Miracle Shovel: reviews. Miracle Shovel "Mole". Cost, photo

The owners of summer cottages, gardens and private houses are looking forward to the beginning of spring field work. The digging season begins. Then lovers of manual labor take on shovels and pitchforks - objects without which it is impossible to dig the earth, plant something in it or dig it out. But their work is accompanied by low back pain and tremendous physical exertion. Today, thanks to the latest technical developments, it is possible to make the load on the muscles less and speed up the work process several times. After all, scientists or ordinary people who are tired of suffering and overworked, have developed a super novelty - a miracle shovel.

reviews miracle shovel

Here it is: a miracle of technology

The above tool is a combination of a cultivator and the most ordinary forks. Such a shovel works by the principle of a lever. Its main details are:

  • cuttings;
  • front and rear emphasis;
  • fastenings;
  • cultivator forks;
  • forks for digging.

If you only look at such a device, you will not immediately tell how to handle it. Therefore, it is difficult to describe. If you read user reviews, a miracle shovel becomes an understandable tool, and it is clear that there is absolutely nothing complicated in this unit. Its main part is the traditional pitchfork, to which we are all accustomed. A stalk is attached to them, and from different sides - a back stop mechanism. Another pitchfork is in front. They, together with the main "brothers" converge in the castle. Their main goal is to break up clods of earth. If the soil on the site is compacted or clay, then this process is quite in demand. The front stop mechanism is attached to the cultivator. Thanks to him, the shovel is stable, and the whole device resembles scissors: they crush large earth clods into small lumps. They, in turn, are quite easy to level out using ordinary rakes for gardening.

Miracle shovels mainly work on large land plots, but you can use it in small territories. A miracle shovel, the photo of which can be viewed in our article, speeds up digging and makes this process much more convenient.

miracle shovel Price

What are the wonderful shovels

There are three types of miraculous shovels: ordinary, such as "Mole" and type "Plowman". This division is carried out depending on what additional details are present on the tool and what is the depth of loosening.

Reviews (a miracle shovel has already managed to collect them in large quantities) indicate that conventional devices are manufactured at home. They present the main pitchfork and rear emphasis. This makes it possible to reduce the load and increase the digging speed by several times, but it will not become an effective tool for breaking up piles of earth. A similar tool can only be used on regularly cultivated soils - chernozems. In order to loosen the earth, there is a miracle shovel "Plowman". It was invented specifically for these purposes. For deep digging, experts developed the miracle shovel "Mole". The depth of her bayonet reaches 25 and more centimeters.

miracle shovel photo

Cultivating the land is simple and easy

In order to cultivate the land not only quickly, but also efficiently, a cultivator was invented - a miracle shovel. Agriculture is a rather important part of production, because agricultural products have always been, are and will be in demand. Therefore, innovative developments in the agricultural sector, such as a miracle shovel (ripper), cause extraordinary excitement.

The ripper is a convenient and reliable tool. Thanks to the leverage , ease of loosening of the earth is achieved. At the same time, a little physical cost is required. Thus, elderly people and people suffering from diseases of the spine will be able to use the miracle shovel. The mechanism of such a device is simple, as they say, like a door: the ground is loosened by two forks that move towards each other. In addition, the shovel does not need to be turned over during this process.

Using such a cultivator (the miracle shovel gets the most enthusiastic reviews), you can cultivate the soil to a depth of 20 centimeters. At one time, a tool can process a patch of land with a width of one bed, and this is from 10 to 20 centimeters.

do it yourself miracle shovel

Mole cultivator

The Miracle Shovel β€œMole” is a gardening tool with a harmonious and uncomplicated design. It includes a frame, two oncoming forks and a horizontal support. Above is the footrest, so the forks are easily driven into the ground. When the harvested land rises, a force is applied downward. β€œMole” aims to eliminate the load exerted on the back. When working with the miracle shovel "Mole" you do not need to lift anything. It is only necessary to press the pitchfork with your foot into the ground, and then press on the handle with your own weight and effort of the hand. In this case, the shovel will turn out the soil, and the oncoming forks - to knead its lumps. Weeds and land will rise to the surface.

β€œMole” you can dig only previously cultivated soil.

Do it yourself

You can buy a miracle shovel at any agricultural store, but if there is no such possibility, then you can do it yourself. For this, it is necessary to prepare metal blanks, a sharpening machine, a welding machine and a square pipe.

cultivator miracle shovel

First of all, it is necessary to determine the depth and width of the shovel. How long the bayonet will be depends on the goals that the master sets (either digging or loosening) and the depth of freezing of the soil. It only seems that doing a miracle shovel with your own hands is difficult. There is nothing difficult here. If you need to build a device for loosening, then a bayonet length of ten centimeters is sufficient.

What will be the width of the miracle device depends on your own preferences. The most optimal size is 50 centimeters. Then everything is done strictly according to the instructions or the drawing, which is easy to find.

Acquire or not

There are quite a few disputes over whether or not to buy a miracle shovel. After all, along with its advantages there are also disadvantages. Therefore, before a miracle shovel appears in your house, the price of which ranges from 1200 to 1600 rubles, weigh the pros and cons of this purchase.

So, the following facts can be attributed to the shortcomings of the tool: inability to make a figured digging; for the work to be productive, a person's weight of at least 80 kilograms is required; there is no way to dig holes; repair in case of breakdowns is rather complicated.

But this is all nothing compared to the fact that the miracle shovel is suitable for any soil, reduces physical activity, has reliability and ease of use, and increases digging speed.

miracle shovel mole

Who says what

To prove the truth of our words, I would like to give some feedback (the miracle shovel receives them in abundance) from people who have already managed to try it in practice. Many argue that even though they use this tool throughout the season, they do not feel the load on the spine. Those who have already tried this device always recommend it to their friends and relatives, and those, in turn, do not get tired of thanking them when they understand what a valuable purchase they made.

Spade Makers

This tool is an invention of domestic manufacturers. The import market does not produce such devices, since the Yekaterinburg priest, Father Gennady, became the developer of the first miracle shovel. And the first person who made the instrument mass production was private entrepreneur A.N. Bessonov. The company "Mezon", located in Chelyabinsk, also produces shovels. The Volber plant specializes in the manufacture of tools based on the Mole type.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23036/

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