Varieties of colors and their names

Today, varieties of flowers and their names are amazing. Which ones to choose for your unique flowerbed? What varieties of flowers can be grown at home? It is very difficult to understand this inexperienced, novice lover. The knowledge of the success of growing plants will depend on knowledge.

Entering the house, you pay attention to window openings. What is on them? Empty or beautiful flowerpots. The beauty of the flowering windowsill causes emotion and the desire at home to make such a paradise. But before you go to the store for your favorite plant, you need to learn about it as much as possible.


Varieties of flowers for home cultivation are divided into several categories. These include: foliage, succulents, palm trees and creepers. It should be noted that there are plants that do not require special conditions for growth.

Plant an unusually beautiful asparagus with leaves as needles. It adapts to almost any conditions, you only need to spray it in the summer, and in winter do not let the air temperature drop below 15 degrees.

The next one is chlorophytum, which requires only abundant watering in the summer. And even if you dry it, then nothing bad will happen.

You can also plant a fat woman, or, as it is also called, a “money tree”. It does not require heavy watering, only needs sunlight.

But what if you want to grow something exotic? There are varieties of flowers that will require your efforts and the creation of certain conditions.


varieties of flowers
Fashion for flowers also exists, and now it is especially common to have orchids in your home. This exotic, in essence, is a parasite and grows in the tropics on trees. Today, the stores mainly present several types of orchids, such as phalaenopsis or cattleya. Less common can be found more capricious - "vanda".

What if I really want to buy such a beauty? First of all, read about the growing conditions. A bright room is suitable for any orchid, the only thing is that she does not like direct sunlight. If your windows face south, then simply remove your beauty deep into the room. But in order for it to bloom, it will be necessary to create conditions close to natural. To do this, it is necessary to make a temperature difference: at night, the temperature of 10-15 degrees is suitable for the orchid, and during the day it perfectly withstands 25-30-degree heat.


varieties of indoor flowers
Another unusual plant in the house. Varieties of flowers of spathiphyllum number 40 species. This miracle is also called “feminine happiness”, and sometimes “sailing ship”, because it looks like a sail straightened and inflated by the wind. A very beautiful and popular plant today that does not require special care, but some points still need to be observed.

Firstly, spathiphyllum is a tropical plant, which means it will require high humidity. To do this, spray air around the flower itself or pour water into a tray and place it on a pebble. Secondly, he does not like direct sunlight, and the northern window will be the best place.

Varieties of indoor flowers can be described indefinitely. Someone loves deciduous, someone likes cacti, and someone likes big shrubs or palm trees. There is one condition that you must always adhere to: before choosing a plant, read about its contents, and then even the most obvious whim will not disappoint you.

Garden plants

When creating your own flowerbed, pay attention to the varieties of flowers and their selection. After all, this is more important than when choosing indoor plants. First of all, you need to decide how much time you can devote to the flower beds. Only by answering this question, you can begin to select them for your paradise.

In the garden, sowing is usually begun with annuals. These plants are unpretentious and bloom in the year of planting, but there is one feature: they disappear in the same year. They are very beautiful, and flowering begins from the beginning of summer and continues until late autumn.

What can be planted? Asters are very beautiful, also sweet peas, which are woven on a support. Or you might want to plant a fragrant alissum or beautiful matthiola.

Well, if you can’t devote much time to your flowerbed, then planting perennials is an excellent option, and choosing from a huge variety of garden flowers will not be difficult. Here are a few of them.


varieties of garden flowers
An amazing perennial, unfortunately, forgotten in many places. Today there are more than 100 varieties of this beautiful flower. Gentle aquilegia was known back in the Middle Ages. She is shady, and if you want to plant it, then choose a place in the shade of trees or on the north side of the house. Please note that despite the apparent tenderness, the root system of this beauty is very powerful. What other growing features are there?

Planting this plant is best done in the fall, the seeds must be stratified, and then in the spring you will definitely get excellent shoots of aquilegia. She does not tolerate transplants, because the roots that appeared this year are necessarily damaged, namely they provide food. Cultivation of its special work is not, and will delight for many years.

Hibiscus herbaceous

varieties of flowers and their names
A beautiful perennial shrub that has many varieties. It is interesting that grass hibiscus was selected in the last century in Russia. Very beautiful plant with powerful stems and root tubers. Flowers in diameter reach 30 centimeters, and it is simply strewn with them. Having planted such a miracle, you will never regret it. There are few features of its cultivation.

Hibiscus grassy is very frost-resistant, the only moment is to sprinkle root roots with sand or earth, which hibernates in open ground. Plant it in a sunny outdoor place and enjoy the abundant flowering from August to October, in fact, until the first frost.

varieties of flowers photo
Varieties of colors, photos of which are presented in this article, are just a small fraction of excellent colors and aromas of pleasing eyes. Choose, plant and enjoy the beauty.


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