Charlie grapes: cultivation, varietal features, description and reviews

In Russia there are many grape varieties that have proven themselves in different regions of our country. Of course, most of them are intended for cultivation in the sunny south. But today there are varieties that a gardener can grow from the Middle Strip (Moscow region, Leningrad region).

In this article we will introduce you to Charlie grapes. Description of the variety, reviews of experienced gardeners will be examined in detail.

charlie grapes

The story of the creation of a new culture

To create Charlie used varieties Nadezhda-AZOS and Victoria. As a result of selection, a promising and high-yielding variety was obtained. The Charlie grape variety belongs to the numerous collection of the famous amateur breeder from Russia E. G. Pavlovsky. Today it is often grown in summer cottages in the suburbs and the Leningrad region.

Charlie grapes: description of the variety

The bushes of this variety are quite tall and strong. The vine is painted in brown color, flexible, powerful. The bunch is larger than average (up to 800 g), has a cylindrical shape at the top, and goes down to an elongated cone. Moderately dense.

The clusters are large, the weight of the berry reaches ten grams. Color can vary from black to dark blue. Large clusters can persist for a long time on the vine. The plant is resistant to high humidity, and the fruits are not susceptible to decay even in the rainy summers. The peel of the berries is thin and, when fully ripened, practically does not taste.

Charlie grape variety

Charlie grapes have a sugar content of not less than 19%, acidity not more than 8 g / l. The fruiting percentage is at least 90%. Cuttings, as a rule, are successful, giving a high percentage of rooting and quick adaptation.

Hybrid features

The varietal feature of this variety is manifested by rapid acclimatization to the most adverse weather conditions. Experienced growers were able to appreciate its viability and high productivity even in temperate climates.

Diseases and Pests

According to experts, Charlie grapes are practically not affected by diseases traditional for these plants. Therefore, he does not require chemicals at all. Nevertheless, this variety has “enemies”. These are primarily birds - jays, tits, magpies and sparrows.

Charlie grape owners cannot agree on wasps. Some believe that they are not afraid of this variety, while others lament over the massive attacks. Therefore, it is better to take the necessary measures in advance. On the site, one should get rid of hornet's nests and families, close up all the holes where the "striped robbers" can live. In addition, it is necessary to dress the grapes in special nets that will not allow wasps to get to the sweet berries.

Charlie grape variety description

Landing and care

Experts recommend planting Charlie grapes in the spring. This allows the plant to take root quickly. Bushes are planted at a distance of one meter. This will allow the vines to develop normally and provide free access to the plant when processing the bush and harvesting.

Charlie grapes need regular weeding and weed removal around the bushes. Regular pruning and shaping of the vine should be carried out regularly . We must not forget about the importance of irrigation measures, which have a beneficial effect on the formation of high-quality and healthy clusters. Undoubtedly, in this case, the modern drip irrigation system is most suitable.

charlie grapes reviews

Planting with cuttings or seedlings?

For beginners in viticulture, you can advise a fairly simple way of planting - cuttings. In this case, the stalk should be no shorter than sixty centimeters. It is necessary to prepare it in the fall, and before planting it in the soil, the stalk should be soaked in water at room temperature for two hours. Thus prepared cuttings are planted in holes that are made in the soil using scrap.

Landing is carried out in the spring, at a temperature not lower than +10 degrees. However, this method has a significant drawback - cuttings do not always take root.

Planting with seedlings gives a great guarantee of plant survival. Seedlings (as well as cuttings) are soaked before planting, having previously shortened the roots and growths.

Autumn pruning

Pruning should not be done too early, because if you trim the bush after harvesting (many gardeners sin), you can weaken the plant and leave it to winter without a supply of nutrients.

A plant spends a lot of energy on ripening the crop. If you remove the entire productive part, you will not leave the grapes a chance to accumulate nutrients. If you let the plant regain its strength and only after that spend the autumn pruning, the grapes will winter prepared and strong.

grape variety charlie reviews

Grade Advantages

Despite some of the shortcomings, Charlie grapes have a number of undeniable advantages. Among them:

  • consistently high productivity;
  • a bunch with high commercial and taste qualities;
  • the possibility of growing both on personal plots and on large plantations (for commercial purposes);
  • the lack of tendency of the variety to pea (the formation of small berries);
  • high resistance to diseases;
  • stable frost resistance (up to -24 C).


However, winegrowers need to know that Charlie grapes need winter shelter. In addition, a little less than one hundred percent of the shoots are fruitful, therefore, rationing of productivity is required.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that Charlie grapes are practically devoid of flaws. Experienced growers are happy to grow it, and they advise beginners to take it up, since this variety does not require complicated care, and the yield is amazing.

charlie grape variety description reviews

Charlie grapes: reviews

This variety is grown in Russia, so many gardeners were able to appreciate its advantages and disadvantages. Most owners note the increased resistance of the hybrid to diseases and pests. Grape-growers with experience claim that Charlie grapes perfectly fruit even after defeat in April return frosts.

Charlie grape variety (reviews confirm this) always ripens completely and very high quality. Even when the bushes are overloaded with clusters, full ripening is delayed for only a week, compared with control bushes, which have a normal load. It is important that the vine of this variety is always clean, with no signs of pest or disease.

An early ripening large bunch remains for a long time on the bush. Many gardeners do not really like the nightshade flavor of berries. Experts advise those who want to get rid of it - leave the clusters on the bush until the fall. They will gain sugar, and the nightshade flavor will go away by itself.


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