Breast pump Medela Mini Electric: customer reviews, instructions and photos

Many mothers are afraid that after the birth of the baby they will have problems with breastfeeding, so the breast pump is on the list of required purchases. This is a special device with which milk is expressed. The Medela Mini Electric breast pump, according to many women, is considered one of the best. But why choose this particular model? Let's figure it out.


mini electric breast pump
  • The main plus of the Medela Mini Electric breast pump is compactness. He has a small motor block, and the device itself can be handled with one hand. Due to its small size, you can take the breast pump with you on the road, so that if necessary, express the milk if necessary.
  • The advantage of the breast pump is the complete absence of tubes and a small number of parts (only 5 pieces), so it is easy to disassemble, assemble and process.
  • You can control the speed of pumping through the wheel, which is located on the side of the motor.
  • The fixture consists of safe materials that do not contain bisphenol.

Device description

The set of electric breast pump Medela Mini Electric, reviews of which are only positive, includes:

  • 1 funnel 24 mm (M);
  • 1 connector
  • 1 valve head;
  • 1 bottle (container for collecting milk);
  • 1 bottle stand.

These are parts of the breast pump itself. It also comes with a motor and AC adapter. The breast pump can work both from a network, and from the accumulator. To do this, you will need to insert 2 alkaline AA LR6 batteries in a special compartment.

Instructions for the Medela mini electric breast pump

instructions for the breast pump
  1. Preparing for decantation. You need to attach a funnel to your chest so that your nipple is exactly in the center of the tunnel.
  2. Decantation. The vacuum level value must first be set to the “minimum” mark. The switch is set to the "Start" position. If you need to increase the vacuum, turn the level control up to the MAX mark. In this case, a slight discomfort will appear. If the milk flows correctly into the bottle, leave the breast pump in this position.
  3. The funnel on the chest is held by two fingers: thumb and forefinger, and the chest is supported by the palm of the hand.
  4. After you have expressed, the breast pump must be disconnected from the network and the battery removed. The bottle can only be filled up to the “150 ml” mark.
  5. You can’t hold the breast pump by the bottle, as this can lead to lactostasis or blockage of the milk ducts.
  6. After decantation, the breast should be wiped with a warm terry towel.

In order not to accidentally overturn the container with milk, you must use the special stand that comes with the kit.

How to troubleshoot

It happens that the device does not work as it should. In this case, the following tips will help you:

  • The motor does not work. It is necessary to check whether the breast pump is turned on and whether the power is on. If the battery does not work, replace the batteries.
  • The Medela Mini Electric breast pump does not pull or the vacuum began to work worse. In this case, you need to make sure that the funnel is tight to the chest. If yes, check valve diaphragm. It should lie flat on the valve head. They should not be damaged or dirty (dried milk, etc.). Also check the motor, which must be correctly connected to the connector. Remember, all parts of the breast pump must be kept dry.
  • If milk accidentally gets into the motor. In this situation, you should contact the store where the breast pump was purchased, or the office of the Medela company.

Additional accessories and spare parts

breast pump accessories

In stores that sell devices for decantation, you can order additional spare parts for the Medela Electric Mini breast pump. You can also place an order with distribution partners and online. Here is a list of optional accessories and parts:

  • Mini Electric adapters for 120 V, 230 V, 240 V;
  • motor "Mini Electric";
  • PersonalFit funnels 21 mm (S), 24 mm (M), 27 mm (L), 30 mm (XL), 36 mm (XXL).
  • 150 ml and 250 ml milk collection containers;
  • Smartphone Calma;
  • cooler bag and City Style bag.

Reviews about the Medela Mini Electric breast pump

breast milk pumping

Some women who used this device claimed that it had no flaws as long as it was new. Then the motor starts to work worse, you have to change the batteries more often. Also, according to reviews, additional accessories and spare parts are not cheap, and many generally ordered additional funnels, since the standard ones did not fit on a large chest.

But there are more completely satisfied mothers than those who are not satisfied with the purchase. According to their reviews of the Medela Mini Electric breast pump, it is easy to use, conveniently packaged, battery powered, lightweight. The only drawback they noted was the noise. Yes, the device is quite noisy, but compared with a large list of advantages, this negative point can be missed.

How to understand what size funnel you need?

To do this, it is worth observing the process of decantation and answering several questions:

  1. When you decant, does the nipple in the funnel tunnel move freely or not?
  2. Does the halo fabric get into the funnel tunnel at least a little or not at all?
  3. Do you see how the nipple moves rhythmically with every push of the breast pump?
  4. Nipples do not hurt after you have expressed?
  5. After you have collected milk, is your chest completely empty?

If you answered all the questions positively, a standard funnel is right for you. If not, then it is better to purchase it in a different size. If, while using the Medela breast pump, you experience pain or problems with pumping, you should consult a doctor or a breastfeeding consultant.

Double decantation

mini electric breast pump breast pump plus

A modified Medela Mini Electric Plus breast pump is available for sale. This device allows you to take milk directly from both mammary glands, which significantly reduces the time of pumping. This model has the following advantages:

  • This is the only compact electric device in the world that automatically reproduces the natural sucking process. And this, in turn, stimulates the flow of milk.
  • Electric breast pump "Medela mini electric plus" - double, has a smooth adjustment of pumping power, which allows mom to choose the optimal level.
  • Powered by mains and battery.
  • Compatible with any Mini Electric container.

According to reviews of the Medela Mini Electric Plus breast pump, this is a very convenient, lightweight, portable model that is ideal for moms with an active lifestyle.

Useful tips for proper use.

  • During operation of the breast pump, only original Medela spare parts and accessories must be used.
  • Regularly inspect device parts for damage and wear. If necessary, damaged parts should be replaced.
  • Before you start using the breast pump, check that all parts are dry.
  • If you assemble the device incorrectly, the formation of a vacuum may be impaired.
  • When using the mains, you may not need to remove the batteries from the battery.
  • If you do not plan to use a breast pump for a long period, remove the batteries from the compartment.

How to clean and handle?

parts of a breast pump
  • To clean the device, use only drinking water.
  • To prevent the milk residues from drying out and bacteria not multiplying, immediately after using the breast pump, remove and rinse all the parts of the device that came into contact with the mammary gland and milk.
  • In order to avoid the appearance of limescale during boiling of the device, you can add a small spoonful of citric acid to the water.
  • Store the device in a clean container, bag, towel or paper.

Before the first use and once a day, the breast pump must be disassembled, fill the parts with water and boil for 5 minutes. Simply wipe the motor and adapter with a damp, clean towel.

To clean the breast pump with steam in a microwave or special sterilizer, Quick Clean bags should be used. After processing, the parts must be thoroughly wiped and placed on a towel until completely dry.


expressed milk
  • Use the breast pump only for its intended purpose, according to the instructions.
  • If the wire or plug is damaged, and there are also mechanical damage, you must not use the device.
  • It is forbidden to use a breast pump while taking a bath, as well as in drowsiness and during sleep.
  • The device is intended for personal use. If two or more people use it, there is a risk of health problems.
  • If you use a breast pump in the presence of children, constant monitoring is necessary.
  • Mobile and portable devices with frequency radio communications can cause interference with the operation of the breast pump.
  • When expressing without hands, it is forbidden to drive.

The Medela Mini Electric breast pump is an ideal milk pump. No wonder there are so many positive reviews about him. Thanks to its use, the mother will always have at hand the milk so necessary for the baby.


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