Which step-up pump for an apartment to choose? Installation of a boost pump for water supply

If the apartment has a fairly low water pressure, then you can purchase a boost pump for the apartment. Problems of low pressure can cause inconvenience to residents, as well as adversely affect the operation of household appliances. Due to the low pressure, boilers, a dishwasher and a washing machine may cease to function. If you encounter a similar problem, then it makes sense to think about purchasing the described equipment.

Task definition and equipment selection

step-up pump for an apartment

If you need a boost pump for an apartment, you must first decide what the nature of the problem is. This can be low pressure, as well as its frequent drops. If there is no pressure at all on the last floors of a multi-story building, then most likely you will have to purchase a self-priming pump station.

The main parameters when choosing equipment

step-up pump for water in the apartment

Initially, it is necessary to determine the task that will be assigned to the pump. It can regulate, lower or increase pressure. In the next step, you must determine what characteristics the device should have. You can not choose a device without information on the size of the served territory. Thus, it is important to find out what are the dimensions of the room where the pump will be located.

Compact solution

water pressure boosting pump

A booster pump for an apartment can be used to slightly increase the pressure in the system. Such a need may arise when a pressure increase of 1.5 atmospheres is required. In this case, the installation of compact equipment will be quite enough. This device is installed directly in the water pipe. The connection of such a unit is made before the fixation point of the pipes, as well as near household appliances. The choice of device will depend on the need to strengthen low pressure. If there is a need to raise water from bottom to top, then experts recommend choosing a centrifugal pump equipped with a hydraulic accumulator.

Pump selection by operating modes

installation of a boost pump for water supply

The step-up pump for an apartment can operate in one of two modes. Depending on this, you can choose the necessary model. Different equipment options have manual control or automatic. In order to prevent the occurrence of overheating during operation, if the pump involves manual control, there is a need to constantly monitor the performance and turn off the equipment in a timely manner. If these rules are not followed, then the unit may overheat, and subsequently completely fail. The step-up pump for water in the apartment can work automatically. At the same time, the process is controlled by sensors in the ducts. The equipment is turned on at the moment when the water tap turns on. If water does not spill, the pump will be at rest. Experts advise choosing these types of equipment, since it is much more convenient to use them compared to the manual version. Units are equipped with special protectors, which exclude the possibility of inclusion at a time when water does not flow. This saves money and guarantees the durability of the device.

Choosing a pump by cooling method

boost pump installation

The booster pump for water in the apartment can be cooled in various ways. Among other methods, one can distinguish an impeller of the engine, which is a blade located on the shaft. They cool the device. This mechanism, equipped with a dry rotor, allows the equipment to operate silently and helps to increase the efficiency. The pump that increases the pressure in the water supply can be cooled due to the liquid that is pumped during operation. The mechanism, which is equipped with a wet rotor, almost does not create noise, especially when compared with the previous version.

When to choose a pumping station

mounting a booster pump

Before you buy a pump that increases the pressure in the water supply, you need to ask if the problem is precisely the low pressure, and not the clogging of the pipe. The fact is that over the years, inside the pipes are coated with plaque and mechanical particles that remain after filtration. Their volume increases, which causes a low throughput of the system. If the reason is this, then an arbitrarily modern and efficient pumping station will not be able to solve the problem. In this case, it will be necessary to replace the entire water supply system. However, if the problem is still in low pressure, then you can prefer a pumping station, which has a higher capacity compared to a conventional pump. With it, it will be possible to raise water even from the lowest tiers of the house. The station assumes the presence of a centrifugal structure, which is connected to the accumulator relay. In the process, the fluid is pumped out of the system, entering the storage tank. This option is suitable in cases where an emergency shutdown of water occurs quite often. In this case, you can use the stored water. When the water is turned off, the pressure will decrease over time until it reaches a certain mark. After the relay reaches the set level, the relay will automatically operate and will help turn on the pump. If you decide to purchase a pumping station, you will need to think about how much water a tank should have . The greater its capacity, the longer the pump will last and the less often it will turn on and off.

Why you should choose a water-cooled pump for your apartment

boosting water pumps

If you are considering boosting water pumps, then you should think about which variety to choose for your home. Experts most often advise to purchase models that work through water cooling. This recommendation is due to the fact that a small pump will be quite simple to fix to the water pipe, among other things, you can do such work yourself. As an additional positive feature of such pumps, a wet rotor acts, which ensures silent operation. Therefore, it can be installed anywhere in the apartment without fear that the equipment will cause discomfort. The installation of a water-cooled booster pump is also recommended for the reason that it has a low cost. Therefore, if necessary, such pumps can be installed somewhat in front of devices that can not work without pressure. The design implies the presence of smart automation that protects the device from dry running, this indicates that the equipment will turn off when water disappears from the pipe. If you are going to install a booster pump for water supply, then you can choose equipment that works through water cooling. Most often, such units have the ability to work in one of two modes. Among them can be distinguished automatic and manual. The master should only remember that such a device does not tolerate dirty water. Therefore, if the water in the pipes has extraneous inclusions, then the pump will have to be cleaned periodically.

Installation work

Installation of a boost pump for water supply is carried out in several stages. To carry out such work is not difficult at all, however, before starting the manipulations, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the technology. The first step will be the marking in the place where it is supposed to carry out installation work. Next, the master should shut off the water and open the tap of the mixer to eliminate excess pressure. Using an angle grinder, you will need to cut a piece of pipe, following the marks. Threads should be cut along the edges and threaded adapters screwed in. Installation of a boost pump in the next step involves the use of American fittings, which are supplied with the equipment. They will need to be connected to the adapters.

Final work

The master will have to install the pump in the designated place. To connect the power cable, you need to use a waterproof outlet. It is recommended to install the machine at 10 milliamps. These recommendations will allow you to do the job right.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22895/

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