Bolkonski family in the novel "War and Peace": description, comparative characteristics

The Bolkonsky family in the novel War and Peace is one of the key topics in the study of this work. Its members are central to the narrative and play a decisive role in the development of the storyline. Therefore, the characterization of these actors is especially important for understanding the concept of the epic.

Some general comments

The Bolkonsky family in the novel "War and Peace" is typical of its time, that is, for the beginning of the 19th century. The author depicted people in whose images he tried to convey the mindset of a significant part of the nobility. When describing these characters, one must first remember that these heroes are representatives of the aristocratic estate of the turn of the century, a time that was a turning point in the history of Russia. This was clearly shown in the description of the life and life of this ancient family. Their thoughts, ideas, opinions, worldview and even domestic habits serve as a vivid demonstration of how a significant part of the nobility lived in the time being considered.

The image of Nikolai Andreevich in the context of the era

The Bolkonsky family in the novel โ€œWar and Peaceโ€ is interesting in that the writer showed in it how and how the thinking society lived in the early 19th century. The father of the family is a hereditary military man, and his whole life is subject to a strict routine. In this image, a typical image of the old nobleman of the times of Catherine II is immediately guessed. He is a man of the past, 18th century, rather than new. One immediately feels how far he is from the political and social life of his time, it seems that he lives by the old orders and habits, which are more to the place for the era of the preceding reign.

Bolkonsky family in the novel War and Peace

On the social activities of Prince Andrew

The Bolkonski family in the novel "War and Peace" is distinguished by solidity and unity. All its members are very similar to each other, despite the difference in age. However, Prince Andrei is more passionate about modern politics and social life, he even takes part in the project of drawing up state reforms. It very well guesses the type of young reformer that was characteristic of the beginning of the reign of Emperor Alexander Pavlovich.

Balkon family characteristic

Princess Mary and secular young ladies

The Bolkonsky family, the characterization of which is the subject of this review, was distinguished by the fact that its members lived an intense mental and moral life. The daughter of old Prince Mary was completely different from the typical secular ladies and young women who then appeared in high society. Her father took care of her education and taught her a variety of sciences that were not included in the program for the education of young ladies. The latter studied home craft, fiction, and fine arts, while the princess, under the guidance of her parent, studied mathematics.

Comparison of Bolkonian and Rostov families

Place in society

The Bolkonski family, whose characterization is so important for understanding the meaning of the novel, occupied a prominent position in the highest society. Prince Andrey led a rather active public life, at least until he was disappointed in the career of a reformer. He served as adjutant Kutuzov, took an active part in hostilities against the French. He could often be seen at social events, receptions, balls. Nevertheless, from the very first time he appeared in the salon of a well-known socialite, the reader immediately understands that he is not his own person in this society. He is somewhat aloof, not very talkative, although, apparently, he is an interesting conversationalist. The only person with whom he himself expresses a desire to enter into a conversation is his friend Pierre Bezukhov.

Bolkonski family life

A comparison of the Bolkonsky and Rostov families sets off even more the peculiarity of the former. The old prince and his young daughter led a very secluded life and almost did not leave their estates. Nevertheless, Marya kept in touch with the upper world, exchanging letters with her friend Julie.

Andrei's appearance

The description of the Bolkonski family is also very important for understanding the nature of these people. Prince Andrei is described by the writer as a handsome young man of about thirty. He is very attractive, keeps excellent, in general - a real aristocrat. However, at the very beginning of his appearance, the author emphasizes that there was something cold, alienated and even callous in his facial features, although it is quite obvious that the prince is not evil. However, heavy and gloomy thoughts left their imprint on his face: he became gloomy, thoughtful and unfriendly with others, and even with his own wife he was extremely arrogant.

description of the Balkon family

About the princess and the old prince

The description of the Bolkonski family should be continued with a small portrait description of Princess Mary and her stern father. The young girl had a spiritual appearance, since she lived a tense inner and mental life. She was thin, slim, but she did not differ in beauty in the generally accepted sense of the word. A secular man, perhaps, would hardly have called her a beauty. In addition, the serious education of the old prince left an imprint on her: she was not thoughtful by her age, somewhat closed and focused. In a word, she did not at all resemble a socialite. The way of life that led the Bolkonsky family left an imprint on her. Briefly, it can be described as follows: isolation, rigor, restraint in communication.

Bolkonsky family briefly

Her father was a thin man of short stature; he held on just like a military man. His face was stern and strict. He looked like a hardy man, who, moreover, was not only in excellent physical shape, but also was constantly engaged in mental work. This appearance indicated that Nikolai Andreevich was an outstanding person in all respects, which affected communication with him. However, he could be biliary, sarcastic, and even somewhat unceremonious. This is evidenced by the scene of his first meeting with Natasha Rostova, when she visited their estate as the bride of his son. The old man was clearly dissatisfied with the choice of his son, and therefore gave the young girl a very inhospitable welcome, releasing in her presence a couple of witticisms that deeply touched her.

Prince and his daughter

Relations in the Bolkonsky family in appearance could not be called cordial. This was especially true in the communication of the old prince with his young daughter. He stayed with her about the same as with his son, that is, without any ceremonies and discounts on the fact that she is still a girl and needs more gentle and gentle treatment. But Nikolai Andreevich, apparently, did not make much difference between her and his son and communicated with both approximately the same, that is, severely and even harshly. He was very picky about his daughter, controlled her life and even read the letters she received from her friend. In the class with her, he was severe and picky. However, on the basis of the foregoing, one cannot say in any way that the prince did not love his daughter. He was very attached to her and appreciated all the best in her, but because of the severity of his character he could not communicate otherwise, and the princess understood this. She was afraid of her father, but respected him and obeyed everything. She accepted his demands and tried not to contradict anything.

Old Bolkonsky and Prince Andrew

The life of the Bolkonsky family was distinguished by solitude and isolation, which could not but affect the communication of the protagonist with his father. Their conversations from the side could be called formal and even somewhat official. Their relationship did not seem emotional, rather, the conversations were like an exchange of views between two very smart and understanding each other people. Andrei was very respectful with his father, but somewhat coldly, aloof and severely in his own way. The father, in turn, also did not indulge his son with parental affection and affection, confining himself to remarks exclusively of a business nature. He spoke with him only in essence, deliberately avoiding anything that could affect personal relationships. All the more valuable is the ending of the scene when Prince Andrey was sent to the war, when deep love and tenderness for his son erupted through the icy equanimity of his father, which, however, he immediately tried to hide.

family relations

Two families in a novel

It is all the more interesting to compare the families of Bolkonski and Rostovs. The former led a secluded secluded life, were strict, severe, and laconic. They avoided social entertainments and were limited to each other's company. The second, on the contrary, were sociable, hospitable, cheerful and cheerful. All the more significant is the fact that Nikolai Rostov eventually married Princess Mary, and not Sonya, with whom he was connected with childhood love. It must have been these very different people who were better able to discern the positive qualities of each other.


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