Alexander Arkhangelsky. Biography. Books. TV movies

Arkhangelsky Alexander Nikolaevich - Russian writer and poet, literary critic, publicist, representative of modern intelligentsia, candidate of philological sciences, well-known TV presenter, familiar to viewers from the information and analytical program "Meanwhile", devoted to economic and political topics, as well as the main cultural events of the week.

alexander arkhangelsk biography
The transfer is characterized by a pronounced author’s beginning, the right to a subjective assessment, but it has an obligatory rule: consider any problem from different points of view.

Alexander Arkhangelsky: biography

The native Muscovite was born on April 27, 1962, grew up and raised in an ordinary family with his mother and great-grandmother. They lived on the outskirts of the capital, not rich; Mom worked as a typist on the radio. At school, he studied brilliantly in all subjects related to literature. He quit studying mathematics very quickly, not because of a lack of abilities, but because he didn’t like spending time on things that did not arouse interest.

Arkhangelsk Alexander Nikolayevich

At some point in his life, he was fabulously lucky: the boy went to the Palace of Pioneers to enroll in a drawing club and accidentally, in company with some of the guys, became a member of a literary circle. It was there that he was greatly influenced by the young psychologist and teacher Zinaida Nikolaevna Novlyanskaya. For this young woman who worked for a meager salary, the profession was something more - a vocation; she made literally savvy people from her charges, giving Soviet schoolchildren many vivid and good examples. And today, Alexander Arkhangelsky is in close contact with the already grown up guys - members of the circle of the distant 1976.

Life goal set

After school, Alexander, who clearly understood what he wanted from life, decided immediately and entered the pedagogical institute at the faculty of Russian language and literature. Years of students coincided with work in the Palace of Pioneers, where Alexander got a job as the head of a literary circle. Since teaching did not interest Alexander, and he was completely not going to realize himself in this direction, he forged a medical conclusion that he could not teach because of asthma.

A further step in the fate of the young writer was work on the radio, where colleagues were women of retirement age. Alexander could not endure such a neighborhood for long: after 9 months he fled from there. Then he got a job as a senior editor of the magazine "Friendship of Peoples"; and at that time it seemed to Arkhangelsk that this was the ceiling of a career - there was nowhere to grow further. He liked the work in the magazine: interesting, with many business trips. At that time, Alexander visited Armenia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, where for the first time he witnessed youth speaking with national slogans and felt like a participant in a historical process aimed at changing the situation in the country.

Author Achievements

In the 90s, the writer worked in Switzerland and loved this country very much. There he lectured at the University of Geneva, and the money earned for three months was enough for him to live a year in Moscow without distress. In the capital, Arkhangelsky taught at the humanitarian department of the Moscow Conservatory.

Arkhangelsk Alexander Nikolayevich

In the newspaper Izvestia, Alexander Arkhangelsky went through all the steps: first he worked as a columnist, then as deputy chief editor and columnist. From 1992 to 1993, he led the “Against the Current” program on RTR, and in 2002, the “Chronograph,” is a member of the Union of Russian Writers, and a member of the 1995 Booker Prize jury. Founding Academician and President of the Academy of Russian Contemporary Literature.

In family life, Alexander was twice married and has four children from two marriages. The current wife, Maria, works as a journalist.

TV experience of Arkhangelsk

A large number of different opinions provoke "Heat" - a film-reflection, which tells about a unique period in the history of the country and the Church, a period of tragedy, meaningful and deep.

heat movie
Watching a film authored by Arkhangelsk evokes very conflicting feelings. On the one hand, the author introduces the audience to the religious searches of the 70-80s of the 20th century, on the other hand, the film shows only a small part of what happened around the Orthodox Church in those years, and tries to convince the viewer that in the USSR the real church existed secretly, and the true Christians were scientists and intellectuals. The remaining inhabitants of the country of councils simply survived in the created conditions.

Literature in the life of Alexander Arkhangelsky

Arkhangelsk as a writer grew up on the works of many authors, but Pasternak had a great influence on him, in whose work the future writer plunged headlong. The writer remembered the meeting with Dmitry Nikolayevich Zhuravlev, who had the manuscripts of this great writer, donated by the author personally. Further at the institute, Pushkin opened for Arkhangelsk, and then all world literature. Alexander Arkhangelsky has a gorgeous library with more than 3,000 books. This is all world classics, and books stand on the principle of chronology (from ancient Eastern and ancient to modern) and on the principle of having a desire to re-read each again.

Alexander Arkhangelsky: books of the author

What is literature for Alexander of Arkhangelsk? This is the only subject that allows you to rise from the cognitive and practical level to the emotional.

alexander archangel books

After all, literature is about the heart, about the mind, the mystery of life and death, trials, about the past and what surrounds people. It is in it that everything comes to life: from household items to animals. Literature is an important school subject, so Arkhangelsk wrote a textbook on this subject for the tenth grade. The purpose of teaching this school subject is to teach children to search for and find the human in man. Arkhangelsky is also the author and presenter of the documentary film series “Factories of Memory: Libraries of the World”. On his account such published works as “Epistle to Timothy”, “Cut-off Price” and others.


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