A beautiful name for a dog: interesting ideas

Choosing a name for a dog is a rather difficult task for its owner. A pet’s nickname can be complex or simple, serious or funny, classic and original. But in any case, in the future, the dog, its owner, as well as members of his family will hear it for many years. Therefore, one should approach the choice of a name for a dog with all responsibility.

How to come up with a nickname: basic rules

First of all, the name chosen for the pet should not be too long and well remembered. It is believed that nicknames consisting of no more than three syllables are best suited for dogs. It is also recommended that you give your four-legged friends names containing the letters k, s, b, p, g, d, f. However, this condition is, of course, optional.

How to name a dog

Many experienced dog breeders recommend that newcomers not choose a name for their puppy immediately after it appears in the house. The owners of the dog should wait a few days, watch their new pet, learn more about his character and habits. Most likely, this will greatly help in choosing a nickname.

Of course, it is best if the name for the dog-girl or boy is unique. Subsequently, on the street, while walking, the owner and his four-legged friend are likely to meet many Sharikov, Tuzikov, Polkanov and Zhuchek. And communication in any case will be simpler if the dog has its original nickname.

It is also believed that dogs should not be called human names. And even more so by those that belong to someone from the environment. A relative or acquaintance can simply be offended by this. Also, many dog ​​breeders do not advise calling a four-legged friend in honor of any movie heroes or celebrities. In any case, the dog should not become just someone else's reflection. Good nicknames emphasize primarily the individuality of the animal itself.

Choosing the most suitable and beautiful name for the dog, in his opinion, the owner, among other things, must definitely check how his various variations sound - diminutive, affectionate, angry, etc. It is desirable that the pet’s nickname be in any form harmonious and quite short and memorable.

Choosing a nickname for a dog


So how to choose a name for the dog? What should you focus on when choosing a nickname? Very often, dog owners come up with their pets names based on their breed and size. For large guard or fighting dog boys, for example, nicknames such as:

  • Thomas.

  • Atlant.

  • Hercules

Very good options for names for a shepherd dog, bullmastiff, rottweiler, pit bull are also Pirate, Sheriff or Baron. For a big girl, such nicknames as, for example, are perfect:

  • Vega.

  • Prima.

  • Ariel

  • Naida.

Good names for dog-boys of spectacular medium-sized breeds, for example, husky or Dalmatians, can be considered such as Beauty, Miracle, Prince, Lord. For the girl in this case, you can choose the nickname Tilda, Lovely, Cecilia, Fortune.

For doggies of small breeds, names such as Kid, Funtik, Bagel are great. For the girl in this case, you can choose, for example, the nickname Doll, Cutie, Nut. Such cute nicknames will surely please not only the owners, but also their four-legged pets themselves.

How to come up with a nickname for a dog


Nicknames reflecting the external features of the exterior of a particular breed sound very good. For a Dalmatian, for example, it can be Marble, for a husky - Smoke, for a poodle girl - Curly, etc.

Dogs are called in accordance with the color of their coat quite often. Such nicknames include Snowball, Chernysh, Ryzhik, Yantar, Kashtanka, etc. For a dog with short hair, the nickname Plush is perfect, and for a pet with a long and soft coat, Fluff.

Sometimes names for dogs are chosen according to their voice. It can be, for example, such nicknames as Tenor, Bass, Yaw, Gorlan, etc.

Very often a nickname for a dog is selected, of course, and in accordance with its habits. So, for an active, agile and cheerful dog, names such as Zador, Buran, Balamut or Naughty are perfect, for a dog - Lightning, Roar, Comet, etc.

Suitable names for dog-boys with a rather aggressive character can be, for example, Fang, Beelzebub. For the girl in this case, the nicknames of Zluk, Gell, Hecate may be suitable. A calm, inconspicuous dog attached to the owner can be called a Phantom or Sputnik, a girl - Chuney, Kukla, Lada.

Place of origin of the breed

Very often for four-legged pets, their owners also pick up nicknames indicating the place of breeding. So:

  1. English names are usually given to spaniels, terriers and Great Dane. It can be, for example, Adele, Camila, Laura, Chelsea, Magbet, Shannon.

  2. French nicknames are called lapdogs, bulldogs, bassets. For such dogs, elegant names such as Chevalier, Henri, Rochelle, Snoopy, Tina may be suitable.

  3. Italian nicknames are often chosen by owners of breeds such as Cane Corso and Mastino Neapolitan. These names include Baggio, Figaro, Romeo.

  4. Recently, Japanese nicknames have also become very popular. Such names are well suited for Chihuahuas, Pekingese, etc. For example, a dog can be called Tokyo, Sushi, Geisha.

Name for big dog

The most beautiful nicknames for animals

They choose names for dogs, thus, most often focusing on the appearance, nature or origin of the pet. But of course, many owners of such pets would like to know what are the most beautiful nicknames for dogs.

The most effective names for dog-boys, for example, are:

  • Emerald.

  • Ramses.

  • Horace.

