American bandog: breed description, content features. Fighting dog breeds

As a result of crossing the pit bull terrier with a Neapolitan mastiff , a breed of dog, called the American bandog, was bred. It was originally created as a fighting one, and its representatives often acted as magnificent watchmen and hunters.

american bandog

Breed description

This is a fairly large dog - the height at the withers can reach 73 cm, and the average weight - up to 65 kg. The muscular body is folded in proportion, the stomach is tightened, the chest is well developed. The transition to the face is very pronounced. The nose is usually black, but stains are allowed depending on the color of the animal.

Small, slightly slanting brown eyes set far apart. Ears as a result of stopping have a triangular shape.

The lowered tail, tapering to the end, resembles a strong, tight rope. In an excited state, he is raised.

The coat is short, stiff, and may be white, black, or spotted. Common colors are also red or brown. There are often white spots on the paws.

dog fights

History of occurrence

The first mention of the bandogs dates back to the beginning of the XIV century - the so-called huge mastiff-shaped dogs that sat on a chain during the day and guarded the territory at night. They were very aggressive and dangerous animals, inspiring fear with one look. It is assumed that they came from dogs that participated in bullfights. Powerful fierce dogs tore the ropes, rushing into battle. This is where their name came from - the word "bandog" means "chain dog" in translation. When bloody entertainment with bulls and dog fights were banned, the bandog found use as a defender of farms from the invasion of badgers and foxes.

In the early 70s of the last century, the veterinarian Swinford brought out modern gangsters. Interestingly, the American bandog is not a purebred dog. This is the result of crossing a mastiff and a pit bull terrier. In this case, the offspring always leaves much to be desired. Crossing the bandogs with each other results in smaller offspring.

Today, these dogs are used most often for protection or in law enforcement agencies.

The nature and features of behavior

Despite the fact that the bandog is a very intelligent animal, it has a rather strong-willed disposition. It is not recommended to start such a breed for inexperienced dog breeders - it requires constant attention and training. But with proper upbringing, the bandog makes an excellent watchman and defender. He is very distrustful of strangers, so those who come to visit are provided with his close attention. With other domestic animals and with children, the bandog can find a common language, but at the same time does not tolerate familiarity. By choosing one master leader, he will simply endure the rest of the family.

dog gladiator

These dogs can determine his intentions by the movements of a person. If you decide to play with her, she will gladly accept the invitation and frolic. But having noticed danger or aggression in a person’s movement, he will defend himself. The American bandog poses a serious danger to the thief, because he does not growl, but simply suddenly attacks, sometimes depriving a thief of any part of his body who has climbed into the house.


These dogs are unpretentious and do not require any special care. Wool is recommended to be combed once a week in order to remove dead hair and for hygiene. To do this, use a special brush or rubber comb. Often it is not worth bathing your pet, this is usually done only in case of severe pollution.

Like all other breeds, the bandog needs hygienic procedures. It is necessary to regularly inspect the ears and clean them with a cotton swab. These dogs often develop diseases of the eye and musculoskeletal system with age. Therefore, you must periodically visit a veterinary clinic with your pet. Timely preventive measures taken will help to avoid serious health problems. When keeping a dog in the apartment, the pet must provide long and active walks.

chain dog

Feeding rules

Like any fighting dog, a bandog (the breed description attributes it to this group) needs proper nutrition in order to replenish its spent energy. In addition, proper feeding is very important for the prevention of various diseases.

The main part of the diet should be meat (preferably beef). By-products can be added to it, cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice are especially useful), dairy products, and boiled eggs. Vegetables should also be present in the diet of this dog, but in small quantities.

bandog breed description

Parenting and training

A dog like an American bandog needs to be raised from the first days a puppy appears in the house so that he can perceive all the requirements as part of his life. In this case, an inexperienced dog breeder is better to seek the help of a professional dog handler. It is important to find a common language with the dog, at the same time becoming for it a real leader and authority. Otherwise, a terrible story can happen, like those that sometimes flash in the press, describing cases of fighting dogs attacking people.

Physical punishment is completely unacceptable in relation to a bandog. It is necessary to constantly communicate with him, developing him not only physically, but also intellectually.

Buying a puppy

A dog of this breed should be purchased only in a well-established nursery or from a trusted breeder. It happens that gangsters are bred by people with insufficient experience. It should be remembered that the puppy absorbs not only positive, but also negative qualities from its parents. Therefore, it makes sense more than once to visit the breeder, to get to know him and the puppy's parents more closely. It is known that the stability of the psyche of a dog directly depends on the degree of its thoroughbredness. The American bandog is no exception. The price for puppies of this breed is almost the same as for puppies of the bull terrier. On average, it is about 300 dollars.

american bandog Price

Other fighting breeds

In fact, such a classification does not exist. Dog fights appeared a long time ago, and some breeds were bred specifically for participation in them. But besides this, fighting dogs were also used for hunting large animals. Many of them were subsequently withdrawn directly for this purpose.

Fighting dogs are:

  1. English bulldog. Bred to participate in a bear hunt. Despite their small size, these dogs have a powerful physique and unflappable disposition.
  2. English mastiff. This is one of the largest dogs. It used to be used to persecute a bear. Today it is a formidable watchman, capable of scaring off any intruder with one of his looks.
  3. English Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Bred as a result of crossing an English bulldog with terriers. Known as a gladiator dog, but after the popularity of dog fights declined, he became an excellent companion for his master.
  4. American Pit Bull Terrier. Has gained notoriety due to cases of attacks on people, the demand for these dogs has recently declined. Although undeserved - after all, the fault for the behavior of the dog lies entirely with the owner.
  5. Sharpei. Many perceive it as a sofa pet. In fact, this is a typical representative of fighting dogs. That is how it was used in its homeland - in China.

Not only the American bandog, but also many other breeds bred for the purpose of participating in dog fights, today are just family members and beloved pets.


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