Moroznik black: description and photo, features of growing

Many country house owners pay particular attention to plants in the garden. As soon as the first spring rays warm the snowdrifts, delicate hellebore flowers begin to stretch through the snow. This plant is characterized by early flowering. Moroznik opens its buds during the flowering period of Erantis, hazel grouse and crocuses.

hellebore black planting and care

Mysticism and the danger of hellebore

This amazing perennial plant has been known to man since biblical times. Legends and legends went about him, magical properties were attributed to him. One legend says that these flowers were found by the magi near the barn in which Jesus Christ was born. It used to be believed that this flower could cause demons. In another legend, it was said that the cause of the death of Alexander the Great was the poison of hellebore. And Hippocrates used it as a cleanser. This early flower has also been used to treat paralysis and insanity.

Modern scientists claim that this flower is not at all harmless. Its composition includes such toxic substances as iervin, veratrin, cyclopamine and teratogen. Once in the human body, they cause dizziness, suffocation, swelling, thirst and vomiting. Therefore, deciding to plant this attractive plant in your home garden, you should constantly monitor pets and young children. At the first symptoms of poisoning with this plant, you should immediately consult a doctor.

black hellebore cultivation

Varieties of plants

In the wild, this flower grows in Europe (southern and middle parts), in Asia Minor, in the Balkans, in the Carpathians, in the south of Ukraine and in the Caucasus. The height of the hellebore reaches 30-50 cm. It has a well-developed root system. Flowers and leaves of hellebore are located close to the ground, form a beautiful outlet. The dense leaves of this plant have a dark green hue. On a high stalk are beautiful inflorescences. Most hellebore varieties have a pale green hue. Inside, each of them is painted with bright colors - brown, red, pink, black. Common types of hellebore (winter hibernation) include:

  • The black.
  • Caucasian.
  • Oriental.
  • Hybrid.
  • Blushing.
  • Smelly.

Black hellebore

The birthplace of this flower is Southern and Central Europe. The black hellebore got its name because of the color of the rhizome. In the wild, this plant is most often found in mountain forests. Description of black hellebore will not leave you indifferent. Believe me, after reading this article you will immediately plant this perennial mysterious plant on your personal plot.

hellebore black grade

The height of the black hellebore reaches 30 cm. The leaves have a dark green hue. In Russia, this hellebore variety blooms in late March - early April. Inflorescences of the black wintry are large, white, speckled. With age, they acquire a pale pink hue. There is a variety with initially pink flowers, which is called the "Christmas star". It was this flower that, according to legend, was presented to the baby Jesus.

After flowering, the foliage falls off the plant, and in its place a new one immediately grows. Black hellebore blooms all year round. It is unpretentious in care, resistant to various pests. In winter, the flower withstands temperatures up to -35 o C.

This plant is actively used in folk medicine. For example, an aqueous extract of black hellebore is known. But experts do not recommend taking all infusions inside. After all, everyone knows that the plant contains poison, which means it can cause serious consequences, even death.

Caucasian hellebore

This is the most nondescript of all varieties of hellebore. But it is also the most poisonous. The plant grows in beech, oak and pine forests of the Krasnodar Territory and Georgia. The height of the Caucasian winter hut reaches 40 cm. The leaves of the plant are large, leathery, dark green, shiny. Due to the stiffness of the texture and internal composition, the leaf is hard to damage. The root is small, dark brown. Inflorescences are green with a brown or white tint. This variety blooms in late winter - early spring. The first buds appear from under the snow.

It is permissible to use black hellebore and Caucasian for medical purposes. Use the root, which is pre-dug, cleaned and dried. Decoctions, infusions are prepared from it. They are used for external treatment of dermatological problems and joints.

black hellebore extract

Eastern hellebore

The most widespread variety of plants. The homeland of the eastern hellebore is Greece, the Caucasus, Turkey. This plant tolerates arid summer conditions and harsh winters. It tolerates a decrease in temperature in the winter to -29 Β° C. Gardeners can use it to design landscape compositions in regions where there is no permafrost.

East hellebore reaches 30 cm in height. It is characterized by later flowering. The first flowers appear in early April. The original plant is cream colored with specific strokes on the petals. There are varieties of pink, white and purple colors. Often there are varieties with specks inside the flower. The most beautiful representatives of this variety are the Ballard hybrid, East Montsegur and Ellen purple.

hellebore black description

Stinky hellebore

The name of the plant speaks for itself. Bright green unusual flowers have indescribable beauty. At the same time, many people will not like the strong, unpleasant aroma.

Where to plant a plant

Black hellebore is considered the most popular, attractive and unpretentious. Landing and caring for it are quite simple. This is a perennial plant that grows in one place without transplanting for many years. But you should carefully choose a place for planting hellebore, listening to the recommendations of specialists and the requirements of agricultural technology.

how to plant hellebore black

The cultivation of black hellebore occurs better on soils rich in humus. It is desirable that it be located under the crowns of trees, where there is a lot of decayed foliage. You should choose the right place for the future plant. The hellebore should be located in the shade with a small amount of sunlight. The place must be protected from strong winds. The ideal neighbors of the flower are trees, the crowns of which will allow the necessary sunlight to pass through. The plant is quite unpretentious and can easily adapt to almost any conditions. But the correct planting and care of black hellebore is the key to its long and active flowering in your garden.

