Siberian city of Prokopyevsk: attractions, photos

Prokopyevsk is located in the Kemerovo region in the south of Western Siberia and is one of the largest cities in the region. Previously, he held a leading position in coal mining and even had an unofficial name β€œthe black pearl of Kuzbass”. This is a city with a well-developed infrastructure. Consider where you can have a good time in it, what sights of Prokopyevsk should definitely visit.

Zenkovsky park of culture and rest

The park was opened in June 1933, it was created by the forces of citizens. Currently, its area is 200 hectares, the lake is located here. Throughout the park there are various fabulous heroes and houses that were carved from cedar. In this area there are two sanatoriums, two children's recreation camps and even the base of the OMON detachment. The equestrian center works in the park in such areas as tourism, horseback riding, and military affairs. In the summer, the park has various attractions, tennis courts, and sports equipment rental. It offers visitors a helicopter flight over the city. In winter, a ski-rental base and an ice rink are open here.

Attractions Prokopyevsk

Sights of Prokopyevsk: description and photo

Among the attractions of Prokopyevsk should be noted the Glory Monument. It was installed in Zenkovsky park in honor of the 40th anniversary of Victory Day. Not so long ago, the obelisk was reconstructed. There is another attraction of Prokopyevsk in the park - 11 Blockade Pines, it is considered the same age as Victory. In 1942, at the very height of the war, children from the besieged Leningrad who lived here until the end of the war were evacuated to Prokopyevsk. After the defeat of the Nazi troops, the children planted eleven pines (according to the number of nursing children in the orphanage) before leaving for Leningrad in the form of a torn blockade ring.

Cathedral of the Nativity of John the Baptist

It is called the main temple of the city, it was built recently - in memory of the dead miners. The cathedral has gilded domes and rich decoration, located in a pine forest. A very good place was chosen for him: there are few people, a lot of space and greenery.

sights of prokopyevsk

Prokopyevsky Drama Theater

The theater can be considered a real attraction of Prokopyevsk, it was built in the 60s of the last century and bears the name of the Lenin Komsomol. The building itself is unusual, made in the style of "Stalin's Empire". A young talented team plays in the theater, which often goes to festivals and receives prestigious awards. Theater troupes from different cities come to this theater with tours. With the support of the theater interesting flash mobs are held. It is noteworthy that on Thursdays in June only comedies are shown here.

Prokopyevsk Attractions Photos


The halls present completely unique birch bark products, an exhibition of dolls. All exhibits are made by masters from Prokopyevsk. Exhibited here are the works of famous painters of different times. All kinds of workshops are held for all ages.

Museum of Local Lore

Another attraction of Prokopyevsk can be considered a museum of local lore. It was originally opened at the base of the school. The students conducted more than 20 different expeditions in the south of the region. In 1961, thanks to the collected collections, the state museum was opened. The following departments are included in the exposition:

  • archeology;
  • ethnography;
  • nature;
  • revolution;
  • Civil War;
  • Patriotic War;
  • space.

Prokopyevsk Attractions Photos

The museum provides walking and bus trips to the sights of Prokopyevsk at different times. The museum employees also provide other services: theatrical performances, wedding ceremonies.

Sights and photos of Prokopyevsk

The article contains photographs of this beautiful city. There is a museum of tram management. The museum is small, but quite informative. It presents the whole story from the beginning of the tram. Photos and models of these cars of different years are presented.

Adam and Eve

In 2011, an unusual monument was opened in Prokopyevsk dedicated to marital fidelity and love. It was based on the biblical story of Adam and Eve, the apple and the Tempting Serpent. The monument consists of a tree, with the Serpent lurking on it, and in the center of the composition are the figures of a woman and a man, the monument has a height of about two meters. Nearby is a beautiful fountain.

Monument on the Heroes Alley

While in the city, you should visit another attraction of Prokopyevsk - a monument to soldiers who fell in hot spots. A large black tulip is located under the dome of the parachute. The monument is located on the avenue of Heroes.

Sights of Prokopyevsk photo and description

In the city of Prokopyevsk there are many different monuments:

  • Peter I;
  • St. Peter and Fevronia;
  • Jesus Christ the Savior;
  • liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • plumbing.

Aba River

The Aba River is one of the sights of Prokopyevsk. The river flows in the city and has a picturesque view. Here you can relax from the bustle of the city and enjoy nature. Aba is considered a fish river: zander, pike, carp, crucian carp live in it.


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