic enamel is affordable, has excellent fire resistance and is resistant to sunlight, frost and humidity. As for fire safety, it is ensured by the presence of water in the base.

Specialist advice

what paint to paint osb plate outside

If special fire safety requirements are imposed on the surface of the OSB plate, then fire-retardant paints for metal can be selected, for this β€œPolystyle” is suitable. Its use, like the compositions mentioned, is not limited to iron. If an open flame occurs, the paint will begin to produce coked foam, which prevents the further spread of fire.

Oil paint

how to paint an osb stove outside the house

If you are faced with the question of what paint to paint the OSB plate on the outside, you should pay attention to the oil compositions that are based on drying oil. They were used quite a long time before the appearance of better and more practical analogues.

Today, oil-based mixtures are rare due to many negative qualities, namely:

  • toxicity
  • formation of smudges during application;
  • high cost;
  • long drying period;
  • fragility.

Should I choose latex paint for OSB

how best to paint the osb plate outside

This paint is a water-based composition in which latex acts as a binder. The price of such mixtures is quite high, but it pays off with interest, because the material has unique technical characteristics:

  • high elasticity;
  • excellent durability;
  • resistance to adverse external factors;
  • full waterproofing;
  • durability;
  • environmental safety;
  • the possibility of wet cleaning.

Many beginner home masters are wondering how to paint the OSB plate outside. When they become more familiar with latex formulations, they will certainly choose them. This is due to many factors. Firstly, even if the base is deformed, this will not cause damage to the finish. The material will only stretch, and outwardly it will be attractive.

In addition, the OSB-plate requires waterproofing, and latex compounds are suitable for this as well as possible. And the operation of the material in the open air requires the need for protection from aggressive influences. Latex paint is ready to create an appropriate barrier to external factors.

Use of transparent coatings

how to paint an osb plate outside and what paint to choose

If you are also one of those who wondered about how to paint the OSB plate from the outside and which paint to choose, then as an example you can consider transparent coatings that do not hide the original appearance of the canvas. If you like the texture of the plates and you want to keep it, then on the surface you can create a real play of light and shadow.

In order to enhance this effect, you can use a transparent composition with an ultraviolet filter. Among other market offers, Ccetol Filter 7 Plus can be highlighted. This compound is used for the exterior finish of wood and is made on the basis of alkyd resins. The coating is transparent and gives the material a semi-matt shade. The composition includes ultraviolet stabilizers and water repellents that protect the material from environmental influences.

Before deciding how to paint the OSB plate from the outside, you should find out that if you need to preserve the natural texture of the material, you can use:

  • azure;
  • transparent varnishes;
  • transparent impregnation for wood.

The most spectacular azure, because they emphasize the pattern and give the surface a silky sheen. These compositions are offered in a wide assortment by the Belinka manufacturer, among the materials by this company you can find the Topazur line compositions, which are represented in 66 shades and colors.

If you want to preserve the natural texture of the plate and give it a glossy shine, then it is better to use transparent varnishes. It is good if they are performed on an organic or water basis. The wood is perfectly protected by yacht varnish and gives it a beautiful shade. A rather practical and inexpensive solution is the semi-matt transparent Drevolak, which is used to cover untreated wood. It is noteworthy that this composition is also suitable for brick, so in the future it can be used by you to decorate other buildings on the site. This composition has additional advantages in the form of the ability to fill in all the bumps and pores. In addition, the mixture is easy to apply.

Step-by-step instructions for coloring

how to paint the osb slab on the facade of the painting idea

The technology for painting oriented chipboard provides for its preparation, which consists in applying a primer. This composition increases the adhesion of the coating and reduces the moisture-absorbing properties of the material. After the layer is left until dry, and then you can proceed to staining.

It is important to remember that the paint cracks at sharp corners, so before starting work it is necessary to round them off, sanded. The edges of the slab have a more porous structure. They need preliminary sealing. When you have decided the question of how to paint the OSB-plate from the outside, you can start work.

The solution is applied in several layers, each subsequent should be formed after the previous one has completely dried. Water compositions cause the plate to swell, so they are applied on both sides to maintain symmetry. Sometimes the plate requires grinding. If you decide to use a transparent mixture, you should make sure that there are inhibitors that prevent the penetration of ultraviolet radiation.

Specialist advice

Now you know how to paint the OSB-plate outside the house, after that you can get acquainted with the technology. It provides for the filling of the joints, so that the finish looks monolithic. When the plate is installed, metal fasteners with caps are used. They must be protected against corrosion by Zinga paint, which has electrically conductive functions and creates a thin film zinc layer.

Coloring Ideas

When you have decided how to paint the OSB-plate on the facade, the ideas of painting will become your best assistants in the future. They may involve the use of not only one color, but not even one composition. The stove acquires a rather attractive appearance after an exclusive finish, which is not inferior to expensive decorative plaster in visual perception.

To carry out the work you will need:

  • primer;
  • paints of different shades;
  • varnish;
  • sandpaper.

At the first stage, the base is prepared by applying a primer. The next layer will be the paint of one shade. It is left until dry, and then a different color is applied. In order to achieve the corresponding effect, after drying the second decorative layer on the surface of the plate, it is necessary to walk with sandpaper.

In order to achieve greater durability of the canvas, you can cover it with varnish, but it must be compatible with previously applied compounds. Now you know how to paint the OSB outside. Methods of finishing the material, however, may be more diverse than those presented above.

Additional option

As a rather original solution, surface painting is performed in several different colors. Based on it, you can create geometric patterns using a masking tape during the painting process. The plate turns out quite spectacular, and its appearance will be unique, because it is you who will become the creator of the drawing.


OSB plates are not only practical, but also convenient to use. In a short time, with the help of them you can create a flat, solid surface not only outside but also inside the building. However, the next step will certainly raise the issue of finishing the base. The most aesthetic and rational option is staining. The market is replete with many colors, so choosing the best option is not so easy. In this case, it is better to focus on the characteristics of the compounds, which were discussed above.


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