Scarlet Sails - Book Quotes

It is difficult today to meet a man who did not read A. Green's book “Scarlet Sails”. Many girls memorize quotes from this work. But here's the interesting thing, often, while reading a book, we write out the phrases we like from it with the aim of sparkling our knowledge in the future. But rarely does anyone succeed in implementing this plan. At the right time and right place, phrases always fly out of my head. Today we will refresh your memory and partially quote “Scarlet Sails”.

"Now children do not play, but study. They all study, study and never begin to live."

This phrase is very relevant today. Today, children learn too much, and as we understand it, this trend originates in the last century, when the book "Scarlet Sails" was written. The quote tells us that due to eternal employment, the child first loses his childhood, and then he can lose his life. Not literally, of course. It’s just that if from childhood a perpetual race for knowledge has become a habit, over time it develops into a pursuit of money. And in this eternal haste, few can stop to see how beautiful our lives are. The main character of the work “Scarlet Sails” Assol quotes the old man and sincerely believes that the prince will come for her.

scarlet sails quotes
She does not care about the opinion of her neighbors, the girl knows how to live for real. And at the end of the book her hopes are justified. All people need to remember this instructive story and at least sometimes break away from study and work and start living for real.

"Miracles are done with your own hands"

If you think about the meaning of the phrase, it becomes clear that you should not put off life for tomorrow. A. Green wanted to say that a person creates fate not only with his thoughts, but also with his own hands, this idea is well traced throughout the story “Scarlet Sails”. The quote may seem strange to someone. After all, the main character of the book, in fact, does nothing, she sits and waits, well, she still dreams. But in fact, the quote has a deeper meaning. The author had in mind that we should seek happiness in life first of all in ourselves. And just when we learn to be satisfied with ourselves, we will help others. And just at that moment it will become clear that miracles can sometimes be very simple.

green scarlet sails quotes

"Silence, only silence and deserts - that’s what he needed in order for all the weakest and most confused voices of the inner world to sound clearly."

Considering this quote from the book, it becomes clear that people have not known the best way to solve their problems for 100 years, how to remain alone with themselves. After all, it is peace that gives that incredible feeling when thoughts become clearer. That's exactly what the author of the book "Scarlet Sails" believes. The quote is more relevant today than ever. After all, before people felt lonely, being among people. And today, a person even alone with himself feels the need to access social networks. Therefore, it is much easier for many to ask friends for advice than to sit alone and make their own decisions.

"We love fairy tales, but do not believe in them"

Sometimes it seems that the author of the book “Scarlet Sails” A. Green, whose quotes we are analyzing today, was an incredibly perspicacious person. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain why many of the writer's thoughts not only have not lost their relevance, but are becoming more and more popular every year. Reading the quote written above, it seems that all people have become realistic. But this is very bad. To reach heights in this life can only be a person who knows how to fantasize. But many cannot believe in fairy tales and believe that their life will never be bright and colorful. Now let's imagine for a moment that the main character of the work “Scarlet Sails” Assol, the quotation of which we give here, would not have believed the old man and would not have expected the Scarlet Sails. Then we would not read this cute story. That is why it is sometimes worth believing in a fairy tale and letting it into your life.

red sails quotes from the book

"The sea and love do not like pedants"

Well, finally, we will analyze another quote from the book "Scarlet Sails." To understand the meaning of this statement, you need to find out what a pedant is. Turning to the dictionary, you can find out that this is a person who is fixated on trifles. He wants everything to go exactly according to plan and be completed on time. But, as A. Green correctly put it, there is nothing for the pedant to do at sea. This element is too wayward, and it is simply impossible to plan a sea voyage from and to. To go to sea, you need to be able to quickly change plans and adapt to the elements.

assol scarlet sails quotes
So it is in love. You can’t plan anything in advance. Love is too unpredictable. Every moment must be appreciated, because tomorrow will be a new day, and it is not known what it will bring.


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