Anubias aquarium plant: containment conditions

Anubias is a genus of aquatic plants, a representative of a small family of aroid, whose homeland is the tropical regions of West Africa. On our continent, it is quite popular, but rather like an aquarium plant. It is easy to care for, has hard glossy leaves, which makes it inedible for most underwater inhabitants, and is beautiful. Thanks to these qualities, you can find a plant not only among avid aquarists, but also among beginners.

Type, distribution

All anubias plant aquarium plants, the description of which will be presented to your attention in the article, belong to evergreen creeping grasses, have a shortened stem, dense rhizome and several petiole leaves. Prefer a humid environment.

The habitat is rocky riverbanks where the plant is partially submerged in water. In the rainy season, rivers rise, as a result of which the whole Anubias falls under water, but this does not harm him. Anubias is able to spend his whole life in water, but under such conditions he does not manage to grow to large sizes.

Representatives of this genus can also be seen in marshy areas and tropical forests. Due to the strong rhizome, these plants receive all the nutrients from the soil, and the necessary oxygen is extracted through photosynthesis from the air. In an artificial environment, they are very popular with aquarists, grow well in paludariums and wet greenhouses.

aquatic plants anubias


Plants of this genus have a very diverse appearance. Some hard green carpet cover the bottom of the aquarium or driftwood. Others grow like shrubs or a bonsai tree. Height varies from 7 to 65 cm.

All representatives are characterized by a creeping, branched, powerful root system, immersed in the ground by no more than a few centimeters. The stem grows only to a certain height. Several dense leaves on thin stems depart from it. The distances between the nodes are small, petioles are smooth, and in some they are spike-like.

The leaves are green, reaching a length of 3 to 38 centimeters. They are unlike algae leaves, hard, leathery and smooth. Well shows the main and primary lateral veins. Leaf blades are diverse in shape: oval, lanceolate, triangular, semi-swept, ear-shaped.

Inflorescences are outwardly similar to calla flowers - a light, tapering petal at the base and an ear inside it. As a result of flowering, the fruits ripen - polyspermous berries flattened-spherical or obovate.

anubias aquarium plant

Artificial cultivation

Representatives of the aroid family are unpretentious, can easily take root in almost any aquarium with a warm climate and have a presentable appearance. They calmly tolerate changes in lighting and even the absence of moisture. They enjoy significant success in decorating aquariums.

Since Anubias grows slowly, when compiling a specific composition, you will not have to think about transplanting for a long time. The leaves of the plant will turn towards the light, which must be taken into account when planning the landscape. Anubias is often used to decorate the back and side walls of an aquarium.

Species of small size spread in a dense green coverlet at the bottom, entwined with stones and driftwood. To decorate the central object, it is better to choose representatives of large size. A plant immersed in water is unlikely to exceed 35 centimeters, but there is a way to visually increase its size. The leaves are partially placed above the surface of the water, and the plant takes its usual position.

aquarium plants anubias breeding

Anubias Aquarium Plant: Reproduction and Growth

Anubias grows for a very long time, especially at low temperatures. The largest representatives are found in paludariums, but their growth in water is limited. This family belongs to the flowering department, but can also propagate vegetatively. It depends on the location of the plant.

Greenhouse Anubias breed by seed. Flowering occurs in the spring. On each individual branch 1-3 inflorescences are formed. Each peduncle is surrounded by a veil tapering at the base. On the cob are male and female flowers. Male - from above, female - from below, bisexual are possible on the periphery. After fertilization, small berries are formed, inside of which the seeds are contained.

Aquarium species, completely submerged in water, most often do not produce flowers, and if this happens, they rot. How to breed aquarium plants (anubias)? For their reproduction, use the vegetative method. Part of the rhizome and 5-6 leaves are separated from the main plant, long lateral roots are slightly shortened and sprinkled with a small layer of soil. The main root must be left on the surface, otherwise it may rot. You need to slightly press the plant with a stone or tie it, as it can float to the surface. If a plant has lost leaves after a transplant, do not dispose of it. Wait a few days - maybe it will release new ones.

aquatic plants anubias how to breed

Anubias aquarium plant: contents, possible problems, care

In order for the selected plant to please you with its beauty and bright color, not decay and not be exhausted, it is necessary to observe some conditions of detention. Aubias plants in general do not require special attention, but water, soil composition and lighting should be monitored.

Water should be warm (in the range + 26 ... + 28 ° C) and clean. The fluid is replaced weekly, at least 1/2 of the volume, since this type does not tolerate siltation. Acceptable water hardness is from 2 to 15 ° dGH, acidity is from 6 to 7.5 pH. Additional aeration is optional.

The soil needs saturated, with an additional peat component, the presence of stones and sand is possible. Due to the shallow attachment to the soil, when planting a new process, you can put a sand base, so it will more likely grow.

In terms of sanctification, the main thing is not to overdo it. Samples of this genus prefer shady parts of the aquarium. Small plants can be planted under other, larger ones, as strong light harms the leaves. Plants need at least 12 hours of dim light per day, direct sunlight should be avoided.