Planted in the garden in early autumn. Moroznik manages to take root well before the start of winter. Most often, separate bushes are used for this, which were previously separated from the old plant. In this way, the bush is rejuvenated, and the duration of its growth is increased. In one place, the bush can grow for a long time. Over time, it grows. Samosev drowns out the plant, so periodically the bush should be thinned out. The separated parts are used for propagation. They will lay the foundation for a future new, strong and beautiful bush.

hellebore black photo

Soil and watering requirements

Soil for planting hellebore must retain moisture. This plant does not tolerate drying out of the soil. Therefore, special attention should be paid not only to the composition, but also to the condition of the soil. It should not be heavy and packed. Clay particles should not be contained in the soil.

The plant grows well in turf land. As mentioned above, it is better to place a flower under a tree. The hellebore under the evergreen bushes and trees looks spectacular.

The best development of this plant occurs on alkaline soils or on neutral ones.

With an acid reaction of the earth, experts recommend introducing ash, lime or sleeping tea into the soil. With regular application of these substances, the composition of the soil may change.

hellebore black and eastern

In regions with heavy snowfall, hellebore is hardly watered. Melt water provides sufficient soil moisture. In arid regions, it is necessary to monitor the state of the soil. It should be watered several times a season abundantly. But the lack of water will not hurt the hellebore. Due to the rigid structure of the leaves, evaporation of moisture from the flower occurs sparingly.


How to plant black hellebore correctly? First of all, you should prepare shallow square pits 25x25 cm in size. A distance of at least 30 cm should be left between the plant bushes. Compost should be placed on the bottom of the pit. Now the seedling should be placed in the recess and gently spread the roots of the plant. From all sides, you need to gradually sprinkle the seedling, squeeze. After the plant must be watered with plenty of water. In the next 3 weeks, it should be regularly watered, avoiding overflow and stagnation of water.

hellebore black landing

Planting a black hellebore almost always succeeds. After all, this plant is unpretentious. A sad result can be obtained when poor-quality, painful seedlings are used.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

In fact, this plant is unpretentious and does not need special care and fertilizing. But experienced gardeners know that top dressing is the key to its long and abundant flowering. Therefore, we do not skip this point, but apply the recommendations of experienced gardeners in practice. And believe me, your hellebore will respond to these procedures with lush flowering and the development of elegant and attractive foliage.

So, how to fertilize the grade black hellebore? In early spring, you can use double superphosphate and bone meal. You should also pay attention to foliar dressing with microelements. This procedure must be performed in warm weather on clear and dry days.

Many gardeners do not recommend fertilizing this flower with nitrogen fertilizers.

Methods of propagation of hellebore

Moroznik oriental and black are actively used in landscape design. These plants look great in rock gardens, rockeries, mixborders. In household plots, these plants create a bright accent not only in spring, but also year-round. In winter, this flower pleases gardeners with unfading greenery. After all, this plant is frost-resistant.

Hellebore propagates in 2 ways: by dividing an adult bush and seeds. The cultivation and propagation of this plant occurs exclusively in open ground. At home, the flower stops flowering.

Seed propagation

The seed method for growing a winter hibernation involves the use of fresh planting material. When buying, you should pay attention to the date of collection of seeds. Be careful, because 6 months after collection they lose their germination ability.

black hellebore from seeds

Sow black hellebore from seeds should be in prepared containers with moist and loosened soil. They need to be planted to a depth of 1-2 cm. With the appearance of the first leaves, the container should be placed in a dark place. From this moment, seedlings can be dived. Before landing on the street, they must be transplanted several times. After 2-3 years, you can plant mature plants in a permanent place. A transplant is best done in early autumn, at the end of September. The first flowering of the winter hibernation propagated by seeds will begin at 3 year old.

Bush propagation

Many experts say that hellebore grows slowly and does not tolerate transplanting. Therefore, vegetative propagation is recommended for use in rare cases.

To divide the bush, you should choose an adult bush over the age of 3 years. Seedling can be done after a flowering period. You need to plant the flower in such a way that there is a distance of 30-40 cm between the bushes. The soil must necessarily be moist, loose, with good drainage.

Propagation of hellebore in this way is fraught with danger not only for the plant, but also for humans. After all, the flower is poisonous. A drop of juice can cause skin burns or irritation. Therefore, when dividing, you should worry about your own safety. Gloves should be worn and direct contact of the plant with exposed skin should be avoided. If the plant juice has got on the body, it should be washed off as soon as possible with running water. In case of irritation, it is better to consult a doctor.

Pests and diseases

Moroznik is particularly resistant to many diseases and pests. Discomfort to this plant is brought by rodents, snails, slugs and aphids. Rarely on a flower can you notice a hop hop, which affects the root. In these cases, insecticides should be used. In the manufacture of the solution should strictly adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations.

The leaves of hellebore are also affected by the fungus Coniothyrium hellebori, which provokes the appearance of dark spots. The disease develops rapidly in warm and damp weather. In this case, it is necessary to regularly monitor the appearance of new affected leaves and cut them in time. Also, the flower should be treated with a systemic fungicide.

black hellebore

Combination with other plants

Often in the photo a black hellebore can be observed in the neighborhood with different trees and flowers. And this is not surprising. After all, this flower grows beautifully under bushes and deciduous trees. Gardeners often combine this spring flower with early-flowering crocuses, stunted tulips, hazel grouse and daffodils, small-bulbous erantis and scylla. The decorative foliage of hellebore looks perfect with variegated crops that develop in the summer.

Landscaping and hellebore

Active use of hellebore in landscape design occurs during the design of shadow alpine hills. Thanks to early flowering, hellebore adorns the landscape composition in March, when the snow has not yet melted. Large decorative bushes go well with different types of plants.

You should not plant the plant in places where children often play.


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