"Dochista" (septic tank): installation, installation, reviews, photos

Instead of an uncomfortable boardwalk “house” in the courtyard, many owners of suburban areas today prefer to equip toilets directly in the house, and use a septic tank to drain wastewater. There are many brands of sanitary equipment of this type in our time. One of the most inexpensive and popular is the Dochista line. These septic tanks are produced by the Russian company Eco-Yar.

Design features

"Dochista" is a septic tank that has a fairly simple device. The design of sanitary equipment of this brand includes:

  • Gravity chamber. Sewage settling takes place and solid particles are separated from them.

  • Brightening chamber. Anaerobic bacteria live in the bottom silt of this part of the septic tank, which purify the effluents by at least 80%.

  • Cleaning module. This design element of the septic tank is immersed in the clarification chamber. In this module, aerobic bacteria live, which produce after-treatment of effluents up to 97-98%.

Additional elements

In addition to the Dochista septic tank, the manufacturing company sells infiltrators, also called drainage tunnels. Usually they are used when it is impossible to install a filtration well (with a high occurrence of groundwater). Also, if necessary, to the septic tank of this brand, you can buy an additional neck. This element is necessary if the tank is supposed to be buried deep in the area.

clean septic tank

Types of septic tanks "Dochista"

The company "Eco-Yar" produces only three main types of plumbing equipment:

  • Septic tank "Dochista" S-5. This modification is perfect for a house in which 3-4 people live.

  • Model S-7. Septic tanks "Dochista" of this type are designed for 6 people.

  • Septic tank S-9. This modification is intended for use in those houses in which up to 8 people live.

If you wish, you can also buy a septic tank of this brand of the Dochista Profi line, which is a mini-treatment plant. This equipment is labeled with the letter “H”. In addition, the company "Eco Yar" produces models with forced pumping of the brand "Dochista". Septic tank of this type - the most expensive and easy to maintain equipment. Marked models with forced pumping with the letter "P" and can also be designed for a different number of people living in the house.

septic tank clean s 5

Septic "Dochista": reviews

Many owners of suburban areas have a very good opinion about the equipment of this brand. The septic tanks of “Dochista” are not too expensive, and their functions are performed quite properly. In particular, these models have earned good reviews for their light weight, durability and absolute tightness of the case. Septic tanks of this brand do not allow ground water at all and can last a very long time. Of course, consumers also like the absolute autonomy of this equipment, as well as the convenience of its use. “Dochista” - a septic tank 5 modification S - in the same way as models 7 and 9 of this line are often used in the country. Equipment marked with "N" and "P" is excellent for installation in residential buildings as well.

Actually, most summer residents have no complaints about the design of the septic tanks "Dochista". However, the quality of installation of this equipment is sometimes criticized. Firms that perform this work often do it hastily and without complying with the required technologies. For example, the pipe inlet to the first compartment may not be sealed, as a result of which groundwater begins to flow into the tank during operation. In addition, installers may not properly fix the pump, etc. However, the Dochista septic tank is good because it can be easily installed independently if desired.

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Where to mount

First of all, of course, you should decide on the installation location of the Dochista model. The septic tank of this brand is mounted in compliance with the following recommendations:

  1. The tank should be installed below the foundation.
  2. The optimal distance from the house to the septic tank is 5 m. In any case, it is not recommended to install a tank further than 15 meters from the wall of the building. Otherwise, external lines will often clog. If it is not possible to bury the tank at such a distance, the pipe must be equipped with an intermediate pit.
  3. Choose a place for the septic tank in such a way that, if necessary, the sewage machine could easily drive up to it .
  4. Any motor vehicle over the buried septic tank should not subsequently be driven.

Installation procedure

Next, let's see how, in fact, the installation of such equipment as the Dochista septic tank is carried out. Installation begins with digging a hole. When performing this procedure, it is taken into account that the manufacturer does not recommend deepening the tank more than 1 m (from the ground level to the top). The optimal indicator of the depth of the pit in most cases is 150-170 cm. A sand cushion is poured on its bottom. The walls of the pit concreted. Next, a trench is excavated under the highway to the house. The walls of this ditch can be strengthened with wooden formwork. The diameter of the pipeline should be 110 cm. It must be laid at an angle of at least 20 mm per linear meter.

Dig a hole under the infiltrator at a distance of 2-15 meters from the wall of the septic tank. 30-40 cm of crushed stone are poured on its bottom. A trench under the highway between the septic tank and the infiltrator is also dug at an angle of 22 mm per linear meter. After installing the drainage tunnel, it is connected to the tank and a ventilation pipe is mounted on its other side. Next, the infiltrator is covered with sand with a layer of about half a meter. A heater is laid on top. It can be, for example, expanded polystyrene. Then the pit is covered with soil to the top.

septic tank clean reviews

The septic tank itself is connected by a highway to the sewer system of the house and cover the pit with a lid. A heater is laid on top of it. At the final stage, backfill is performed.

The above method can be used when installing equipment of all modifications. It is in this way that the Dochista septic tank H5 is mounted, reviews of which are also good, models N-7 and 9, tanks of the “P” and “S” line.

Filter well

If the groundwater in the area is low, instead of an infiltrator, a special well can be arranged for additional sewage treatment. It is an ordinary deep hole with walls reinforced with plastic or concrete rings. A well is dug up at a short distance from the septic tank. The pipe must also enter at an angle. The bottom of the pit is not concreted, but filled with gravel, with a thick layer, at the final stage the well is equipped with a ventilation pipe, closed with a lid and sprinkled with soil.

septic tank

Installation Rules

"Dochista" - a septic tank, when installed, the following recommendations are observed:

  1. It is impossible to use special equipment for backfilling the tank or tamping the soil above it.

  2. In the event that the groundwater in the area is too high, the bottom of the pit under the septic tank should be concreted. The tank itself in this case is mounted in it with special clamps.

  3. All joints between the elements of the resulting treatment system must be sealed. To do this, you can use special cuffs or ordinary bituminous mortar.

  4. The width of the trenches should be such that on both sides of the laid pipes there should be at least 20-30 cm of free space.

septic tank clean n5 reviews

As you can see, the Dochista septic tank is quite reliable and easy to use equipment. Reviews about it are not bad, but self-assembly can be done without any problems.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22927/

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