How much brick is in the pallet - it is necessary to know for the transportation of goods

An infinite amount has been said about the construction boom that has swept the country. Construction is expanding, building materials are required, new plants are being built for their production. The most popular brick remains, on the improvement of the quality of which technologists are continuously working.

how much brick is in the pallet

The origin of the brick

It seems that brick has always been used for housing construction, it was used in the construction of the pyramids, it was known from 3-2 centuries BC. They burned clay, making primitive brick, and very ancient people. Over the millennia, its structure has changed. The shape has always been parallelepiped, which ensures the density of the masonry. Only the sizes changed, reaching the optimal indicators - 25-6-6.5 (it can be used to determine the amount of brick in the pallet - a special container for transportation).

Types and sizes of bricks

For many years, clay and adobe were part of the building stone. Nowadays, bricks are silicate, ceramic and hyper-pressed. There is such a division - red, white and decorative. Each of them has its own purpose and undeniable advantages - some have good frost resistance, others have good sound insulation. Types of bricks are as follows: whetstone, euro, single, one and a half, double, sometimes smooth standard, sometimes with one or two edges torn. All of them have their own parameters.

the number of kmrpich in the pallet

The sizes of building stone are different, even exclusive, but the running material has the following:

  • 25x12x6.5 - data of a single or standard smooth (it should immediately be said how many single bricks are in a pallet - 275 pieces);
  • 25x6x6.5 - bar, torn brick with two torn edges, basement. On a medium-sized pallet, they fit 375 pieces;
  • 25x9x6.5 - torn bricks - the number on the pallet is 307 pieces.

Calculations required for transportation

How to find out how many bricks are in a pallet? For the correct calculation, the size of the pallet is divided by the size of the brick, then it is multiplied by the number of rows recommended for this type of stone (no longer possible - the pallet cannot stand it), and we obtain the desired quantity. Above are data for medium-sized containers. But the bricks are laid on the pallet in a different way, sometimes β€œin a Christmas tree”, at an angle of 45 degrees, and then the amount of building material will be different. This must be taken into account.

Having ordered the necessary building material in the right amount, knowing how much brick is in the pallet and which container is more profitable to order, the client can proceed to transportation.

how many single bricks in a pallet

The dimensions of the brick must be known, including for the convenience of transportation. For a long time there are no those post-war trucks loaded with brick without packaging. Do not lift them to the place of laying "from hand to hand". Bricks are now being transported in special containers - containers, pallets, packages. The most popular containers are pallets, which are also divided by type - with hooks and bars, in size - the most popular of them are 520x1030, 600x1915 and 520x1740.

Decrease in transportation costs - reduction in the cost of the object

Pallets (another name for this container) are wooden, metal and wood-metal. Metal containers are used not only for transportation, but also for the removal of bricks from kilns. The question "how much brick is in the pallet" is not at all idle. Payment for transportation directly depends on it - fewer pallets, less payment. And here it is necessary to provide everything so as not to exceed the cost of building the object.

The number of bricks needed for building a house is laid in a standard design. The number of required containers can be determined by dividing the total amount of this type of building material by their number in the pallet. The answer to the question of how much brick is in the pallet will help determine the transport - how many cars and what carrying capacity will need to be used to transport the cargo.


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