Carrots Abako: features, cultivation, care, reviews

Dutch breeders from the Monsanto company recently launched a new variety of carrots - Abaco. In the regions of Russia, he appeared in 2009. And I liked the many gardeners. It is distinguished by good yield, disease resistance, excellent taste.

Grade Features

Abako carrots are a hybrid variety that is distinguished by an early ripening period. From the appearance of seedlings to the moment of complete ripening of root crops, no more than 110-115 days pass.

carrots abaco

The leaves have a dark green color, finely divided. Root crops are conical, with blunt tips, differ in average size. Their length is an average of 12-20 cm. The root crop weighs about 100-200 grams. Moreover, they are resistant to cracking and shooting.

Carrots are painted in dark orange color. Due to the more intense coloring, Abako carrots are widely used in the processing industry. In addition, root crops of this variety are suitable for fresh consumption, storage until winter, freezing and canning. Root vegetables are juicy, have a sweet taste. They go well with other vegetables (cucumbers, onions, peppers and many others).

In most regions of Russia (the central part), the average yield of the variety is 430-550 c / ha. This is more than other popular varieties (for example, Bangor, Moscow Winter). The highest rate reached 1164 kg / ha. Seed germination reaches 93-95%. This figure is higher than other varieties.

Variety Abaco is characterized by high resistance to diseases and damage by pests. Better resistance is noted for alternating leaf spot.

Growing conditions

Abaco carrot seeds can be sown already in late April or early May. The variety is resistant to frost (can withstand frosts to minus 4 degrees). But it is better to wait until the frost stops, which will increase productivity.

abaco carrot seeds

The most suitable soils are sandy clay with an abundant dusty part, as well as organic origin. The optimum acidity is in the range of pH 6-7. Groundwater should lie at a height of 0.8-2.5 m.

Good precursors for carrots are onions, cucumbers, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes.

Growing technology

Abako carrots are not characterized by increased requirements for growing. She needs plentiful uniform watering. Enough 1 time for 10 days. But it is very important to water evenly, otherwise the root crops may begin to crack.

Careful care for carrots is necessary during seedlings. They must be regularly thinned out as root crops grow. It is also necessary to weed the bed in time, to loosen the soil.

variety of carrots abaco

To increase productivity, it is necessary to make mineral fertilizers. Wood ash can also help. Phosphate fertilizers are recommended to be applied in the autumn for digging. Together with them, half the potash fertilizer is applied. The second half is used in the spring before planting. At the same time, nitrogen-containing fertilizer is also used. On light soils, all fertilizers are applied in the spring.

Abako carrots can be planted in autumn in the open ground. This will allow you to get a higher crop at an earlier date. The bed for the winter must be mulched. Moreover, the mulch layer should reach 3-4 mm. In the spring, they additionally cover everything with a film.


Harvesting should be done at the right time. It is necessary to wait until the root crops have reached the required size, painted in dark orange.

If the carrots will be stored raw in the winter, they must be dug up at a time. After that, it is sorted, cut and laid in boxes. The layers are separated by sand. You can dip the roots in clay diluted with water, and then dry. This will increase its safety. If root crops will be processed, it is allowed to harvest them separately.

carrots abaco reviews

Carrot Abaco: reviews

Due to the high yield, taste and attractive appearance, carrots of this variety are popular. Gardeners note all of these indicators, tested in practice. In addition, caring for the crop is simple and straightforward.

Shoots appear evenly, at the expected time. Root crops ripen at the same time. Due to early ripening, some farmers get two crops. Moreover, the root crops remain even, of the same size. They have a presentation, do not crack, do not form voids. Well kept.

Foods prepared using Abaco carrots are not only healthy, but also with a beautiful rich orange color. Cleaning root crops of this form is convenient and easy.

Of the shortcomings, only exposure to powdery mildew disease is isolated. But if you do not let things go by themselves, but carry out the necessary processing, this drawback is easily eliminated.

Given all the described characteristics of the variety, the positive reviews of gardeners, it becomes clear why Abako carrots are so popular.


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