New relatives after the wedding: who is the sister-in-law?

So the cheerful wedding has died down. Chores about dresses, invitations and guests are forgotten. Now a new life begins. The number of relatives is increasing. If you want family life to succeed, you will have to remember all the members of the newly made family. For example, a sister-in-law is who? Let's try to find out where this word came from and which relatives have the right to be named?

sister-in-law is who

Who is the sister-in-law?

It is not easy to sort out new relatives after the wedding. Father-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law. A sister-in-law, for example, is the wife 's sister . The sister-in-law’s husband, that is, the husband of the wife’s sister, will be called the brother-in-law. It turns out that the brothers-in-law are those men whose wives are sisters to each other. As a rule, sisters have good relations with each other, therefore it is better for a husband to maintain normal relations with his sister-in-law, because she will be the main counselor in many family problems and conflicts. Therefore, it is better to remember this word so that you do not have to experience embarrassment, asking your wife’s sister: “Sister-in-law? Who is this?".

congratulation from sister-in-law

The origin of the word "sister-in-law"

Many terms denoting kinship cite various dictionaries of the modern Russian language. Some of them are understandable (brother-in-law, sister-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law), others have already ceased to be used (son, sister) or have undergone some sound modification. This applies, for example, to the word "sister-in-law." Previously, the East Slavs used the name "reduce" to designate the sister of his wife. In Old Russian, this word was pronounced a little differently - "brother-in-law." In any case, it is obvious that the origin of the "sister-in-law" goes back to the meaning of the pronoun "own" - that is, close, native. In the sixteenth century there is a transformation in the system of designating kinship in the Russian language. Many little-used or sonorous words disappear from the language forever. Today, few can answer the question: “Who is the sister-in-law?” Meanwhile, this word denotes a fairly close degree of kinship. Therefore, for those men whose wives have sisters, this term is better to remember.

happy birthday sister-in-law

Relationship with the sister-in-law

The wife's sister, especially the older one, can convey family wisdom and practical advice to the younger sister. In this regard, the wish or congratulation from the sister-in-law should be accepted with special respect. If girls were born with a difference of only a few years, then after the appearance of children, their relationship will become even closer. Families can attend children's parties, go to the park, theater or go to kindergarten. It also happens that there is competition between sisters: whose husband is better. However, as a rule, the unspoken struggle remains within the framework of friendly jokes.


So, there are many new relatives after the wedding. It is important not only to remember all of them by name and to figure out who, by whom and to whom is necessary. Now you have to regularly congratulate the members of the newly made family on the New Year, March 8 and happy birthday. The sister-in-law is a special relative, so you should show maximum attention, patience and care for her if you want to keep your own family.


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