How to tin a soldering iron tip so that it solders correctly?

Many domestic soldering irons are made with a copper sting. For example, soldering irons like EPSN. The copper sting must be treated accordingly before this soldering iron can work. The sting needs to be given a convenient form for soldering.

Some process it with a simple file, and especially creative people prefer to forge it. As a result, the soldering iron tip becomes more durable and much less dissolves in the solder during the soldering process. But sooner or later everyone asks about how to tin a soldering iron with a copper sting.

how to tin a soldering iron tip

Soldering Iron Features

It is best to buy soldering irons, in which the tip is attached using a special screw. Such a sting can always be easily removed and processed again. Of course, if it gets stuck in the process of use, then this process will not be so easy. Therefore, when using soldering irons with removable tips, it is necessary to remove them from time to time and clean the attachment point so that it does not stick.

After the sting is given the desired shape, it must be tinned. The phrase "how to tin a soldering iron tip" should be understood that it is necessary to cover the working area of ​​the tip with a thin layer of solder. This is not too difficult to do. It is enough to turn on the soldering iron in the network, wait until it heats up to the temperature at which the rosin begins to melt, and then dip the tip into it.

how to tin a soldering iron with a copper sting

After the soldering iron is warmed up to its operating temperature, it is necessary to cover that part of it, which is soldered, from all sides to cover with solder. For this, it is better to take small pieces or solder made in the form of a wire. A large piece of solder soldering iron with a power of 25 watts will not be able to melt.

Soldering Iron Tip Shape

The shape of the sting may be different. The choice depends on the habits of the one who uses the soldering iron, and, of course, on the type of work done with it. Some people prefer a cone-shaped soldering iron tip, others - cut off at 45 degrees.

The fact is that even transistors hidden in SOT-23 cases, SMD parts or capacitors with resistors of size 1206 can be soldered with a sharpened-tip soldering iron tip. To solder such parts from circuit boards in large quantities, a construction or soldering hair dryer is usually used . In its absence, a regular soldering iron with a power of about 25 watts is useful, in which the tip is processed in the form of the letter P. It must be remembered that this is done before tinning the tip of the soldering iron.

This is done in order not to overheat the conclusions of the part, what happens when soldering with a soldering iron with an ordinary sting. And with the help of such a U-shaped sting, the conclusions are soldered immediately together, and the part is easily released from the place of soldering.

how to tin a soldering iron tip

It is better to use a more powerful soldering iron when performing work on the mass soldering of radio components, while using a power regulator. It is not so difficult to make yourself. In this case, a soldering iron with a power of up to 65 watts is suitable.

Quite often, when rosin suddenly begins to smoke during soldering. This means that the soldering iron is overheated. You have to turn it off and wait for it to cool. At the same time, if the soldering iron cools below normal, it starts to solder poorly. Using the power regulator, such problems can easily be avoided, and it becomes much easier to work, and there is nothing left of the necessary preliminary work but to tin the soldering iron tip.

how to tin a soldering iron tip of a soldering station

Soldering iron sharpening

  • The sharpening of the soldering iron tip is done with a file at an angle of 30-40 degrees.
  • The edge is left 1 mm wide and slightly dull.
  • On a new soldering iron, you only need to process the sting with a fine sandpaper to remove the patina. Patina is a greenish copper oxide.
  • If the shop sharpening does not suit, then you need to remove the sting and forge it yourself, giving the shape of a concave scapula. This method has one more plus - the metal will become less susceptible to corrosion.
  • To give the sting a finished look, it remains to process it with a file with a small notch.

How to tin a soldering iron tip of a soldering station?

To sting a sting means to cover it with a thin layer of solder. To do this, you must:

  • Turn on the soldering iron and wait until the copper rod turns reddish-orange. You should not wait longer, because the rod can burn.
  • Immerse all the sting in rosin and melt a small piece of solder.
  • Coat the entire surface of the sting with solder. It will cover better if you first rub it on a wooden surface.

How to tin a fireproof sting?

On sale you can find soldering irons, in which the working part is covered with a special non-combustible composition. This layer is very thin and it is impossible to clean it, as in the case with a conventional soldering iron. The question arises: "How to tin a soldering iron tip if it cannot be cleaned in the usual way?" It is necessary to use a special sponge. Also suitable is the one with which housewives usually wash dishes, or a piece of cloth previously soaked in water. Using such soldering irons, it should be remembered that any mechanical influences significantly reduce their service life.

how to tin a soldering iron tip

To irradiate the tip of such a soldering iron, you need to dip a piece of solder into the molten rosin, rub it with a sting on a damp cloth, removing oxides from it, and then move the heated soldering iron along the solder. After tinning, it remains to wipe the sting with a rag, and the soldering iron is ready to work.

When working with any type of soldering iron, you should try not to overheat them above 300 degrees C, otherwise you will have to tinker the tip again. And of course, anyone who uses a soldering iron should know how to properly tin a soldering iron tip.


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