Educational toys for a 9-month-old baby: list, features and recommendations

A child at 9 months of age usually manifests itself as a tireless explorer of the world. It was during this period that the little man’s curiosity reached its climax. In order for the physical and intellectual abilities of the child to develop in the right direction, it is important to choose toys wisely for a 9-month-old child.

How to make the right choice of toys? What should I look for when organizing the gameplay? What actions of parents will allow the baby to gain independence? We will talk about this and not only in the presented material.

Physiology of a 9-month-old baby

The main skill mastered by children at this age is the ability to sit down and more or less confidently stay on their feet without assistance. If this does not happen for a long time, parents should seek the advice of a specialist. The cause can serve as a neurological disorder that were acquired by the child at the stage of fetal development.

toys for a 9 month old baby

What toys for a 9 month old baby deserve the attention of caring parents? First of all, these are devices, designs that will help the baby to independently keep on his feet in an erect posture. It is quite difficult to independently learn how to move a child. After all, a mentally fragile man has to carry out remarkable efforts aimed at coordinating a large number of small movements. However, choosing toys for a 9-month-old baby that will allow him to stand on his own should not force events too much . It is important to wait until the baby is ready to move independently.

Skills developing in children 9-10 months of life

what toys for a 9 month old baby

At this time, the following skills appear in the babies:

  • take a sitting position;
  • actively move on all fours, stand on your feet, holding on to auxiliary items;
  • take several steps, holding hands of parents;
  • respond to commands, requests;
  • point to called items;
  • tear paper, crumple soft things, crumple clay or clay;
  • reproduce articulate sounds, imitate the voice intonation of adults.

The development of fine motor skills

what a 9 month old baby needs from toys

What does a 9-month-old baby need from toys? During this period, the kids already realize a lot, know the names of objects, are able to respond to commands. Therefore, it is important for parents to select devices that allow them to develop fine motor skills of their fingers. An excellent solution here are such toys for a 9-10 month old baby, such as mosaics, simple constructors, all kinds of cubes. At the same time, you should not leave your own child with such items alone. The kid will certainly try the toy on the tooth, which can lead to asphyxiation in small parts.

At 9 months of life, the child not only recognizes others, but is able to navigate indoors, respond to the names of home furnishings. If you ask him to show where the game blocks or pyramids are located, the child, with the correct construction of the question, is able to point to the desired object.

How to organize the gameplay?

educational toys for a 9 month old baby

First of all, parents should pay attention to educational toys for a 9-month-old child, which will allow them to play simple stories that are easy to understand. For example, using teddy bears or dolls, you can teach your baby to nod, “dance” in a sitting position, and hold objects. In the process of such a game, comments are important, as well as praise from the parents. Soon, the child will definitely wish to repeat the manipulations that adults performed with objects.

When purchasing toys for a 9-month-old baby, you should focus on choosing products that have the most vivid, colorful design. This approach will attract the attention of the baby to the gameplay.

What toys does a 9 month old baby need?

toys for a 9 month old baby

In games with the baby, you should focus on the use of:

  • balls made of soft materials that will help develop the child’s physical skills;
  • objects that make sounds: all kinds of rubber tweeters, rattles, etc.
  • floating devices for playing in the bathroom;
  • tumbler dolls of various sizes, mainly clockwork models that can walk on their own;
  • toys, which are realistic animal models (plastic, rubber, soft models);
  • clockwork, funny toys with a surprise;
  • miniature copies of interior items (toy furniture, cutlery models, doll clothes);
  • toys on wheels that will allow the baby to show motor activity (cars, clockwork models, trolleys).

What to do if the baby refuses to use the toys offered by adults?

toys for 9 10 month old baby

For the development of the psyche of the baby, it is extremely important for him to imitate the activities of adults. If the chosen toys for a 9-month-old child are not interesting for the peanut, parents should independently demonstrate how to have fun with such items. In cases where this approach does not work, you should consult with a child psychologist. However, if the toy proposed by the parents did not like the baby too much, and its appearance does not cause anything but hysteria, it is worth postponing the product until better times.

The role of books in the play activity of the baby

Active interaction with books is a serious step towards the final formation of the child’s speech. Viewing printed pages with parents contributes to the development of intelligence and imaginative thinking of a little man, expanding his worldview. A colorful, high-quality book, filled with original, eye-catching illustrations, meets the need of a 9-month-old baby for new information about the world around him, and also gives him impressions that can last a lifetime.

Speech development

During the gameplay, parents should pay attention to verbal communication. There are several tips on this subject:

  • during the interaction of the baby with the toy, it is necessary to name the item, describe its component parts, indicate exactly what actions are performed with the object at the moment;
  • naming the toy, you need to give the child time so that he can get acquainted with the new product, hold it in his hands, examine it from different angles and wait for a speech reaction;
  • it is important that the speech of the parents in relation to the toy coincides with the moment of manipulation with the used object;
  • in the course of interaction with the toy, verbosity should not be allowed, because this will not allow the baby to "catch" on a definition that he needs to recognize and remember.

How to say “no” to a child?

Using toys to develop a 9-month-old baby, it is important to teach the baby to part with his favorite pastime. If a child does not want to do this, at times when the situation requires it, adults should make an angry expression on their face, accompanying such a reaction with the hard word "no." This approach works more efficiently than trying to forcibly take away the entertainment from the child and hide it out of sight.

Toy activities for a 9 month old baby

development toys for a 9 month old baby

There are a number of games that will help the baby in understanding the essence of the items used:

  1. “Caps”. It is necessary to use several caps or cups of various colors. From such devices, it is necessary to build a pyramid so that the child sees it, literally in front of the baby. You can also disassemble the design together with your own child. Over time, the child will learn to perform such manipulations on his own.
  2. "Thimbles." To organize such a game, the same caps or cups are suitable. Having planted the child in front of a set of such items, it is necessary to alternately hide a small toy under them, and then pull it back. Next, it is worth offering the child to remember where the item was placed and find it.
  3. "Box with a surprise." The technique will allow the child to show interest in new toys. Here you will need a capacious container with a lid. Here it is necessary to place several toys in advance, sequentially pulling them out and showing them to the baby. In this case, it is worth calling each item, paying the attention of the child to its details. Over time, the baby will independently put his favorite toys in a box.
  4. "Plates" - it is necessary to use several multi-colored plates made of wood or plastic. It is necessary to offer the child to grab each of them over the edge. It is necessary to ensure that the baby correctly grabs the object, placing the thumb on top, and substituting the rest from below. This lesson will help your child confidently hold objects in their hands.

Useful Tips

At 9-10 months of age, children are already beginning to show their first independence. During this period, babies need less care from adults than before. For this reason, organizing the gameplay, it is worth encouraging your own child to independence. For example, you should move away from the baby for a while while he interacts with toys. During bathing, you can show your child how to use a towel or washcloth. For the formation of independence, this is extremely useful.


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