Interesting proverb about stupidity

The proverb about stupidity is an integral part of popular thought. It contains lasting value and significance. Russian folk art includes many wise sayings. Proverbs about stupidity are far from last in this list.


We all, to one degree or another, admire smart people and certainly do not want to be like those who are called near-minded. The proverb about stupidity demonstrates the distinctive features of the world of a person who is deaf to knowledge.

"Nonsense, but mindful"

Intellectually undeveloped people are much less capable of analyzing current events. If something unpleasant happens to them, then they tend to always look for the guilty in everything. An intelligent person first of all tries to understand himself and understand the reason for what is happening. Stupidity seeks justification for its own inaction.

“There is a lot of noise in an empty barrel”

This proverb about stupidity confirms the idea that grumpiness is a quality of character of a near person. It is often possible to observe how people quarrel among themselves and do not want to accept someone else's point of view. A foolish person is always extremely selfish, he is not able to notice the needs of another. When a person is empty and she has nothing to give this world, she tries to take away some of the positive energy from others. So there is a lot of noise from nothing, and it turns out to be very difficult to find the truth.

“A century has lived, but not a mind”

This proverb about stupidity implies at its core that it is important not only to live many years, but to bring the maximum benefit that one is capable of to others. The situation when the old man cannot boast of a special mind is really sad. That is, we can say that he lived his life in vain. That is why older people are sometimes grumpy and unhappy.

“Crazy, no ax, no picking bast shoes.”

Every business needs a serious and responsible approach. If this is not the case, then you do not have to wait for high quality. It is necessary to show a sense of proportion in everything, and this implies taking responsibility for everything that happens to us. The mind is given to man so that he applies it, puts it into practice. Unfortunately, many people hide all the best in themselves and never open them.

proverbs about stupidity

Thus, these proverbs are designed to awaken the reader's responsibility to himself for all the achievements and for the tasks that he sets for himself.


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