Evergreen Shrubs: Virgin Juniper

Virginian Juniper, or pencil tree - a vertically growing, slender, large bush with a height of 7 to 12 meters. Its width varies from 4 to 6 meters. In this plant, the shape of the crown depends on the variety. Initially, it is compact, conical, but as the bush grows, it becomes wider, lacy and asymmetric. Juniper branches are bent up. The nature of the needles, as a rule, depends on the degree of illumination of the place of growth. It is needle-shaped in the shade, and scaly in the sunny area. The color is saturated, gray or dark green. In the winter, the juniper needles turn dark red. Berries with a bluish bloom of bluish-white color.

red cedar
On average, Virginian juniper grows by 25 centimeters per year. But it is worth considering that this plant grows only in the sun, it perfectly tolerates high temperatures, wind and drought tolerance. At the same time, the bush is winter-hardy and is not afraid of severe frosts. The root system is pivotal and highly sensitive to chemical and mechanical damage. Juniper is not whimsical to the composition of the earth; it grows well on light clay, sandy soils, as well as on loams and limestones. It tolerates seasonal haircuts and is ideal for topiary art. Old spreading shrubs are distinguished by a particularly picturesque shape of the crown.

juniper photo
Juniper Skyrocket is very popular among garden design lovers. This shrub reaches a height of 8 meters, the crown is dense, columnar. The needles are bluish-green or gray-green, scaly type. This plant does not tolerate shading. It grows exclusively in sunny areas. Its root system is deep, it is thanks to this structural feature that juniper of this variety is resistant to strong gusts of winds. The shrub is characterized by drought tolerance, tolerates high temperatures, frost-resistant.

Juniper Virgin Skyrocket grows on any but well-drained soil. The main thing - when choosing a landing site, pay attention to the degree of coverage of the site and its ventilation. If you plant it in the shade, then the shrub will grow stunted and completely lose all its decorative qualities. Only common juniper feels good in partial shade. If groundwater lies close to the surface, it is recommended to make good drainage before planting. As a drainage material, ordinary rubble is suitable, the main thing is that its layer be at least 15 cm.

juniper skyrocket
Juniper Virgin Skyrocket needs to be fed in spring and autumn. In early May, nitroammophoska in the amount of 30-40 grams is introduced into the soil. Watering moderate, the plant loves moisture. At a time, approximately 20-30 liters of water are poured under the bush. Water 3 times a season. Once a week, it is necessary to spray the plant abundantly, it is best to do this in the early morning or late evening. It is worth considering that young plants are watered twice as often, especially in the first year of life. So that the soil does not dry out quickly, it is recommended to mulch it with peat, a layer of 5 centimeters. Since juniper grows relatively slowly, the shrub does not need special pruning . Mostly, the removal of dried branches occurs. But if there is a desire, then it is possible to form a crown. Options for the finished results of designer pruning can be seen in various photos of juniper.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22938/

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