Conjunctivitis in a cat: symptoms, treatment

The cat is said to have nine lives. But only those who have never encountered the diseases of these pets can think so. In the life of our pets, there are situations when they cannot take care of themselves and then come to us with sad eyes, silently asking for help. In this article, we will consider an infection that is quite common - conjunctivitis in cats. Treatment should begin as early as possible in order to prevent the development of a dangerous form of the disease and not expose the animal to long and painful suffering.

Features of a dangerous infection

The disease is characterized by redness of the inner part of the eye, which is caused primarily by an allergic predisposition of the body. Also, the course of the pathological process can be affected by a virus or bacteria.

Often there is an infection of the ocular membrane as a result of unsanitary conditions or in the usual natural way, when a speck, dust, and dirt can get into the mucous membrane of the eyelids. And then, under favorable conditions, microbes begin to multiply, affecting living tissues and provoking the development of a severe stage of the disease, which can threaten all health in general.

conjunctivitis in a cat

In the medical guide, this infection is called conjunctivitis. In a cat, the disease occurs when an eye is injured or as a result of a chronic infectious disease accompanied by malaise. Conjunctivitis is a type of infection of the upper respiratory tract of animals and can begin at a young age.

Signs of an onset of the disease

Carefully inspect your pet. If you notice the eyes are bright red, then this is most likely conjunctivitis. In cats, symptoms can be expressed in the following forms:

  • inflammation in places where the infection spreads, accompanied by pain and burning;
  • a constant accumulation of pus in the corners of the eyes;
  • eyelashes stick together, especially after sleep;
  • heat;
  • runny nose.
    conjunctivitis in cats home treatment

There are cases when the infection is weak, and it is not easy to recognize it.

Kind of infection

The disease is divided into some types. Consider a fairly common - purulent conjunctivitis in cats. This type of disease is characterized by a lack of appetite, a markedly depressed mood, pain during eye movements, and high body temperature .

As a result of infection, a dirty yellow liquid with an unpleasant odor is released, which spreads to both eyes. In a pet, edema, tearfulness and redness of the eyeball are possible. In addition, an inflammatory process may occur, which will further progress beyond the eye. Therefore, you should not postpone a visit to the veterinarian, it is better to immediately begin to treat such an unpleasant disease as conjunctivitis in a cat.

purulent conjunctivitis in cats

In a cat, when a purulent infection is detected, experts usually recommend using antibiotics in injections, as well as flushing eyes with boric acid and applying special ointments to the affected areas.

Home treatment

So, if you have detected infection in the initial stages of development, it is necessary to provide competent assistance to a small patient in order to cure conjunctivitis as quickly as possible. In cats, treatment at home can go without additional material costs. An intensive and timely course of therapy will completely restore the health of the animal.

conjunctivitis in cats treatment

There is a large number of different remedies in folk medicine with which the symptoms will become less pronounced. In inflammatory processes, it is useful to make lotions and compresses on the eyes with such medicinal herbs:

  • Aloe. Freeze several large sheets in the refrigerator, then finely chop and wait for the plant to release healing juice. Apply a cotton pad moistened with the obtained liquid to the eyes for 15 minutes. It is necessary to do the procedure 2-3 times a day, throughout the week, it all depends on the result.
  • Chamomile with calendula. Two teaspoons of healing herbs, pour a glass of boiling water and insist 20 minutes. When the broth is ready, it must be filtered, then with a moistened cotton pad you need to rinse your eyes before bedtime and after waking up. For the best effect, it is recommended to make baths.
  • Eyebright. Three teaspoons of grass pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and put on low heat. When the broth is prepared, you need to strain it and insist 30 minutes. This medicine is used for compresses or daily eye wash.
  • Bay leaf. A small amount is steamed with a glass of boiling water - 200 ml, wait until infused, then cool and strain. With this tool, you need to wipe your eyes for a week 3 times a day.
  • Another simple way is to wash the eyes with tea leaves. Also used warm tea bags are useful to apply to inflamed areas.
    conjunctivitis in cats symptoms

Subject to proportions and daily care, tinctures with medicinal herbs after the first use will allow you to see an amazing result.

Various complications in the body

In the case when traditional medicine does not help, and the inflammatory reaction continues and the disease progresses, it is reasonable to contact a qualified veterinarian hospital. They will conduct an examination and prescribe medications that will alleviate your fluff condition and eliminate the symptoms of such a painful disease as conjunctivitis. In a cat, treatment with a complex form of infection should be carried out in the fastest and most effective way, otherwise a running disease can become an irreversible process, which is very dangerous for your pet's life.

Breeds of cats requiring special attention

You should know that the hygiene and prevention of eye diseases should pay special attention to the owners of British and Persian cats, as well as sphinxes and exotics. Take care of your pets! Let such unpleasant diseases as conjunctivitis bypass them. The cat must have healthy and strong energy in order to give joy and pleasant company every day. And this means that you will always feel good and have a good mood!


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