How to choose dry food for Yorkshire Terriers

Today, dry food manufacturers offer many brands of this product for all dog breeds, including Yorkshire terriers. This breed needs a careful selection of the diet. It is advisable to feed Yorks only with high-quality products, this applies not only to feed, but also to natural food.

If the Yorkshire Terrier appears in your home , eating dry food should be the main topic for your study.

Why do you need dry food?

Dry food for Yorkshire terriers should be predominantly premium or super-premium. Foods of these types are optimally balanced and are the most delicious delicacy for a fastidious pet.

dry food for yorkshire terriers

However, Yorkers have a peculiarity - low sensitivity to odors due to the small volume of olfactory mucosa. Therefore, this type of dog is different from the rest. In view of this, it is necessary to adapt the food to the feature of York.

In addition, Yorkshire terriers are predisposed to the occurrence of diseases of the oral cavity and the formation of tartar. Correctly selected food will help to eliminate problems.

Dry Feed Classes

Dry food comes in three classes:

  • economy;
  • Premium
  • super premium.

The difference between the two is in the ingredients used. It is very important, as and what the manufacturer indicates on the package. So, you can specify the percentage of chicken before and after dehydration (removal of water), as a result of this, the moisture content of the feed will be different. You can use only chicken meat, but you can grind it with organs and bones. You can take high-quality rice as carbohydrates, or you can take sorghum. For long-term storage of feed, you can add chemical preservatives or a mixture of vitamins. For smell and taste, you can add dyes of artificial origin or just use good meat.

Yorkshire Terrier dry food

Quality, accordingly, affects the price, but you need to take into account the fact that the higher it is, the lower the norm of feeding the Yorkshire Terrier with dry food. As a result, buying premium varieties is more profitable.

How many grams of dry food a puppy and an adult dog need to be given is indicated on the product packaging, the rate is calculated mainly based on the weight of the pet and the class of food.

Types of feed

There are also two types of food for Yorkshire Terriers :

  • dry;
  • canned.

In the first, no more than 10% of the water content, in the second - over 70%. You can feed York only dry, only canned or give a mixture, in this case there should be 75% of the first and 25% of the second kind. It is advisable to choose feed of one class or one company.

Feed requirements

  • The food must be dry, it does not need to be soaked, because the pet must bite the granules and chew on their own, thereby cleaning the oral cavity and teeth from plaque.
  • The granules must be shaped so that the dog can easily pick and chew them.

Feeding rules

  • Do not give puppies food for adult dogs and vice versa.
  • It is necessary to buy food in accordance with the age and energy expenditure of the dog.
  • It is worth buying dry food for Yorkshire terriers of the company that suits your pet in all respects.
  • It is undesirable to mix feed from different manufacturers.
  • You should adhere to the norm of feeding.
  • Do not give both dry food and natural food.
  • Canned food should not be mixed with cereals.

dry feed Yorkshire Terrier

Feeding the Yorkshire Terrier with dry food and natural products in general is of great importance, since not only the quality of life of the pet will depend on this, but also its duration.

Popular brands of feed

  • Pro plan;
  • Pro Pac;
  • Eukanuba;
  • Hill's
  • Happy dog
  • Acana

Dry food for Yorkshire terriers must be present in the diet of the animal, since it contains useful trace elements. This is especially true for puppies, such nutrition will provide them with substances that contribute to the growth of bone and muscle tissue.

dry food for yorkshire terrier reviews

In addition, the feed helps to improve coat color, strengthen immunity, and improve digestion.

Yorkshire breeders advise using only high-quality dry food for the Yorkshire Terrier, reviews about them are only positive.

Why is balanced nutrition important?

It is necessary to pay special attention to the coat and skin of York, because their condition can be judged on the nutrition of the dog. If the skin is clean and the coat is silky and shiny, the pet receives all the nutrients it needs. Of course, a certain role is played by heredity, but malnutrition can significantly worsen the appearance of York.

Unbalanced, improper or inadequate nutrition can adversely affect the condition of the skin. With a lack of fat in York, peeling of the skin may occur, a rash may appear.

dry feed Yorkshire Terrier

Lack of salts also affects the pet in an unpleasant way. A lack of chlorine and sodium causes dry skin and hair loss, copper - loss of pigmentation, zinc - the appearance of plaques and crusts, iodine - deterioration of the coat.

To avoid such problems, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of dog nutrition.

Thus, dry food for Yorkshire terriers in combination with healthy natural food in appropriate standards will provide your pet with a long lifespan, a healthy appearance and the absence of health problems. A healthy pet is the main concern of a loving owner.


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