If all the rules are not followed, the plant turns pale, algae develop on it, which spoils its appearance.

aquarium plants anubias conditions

Fish compatible

Due to its endurance, the anubias aquarium plant (photo is in the article) can live in almost any aquarium and coexist with many types of fish. He is safe even next to herbivorous fish. Durable leaves are unsuitable for food. Aquarium inhabitants, scurrying around the rhizome, are also wonderful neighbors for him, but here the same danger arises as with overpopulation of the aquarium - a mechanical suspension.

He gets along well with livestock, goldfish and armored catfish. But in this case, it is very important to monitor the water filtration, conduct a weekly replacement.

Anubias feels good in a "company" with discus. The density and strength of leaf blades freely support the weight of snails. Shady fish such as catfish will appreciate it.

anubias barter aquarium plant


There are several popular types of anubias, which differ in their size and appearance. We will consider the most popular below.

Anubias Barter

Anubias Barter is an unpretentious, durable plant. Its height reaches 50 centimeters, the roots are branched, go shallow into the ground. Each internode has several leaves. They have a heart-shaped shape, sometimes covered with bright spots. In length, the leaves reach 10 centimeters, in width - no more than 5 centimeters. It is one of the best representatives of the aquarium fauna, it is widely used in decoration both singly and when planting in small bushes.

For good growth, clean water, saturated, "greasy" soil and moderation in lighting are required. Often birch charcoal is added to the soil , which creates a more nutritious environment for this plant. An aubis barter aquarium plant can be fed. Several daughter plants grow on the rhizome, which can be used for reproduction.

Anubias Nana

Anubias Nana - the smallest representative of its kind, is a subspecies of Anubias Barter. It is found in nature on stones and rocky surfaces along river banks. Partially or completely immersed in water, and therefore ideal for keeping in aquariums.

Anubis Nana aquarium plant has a shortened stem with leaves branched in different directions. The distance between the nodes is small, the leaves are small, oval, rounded at the base and elongated at the end, the rhizome is highly branched. The size of the plant does not exceed 8-10 centimeters, most often it is used in decoration to cover the bottom. When planting several shoots at once, you will soon get a dense green carpet in your aquarium.

Good growth requires nutrient-rich soil, moderate lighting, and clean water. The plant should be protected from direct sunlight, otherwise it will be covered with algae and will become unsightly. Too high a water temperature is also detrimental to him.

Anubias Nana can be propagated by processes that form on the rhizome.

Anubias Afseli

Anubias Afzeli is also a fairly common species. The aquarium reaches 50 centimeters in height. It has a short stem base, from which grow large leaves with a long handle. The leaves are green, narrowed at the base and rounded at the end. In an aquarium, it is most often placed in the background. The root system consists of thick cord-shaped branches, so that the density of the soil does not matter much.

For good plant growth, it is important to monitor the temperature and purity of the water. The temperature should not fall below 24 degrees, otherwise you will not see growth. The soil should be chosen nutritious; when planting, it is recommended to add nutrients, clay, peat under the roots. The depth of the soil should be at least 10-15 centimeters. The lighting is moderate, you can use both artificial and natural.

Anubias Afzeli is easiest to propagate by daughter, lateral processes.

Anubias of Congolese

Anubias of Congolese is a plant whose bush reaches 25-60 cm in height and 15-25 cm in width. In an aquarium, it grows slowly, more suitable for wet greenhouses. It is planted most often near the side or back walls.

The rhizome of the plant is fleshy, thick, creeping, sometimes branched, subordinate roots of a cord-like shape. Petiole is small, ellipsoid or lanceolate leaves extend from it. The leaf is sharp at the tip, the base can be sharp and round, short - in the form of an arrow or spear, the edges are slightly wavy. The leaf plate is green, leathery, 10 to 38 cm long, 3 to 13 cm wide, with distinct main and lateral veins.

For good growth, clean water with a temperature of at least 24 degrees is required. The soil is sandy clay, fine gravel can be used. Lighting is moderate.

Propagate the plant in parts of the rhizome with leaves.

Advantages and disadvantages

Anubias is a very beautiful genus of plants for a home aquarium.

But, like many others, it has its pros and cons, and here are some of them:

  • Anubias is unpretentious, it does not require a certain hardness or acidity of the water, loyal to changes in temperature, light and even humidity;
  • small size and visual appeal allow the plant to be used in the design of a wide variety of aquariums;
  • It is an almost universal neighbor for both fish and other plants.

aquatic plant anubias nana

However, if you are already set to diversify your aquarium with this plant, you should consider some of its disadvantages:

  • these plants are very sensitive to lighting and purity of water;
  • they grow slowly;
  • some species have a rather high price.

When going to the store for anubias, remember a few rules, following which you will get a healthy plant. First, inspect the selected instance. Decaying leaves and slimy rhizomes indicate the presence of rhizome rot or vascular bacteriosis. There should be no smell of decomposition. Plants should be in warm water.


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