Writer Sergey Samsonov: biography, books

Sergei Samsonov is a writer who authored such literary works as Kamlaev’s Anomaly, Falcon Frontier, Legs, Oxygen Limit, Iron Bone, and Electricity Conductor. One of Samsonov’s books was shortlisted by the National Bestseller in 2009 (Kamlaev’s Anomaly). Sergey Samsonov is a writer from Russia who managed to impress not only the domestic audience with his skill. Especially when you consider that at the time of the release of the first novel, he was 27 years old.

writer Samsonov

Sergey Samsonov, writer: biography

Perhaps many people, having read a work by any writer, would like to learn more about the person who wrote such lines. Someone is simply interested in the details of life, and someone is thus trying to understand the train of thought of the author.

So, Sergey Anatolyevich Samsonov is a writer whose work found his fans. He was born in the city of Podolsk, Moscow Region in 1980, and more precisely - on December 12. In 2003, he graduated from the Alexei Maximovich Gorky Literary Institute in Moscow.

The first book of Sergei Anatolyevich is the novel "Feet", which was released in 2007. Today, Samsonov works as a copywriter at a Moscow publishing house. In his 37 years (today), Sergei Samsonov wrote several voluminous novels. The largest among them is the Falcon Frontier. This novel has a little over 700 pages. Unfortunately, Sergey Anatolievich is not laconic. He does not advertise his personal life and generally provides extremely little information about himself.

Samsonov at the award

The novel "Feet"

The first book of the writer Sergei Samsonov was the novel "Feet." In 2007, the St. Petersburg book publishing house Amphora released this novel. It tells of the ingenious Russian footballer Semyon Shuvalov, who is doing his best to get into the Catalan professional football club Barcelona.

In his quest to hone his skills, the footballer does not immediately notice that, like many gifted players, he was the victim of a great conspiracy whose goal was to create invincible footballers. The novel is addictive, causes a desire to delve into the study of world football history, to watch some masts or video slicing of the best goals.

“Kamlaev’s anomaly”

In 2008, Eksmo Publishing House released the second novel of the writer Sergei Samsonov, entitled The Kamlaev Anomaly. This novel, like Feet, is biographical in nature. However, the first narrated about a football player, the second is devoted to the life of the composer.

Matvey Kamlaev - the hero of the work, appears before the reader in the image of a famous composer, supporter of the underground movement. Matvey lives with music, feels with music, sees the world around him with music. His talent is undeniable, obvious even to mediocrity in the field of music.

However, everything is not as good as it seems. The composer is being charged with parasites. After this follows a removal from creativity, problems in cupid affairs. All this tests the strength of Kamlaev's genius, his talent. This unique piece was shortlisted by the National Bestseller in 2009.

Two interesting works of Sergei Samsonov

The writer gave the world such a conduction as the "Oxygen limit." It tells of a terrible explosion in a commercial center in Moscow. As a result of this explosion, a lot of people died (hundreds of victims). A woman is missing - the wife of a famous surgeon. As it turned out, she had some kind of secret, a difficult fate.

As a result, people who did not know each other and did not even suspect that they could have something in common find themselves connected with each other. They have to decide whether to look for the wife of a surgeon or whether it is better for this woman to remain unidentified. Sergey Samsonov - the writer who created this book, gave his work penetration, mystery. He told a love story, told about the secrets of power. In this novel, you can find everything that literature can truly give.

Oxygen limit

In the genre of modern prose about the Samson war, “Falcon Frontier” is written. This novel is the most unexpected of all, written by Sergei Samsonov, a writer of 37 years. "Falcon Frontier" tells of the events of the Great Patriotic War, the confrontation of two aces from opposing sides, fighting each other.

Everything is present in the work: both beautiful women who are surrounded by the main characters, and spies, distinguished by their cunning and cunning, and sexual minorities. Even perverts are present on the canvas of the plot.

Grigory Zvorygin - Soviet pilot, symbolizes the unity of the people to defeat the enemy. German von Borch - German ace, on the contrary, emphasizes individuality and selfish impulses. Their confrontation is so complex and deep that it is impossible to distinguish where the personal victory of one hero ends and the defeat of another begins. The novel is extremely exciting, written in a difficult language, striking in its depth.

Falcon Frontier

Sergey Samsonov, showing both sides of the same coin

The Iron Bone, written about the life of the Russian people in the late 90s and early 00s, tells of two men who live in completely opposite worlds. One has power and money, decides the fate of other people, the other - a hereditary worker, rebelling against the fate of fate. However, in an instant they cease to be masters of life and slaves of circumstances.

Iron bone

Genius or mediocrity

Opinions about the talent of Sergei Samsonov were divided into two camps. Someone believes that Sergei Anatolyevich, undoubtedly, deserves respect as a writer, despite the peculiarities of writing his novels. The other half of readers say that books are distinguished by their lengthy plot, and the difficulty of writing. However, no one will argue that entering the short list of the "National Bestseller" is not so simple. Nevertheless, books are popular, and Samsonov himself continues to write.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22947/

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