Ferns home: conditions of detention

According to the authors of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, ferns are not of great economic importance to humanity. But we well know that they inspired many great poets and artists to create wonderful works of art. It is known that their history on Earth has been going on for four hundred million years, and once their thickets covered most of the land. Today, scientists have described more than ten thousand of their species, two of which grow on the territory of our country.

In addition to charming beauty, ferns also have some biological distinctive features. For example, they reproduce, like fungi, by spores, and not by seeds. But the main thing that they fascinate people with is chiseled leaflets, which, according to the poet, have the outlines of the "worlds beyond." Perhaps for this reason, magical properties are attributed to the plant, they are told about it in epics and tales, and are closely associated with the traditions and customs of antiquity, when young people, for the sake of happiness, went out on a special summer night into the forest to find its flower.

Home ferns

It is indisputable that without it life on Earth would have been much poorer, therefore, even from the time of the Victorian era , the nobility has a fashion for planting ferns at home. In the 19th century, royal chambers, boudoirs and drawing rooms were decorated with them, in which aristocrats spend their time. This tradition was passed on to us. Nowadays, ferns are home and favorite plants that can be found in many city apartments and country cottages. Representatives of the modern elite and the intelligentsia love to decorate their floral collections with them, not to mention the interior designers, for whom they are a wonderful way of decorating the space.

Fern at home
In this regard, it's time to discuss the features that fern possesses . Care at home for him, although simple, but must meet some requirements.

Firstly, domestic ferns are hygrophilous plants. They need moist air and an always wet ball of earth in a pot. For this reason, those who plant them at home should, in addition to regular watering, daily spray his lush foliage from the spray bottle.

Fern care at home

Secondly, home ferns require a strictly defined temperature regime, maintained in the range from ten to twenty-two degrees. Important for them is the location of the windows in the apartment. They should go either east or west.

Special attention should be paid to the ways in which domestic ferns breed. For example, there are flower growers who are committed to exclusively natural plant breeding methods. They put a lot of effort and work and with great love receive seedlings derived from spores. The rest of the world of fern lovers is simply separated from the main root by a small process, which has two or three green leaves, and from it receives a new plant, replanting it in another pot and creating favorable conditions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22903/

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