How much bridges are built in St. Petersburg - you need to know

Petersburg is deservedly called the museum of bridges. Giant metal giants, humpbacked stone fortifications, small colored bridges with delicate fantasies and unique sculptures are exhibits of the museum.

What time do bridges in St. Petersburg
Living in the wonderful city of St. Petersburg - the northern capital of Russia - you need to know what time bridges are built in St. Petersburg. Visitors are also interested in this: guests, tourists. And if the bridges for the second are divorced - romance, lyrics and delight, the first react to this action in a slightly different way. Breeding bridges makes serious adjustments to the lives of people constantly living in St. Petersburg, because they have to โ€œtieโ€ their life schedule to the schedule for bridging. There is nothing to be done, it is impossible to exclude this ritual.

What time do bridges in St. Petersburg
City on the water

The fact is that St. Petersburg, whose middle name is Northern Venice, is one of the first cities in the world by its abundance of water (10% of its territory). It is located on 43 islands, 90 rivers, rivulets and canals cross it. Therefore, the city can not do without bridges, bridges and small bridges, there are 342 of them in the city. Walking along them, studying architecture is a pleasure! Thirteen of them have an interesting feature - they get divorced. The raising of the wings of bridges at night is an enchanting sight. And, of course, to know what time bridges are built in St. Petersburg is simply necessary. This process takes place from April to November, that is, in the shipping season, when the ice leaves the surface of the water bodies. Bridges are bred in order to pass vessels along the Volga-Baltic route during the navigation period. A short period of the famous white nights (from June 11 to July 10), combined with the lifting of bridge structures, attracts the attention of a huge number of people filling the Neva embankments. The period of white nights coincides with the celebration of the end of the school year in schools. The holiday was called "Scarlet Sails." A huge sailboat with red sails majestically passes under the divorced spans of the Palace Bridge. Connoisseurs recommend observing the cultivation of large bridges from the University, Admiralteyskaya or Palace embankments. What could be more magnificent than a spectacle when a pavement with sidewalks, lanterns and rails soars into the night sky.

Bridge Building Schedule
Schedule of "rest" of bridges

The main bridge that builds its structures is the Palace, next to the world's most luxurious Winter Palace, the Hermitage. He "rests" from 1:05 to 4:55 an hour. See the table for breeding times for other bridges. The Anichkov bridge across the Fontanka River on Nevsky Prospect with its four riders is impressive, the Bank pedestrian bridge with gold-winged griffins, the monumental Lomonosov Bridge, the Trinity Bridge, from which you can see 9 more St. Petersburg bridges. In order not to โ€œbreakโ€ your schedule, not to be late by the scheduled time, and finally not to deprive yourself of sleep, you will need information at any time about how much bridges are being built in St. Petersburg. A kind of memo will help, which, like an important document, will always be with you.

When bridges are built in St. Petersburg

Given the characteristics of the northern capital of Russia, every motorist, pedestrian, guest or local resident seeks to find out what time bridges are being built in St. Petersburg, taking this with understanding. Indeed, shipping is a feature of city life. A serious ship will not pass under the bridge along the Neva. About 7 thousand ships go along the Neva during the year. Access to water have all the large enterprises of the city. Here, cargo sea transport, passenger navigation, river recreational, and small navigation through the channels of St. Petersburg, and river communication with other cities are carried out. There is a river-sea message. The project of river buses - water buses is working. It is easy to obtain more detailed information about what time bridges are built in St. Petersburg. Surely, small brochures and calendars with the necessary information have been developed and are freely available. They will help you gain experience in the correct movement in St. Petersburg at night no worse than St. Petersburg taxi drivers. To meet on one bank, remember when bridges are built in St. Petersburg, and then your house will not become so inaccessible for the next few hours.


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