You can also call your favorite and the name of Shinju. From Japanese, this nickname translates as "pearl."

The most beautiful names for a dog-girl are:

  • Takara (treasure).

  • Mimosa.

  • Bagheera.

For example, such names as Elega, Star, Lada, etc., sound very beautiful too.

Funny and unusual nicknames.

Owners come up with elegant beautiful names for dogs-girls or boys quite often. But sometimes their owners call their pets some funny or original nicknames. Such names are usually given to moving little dogs or dogs with an unusual appearance. To the category of nicknames of this type can be attributed, for example, these:

  • Ninja.

  • Russian salad.

  • Adidas.

  • Dragon

Dog name

A good name for a dog-girl in this case would be:

  • Shy.

  • Hurry.

  • Manka, etc.

Double nicknames

Of course, in most cases in everyday life, dog owners call their pets short “home” names. However, breeders usually initially, at birth, give their puppies the official name they sell. And such nicknames often consist of not one, but two words at once.

If desired, you can agree with the breeder in advance and choose a beautiful name for the dog yourself. For example, dog names such as Rocket Boy, Sleeping Beauty (sleeping beauty), Bad Boy, etc., are very impressive.

Nickname for adult dog

Of course, most often dog breeders choose names for little puppies. However, sometimes it happens that the dog enters the family, already being an adult. In this case, the new owners may want to change their new nickname. It also happens that the dog’s past name is simply unknown to its owners, and therefore, of course, you have to come up with a new one.

For adult four-legged pets, nicknames are usually selected according to the same principle as for puppies. In this case, you can also come up with a name, taking into account factors such as the dog’s character, color of its coat, size, breed, etc. However, if the last name is still known to the owners, it is advisable to choose a new name for your pet in harmony with the old one.

This is necessary primarily for the dog itself. The nickname, similar to the old one, will appeal to the dog, most likely more than a completely new and unfamiliar one. And consequently, the dog will remember it much faster.

Rare nicknames

Sometimes dog owners give their pets even original and unusual names. Of course, the choice of such a nickname for a pet can be a very good option. But of course, the original nickname for the dog must first of all be quite harmonious.

Beautiful rare names for dog-boys include, for example, such as Haggai, Dan, Orest, for girls - Vesta, Isolda, etc. Such dog names as Ricky, Sardar, Rad, Burma sound very effective and so forth

Dog Name Meaning

As already mentioned, before giving your dog a nickname, you should watch him a little, his habits and habits. But choosing a dog’s name, it should be borne in mind that in the future, it itself can have a strong influence on its character. After all, it is the nickname in the future that the dog will hear most often. The dog, called Beelzebub, is unlikely to grow too quiet and docile, and a pet named Stesnyashka is sociable and active. So the nickname can be chosen including in accordance with your plans for the subsequent education of the dog.

Those puppies who were given the name Bars at birth often grow up very strong, proud and loyal to the owner. The Buranes and Counts are distinguished by their balance, Djulbars - by their courage, Alma - by their friendliness, Mukhtar - by their smartness, Rex - by their independence of character, etc.

Useful Tips

There are many original, common, rare and beautiful names for dogs. But in any case, the choice of nicknames for a dog should be approached as responsibly as possible. After all, the dog given her name will be for many, many years. Cynologists do not recommend renaming dogs. This can be done only in the first days of the dog’s life - when the chosen name for the pet for some reason did not fit at all.

Dog nicknames

Over time, in many cases, nicknames invented for puppies in childhood can transform slightly. For example, Buranas often turn into Burashek or Burenok, Juliet into Zhulek, etc. To do so, in principle, is allowed. However, it is possible to switch to a diminutive and laxative version of the nickname only after the dog is completely used to the basic form of the name and begins to consider it completely his own.

How to teach a nickname

So, a beautiful name for a dog-boy or girl is chosen. How can you quickly teach a puppy to him? Dogs have short, sonorous names that they usually remember very quickly. But if desired, the owners of the four-legged pet can significantly accelerate this process. They teach puppies nicknames using several methods:

  • by encouraging;

  • while eating;

  • during education and initial training.

With the right approach to business, the dog will know his name in 3-4 days.

It is believed that the easiest way to train a dog to respond to his nickname is through encouragement. Owners just need to contact the doggie by name more often. If he suddenly responds, he must be stroked, praised (without ceasing to repeat the nickname) and treated to some goodies.

Beautiful name for a dog

To make the puppy more accustomed to the nickname, before feeding it is worth waiting until he is distracted by something - a cat, toy, bone, etc. passing by. At this moment, you need to call a dog by name. When the dog pays attention to the owner, you should put a bowl in front of her and gently stroke it. This technique will not only help the dog remember his nickname faster, but also allow him to develop the habit of instantly responding to his name, regardless of what he is doing at this particular moment.

There are special techniques that allow you to accustom the dog to the nickname, which are considered, among other things, also elements of the initial training. For example, family members can stand in different corners of the room and alternately pronounce the nickname doggie. The person to whom the puppy will approach must necessarily pet him and praise him gently.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22904/

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