Examples of public relations. System and sphere of public relations

Social relations - these are the relationships between people that arise in the process of their social interaction. They take shape in one form or another, in specific conditions. Examples of social relations are well known to each of us. After all, we are all members of society and are in contact with other individuals in one way or another. However, it is worthwhile to pay a little more attention to this topic and consider it in detail.

examples of public relations

About the criteria

Before giving examples of social relations, it is necessary to talk about what types they are distributed.

The most common criterion is regulation. What in this case determines the legal status. And according to the regulated relations are official and unofficial. The first include those that are formed between individuals by virtue of their official position. Suppose between a boss and subordinates. Or a teacher and student. And unofficial are relationships that are also called personal. They have no legal basis, and they are not limited to formal rules. It could be a relationship between friends, for example. Or between a guy and a girl.


Relations can also be class and class, economic, religious, political, moral, mass, legal, cognitive, conative and communicative. They can also be long-term, short-term, functional, permanent, cause-effect and subordinate.

norms of public relations

Legal relationship

This is the type of communication based on legal obligations and subjective rights that are provided by the state. She is strong-willed. For a relationship to begin to exist, one or another document must be signed. Through certain norms, stipulated, as a rule, on paper, the state will is reflected in these relations. And they are protected, by the way, also by the authorities.

But the most important thing is that it is in legal relations that the strength of legal norms and their effectiveness are manifested. You can give an example. Suppose a young man named Anton has received a summons from a military registration and enlistment office after graduating from a university. In this case, the object of legal relations is military service. The subjects are Anton himself and the state. What is the content of the relationship? The fact that Anton has a legal duty is to come to the military registration and enlistment office, then serve in the army. And the state, in turn, has a subjective right to call Anton to service. These are the norms of social relations regulated by the legal field.

Economic sphere

This topic should also be addressed. The system of social relations in the economic sphere is a certain relationship that people involved in the production process enter into. However, there is a classification.

Organizational and economic relations are widespread . They appear due to the fact that production at the enterprise, as well as distribution and exchange, are not possible if there is no specific system. There should be a certain organization of the process that accompanies the joint activities of the employees of the enterprise. This may also include the division of labor. Examples of social relations of this classification existed many centuries ago. The first case was the separation of agriculture from animal husbandry. What acted as prerequisites? Naturally, the desire to use available resources and labor more efficiently. Hence the emergence of such a concept as specialization, but this is another topic.

public relations system

A family

Considering examples of social relations, one cannot ignore this aspect. The family is a small socio-psychological group, the relationship in which is traditionally based on trust and love. It can consist of two people (husband and wife, for example) or twenty (grandparents, children, etc.).

And it is not for nothing that many sociologists, talking about the spheres of public relations, pay special attention to the family. Since it is with her that a person spends most of his time allotted to rest. Communication in the family performs several functions at once. It is with its help that the purposefulness and coordination of the efforts of both spouses is achieved to achieve a common goal that is important for their family. And only communication can satisfy the need for spiritual intimacy with a dear person.

In addition, the family is a socio-economic unit. Within its framework, a household is carried out and a common budget is maintained, the consumption of certain services, goods, and the satisfaction of various needs regarding housing, clothes, food, etc. are organized. And how well and efficiently the union functions, the marriage of two people , depends on the interaction of the spouses. And all this basis is communication.

public relations


This topic should also be noted attention, talking about the subject of public relations. Moral relations are not governed by legal laws, as are the notorious legal ones. They are fixed in a different way. Traditions, customs, rituals and other ethnocultural forms that reflect the moral standards of behavior of a particular community of people. In moral relations, many conventions of a cultural and historical nature are concluded. They all stem from the lifestyle of a small group of people. And the peculiarity of these relations is that the central value of everything is man.

And the examples are simple. In terms of moral relations, people are determined by the principle of antonyms. That is, they can be good and bad, good and evil, merciful and aggressive, etc.

legal regulation of public relations


In our society, this sphere also has a certain weight and significance. There is even legal regulation of public relations in a religious aspect. This is a law relating to the insult of feelings of believers (Article 148 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Religious relations are a reflection of the interaction of people who are connected by common ideas about a person and his place in the universal life processes, as well as about the soul, death, the meaning of existence. This is important, since all of the above is connected with the need for self-knowledge, self-improvement and finding oneself in this world.

An example of religious relations can be the connection between parishioners and the pastor, who can be said to be God's representative, bringing the good news to people and helping them find the truth. In addition, it is the pastor who holds such ceremonies as baptism, funerals (funeral services), marriage (weddings), and bread-breaking.

subject of public relations

Material relations

This is what concerns us all directly. Material relations are formed in the course of a person’s life, sometimes even outside his consciousness. Every day we enter into this kind of connection. While working, a person produces content, and in return receives money. When buying food, he gives his money. Receiving a gift, thanks. Material needs are actually many. They concern not only food, water, clothes and housing, but also active and cultural recreation, which can be realized using material relations. How to understand this? Very simple: if a person likes to go to the gym, he buys a subscription.

And the principle here is also simple. The more needs a person has of this kind, the more diverse are material relations in society. After all, these two concepts are inseparable from each other.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F22962/

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