How to weave a gum ring

At the moment, jewelry, not purchased at the store, but made by one's own hands, has come into fashion. These are the original crafts from gum. The creation of elegant exclusive gizmos has long been an interesting and fascinating occupation. The material intended for the manufacture of such jewelry has a number of significant advantages. Namely:

  • moisture resistance;
  • does not require specialized care.

elastic ring

Weaving Methods

Before starting work, you need to understand a large number of options for making jewelry. So, you can make a ring of rubber bands using the following items:

  • own fingers;
  • dining fork;
  • slingshots;
  • most ordinary pencils;
  • special machine.

How to weave using a slingshot

slingshot rubber band

In this part of the article, we will talk about how to create a decoration using special devices. Here you can use several rubber bands of different colors at once. It is worth noting that jewelry woven on a slingshot look more elegant than those that were used to create fingers.

Work execution technology

The elastic is put on one of the horns, twisted by the "eight", the second loop of which is located on the other ledge.

Then you need to put on the second rubber band without twisting. With the help of a crochet hook, one of the edges of the lower gum is removed and pulled up. With the second edge, they do exactly the same.

Put the next elastic over the previous one, it also does not need to be twisted, and then pull the lower rubber band, as described previously.

Such a quantity of material is used that a chain with the desired length is obtained. As soon as it is achieved, it will remain to fasten the clasp, and a ring of rubber bands, made on a slingshot, you can brag to your friends.

Use of the machine

elastic ring on the machine

No less original decoration can be obtained using a special machine for weaving. Before work, you need to acquire the following materials:

  • machine tool;
  • crochet;
  • 6 rubber bands in blue;
  • 3 green rubber bands;
  • 3 purple.

These colors were chosen for ease of explanation of the stages of work.

Step-by-step instruction

First of all, you need to fix the purple gum on 6 columns of the machine, and then twist it around each of them.

  1. A blue elastic band is put on one of the diagonals, and a second, also blue, on the other.
  2. On the central posts you need to place another blue elastic band, and put on the purple ones in a similar way over the blue ones. Then comes the turn of green gum.
  3. In the next step, the purple gum is worn as described at the very beginning.
  4. Then you need to select any column, hook the purple elastic band at the bottom with a hook and throw it into the inside of the elastic ring. Thus, it is necessary to do with all the columns.
  5. Next action: a purple gum located on the central column is hooked and thrown to the opposite. The remaining rubber bands are attached in the same way.
  6. Next, you need to pass the hook under the purple elastic band and at the same time do not touch the blue, green and second blue. Then a loop is made and tightened.
  7. A new one with the same color is skipped under the purple rubber bands. A loop is formed from it, which must be tightened.
  8. At the last stage, you need to remove the purple gum, and then those that remain.

Before putting on a ring of rubber bands made on the machine, the petals straighten out and the decoration is ready.

elastic ring

As mentioned above, the colors shown were used only as an example. Each needlewoman can choose the rubber bands of the desired color variation to create a truly exclusive decoration.


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