Plum Angelina: variety description, cultivation, care, photo

Tree plants belonging to the Rosacea family are distinguished by great species and varietal diversity, one of which is Angelina plum. Description of the variety, about the features of cultivation, the use of fruits, read the article.

General information

Angelina plum variety is of interest: the tree resembles cherry plum, the fruits - a typical plum. The explanation for this phenomenon is simple: breeders got the variety as a result of crossing cherry plum and Chinese plum. The result is a plant with large fruits that are stored for a longer time than other plums.

Plum variety "Angelina"


The genus of plums has more than two thousand varieties. These fruit trees grow everywhere, but traditionally most of them are famous for growing Ukraine, Moldova, as well as the republics of Central Asia. The territories where this culture grows in Russia are Krasnodar, the Volga region, the Rostov region, the Far East, and Siberia. But for each region its own varieties are bred. So, for example, in Siberia with a harsh climate, crops grow that have descended from such plums as Ussuri, Canada, and China. In the southern regions with a mild climate, varieties grown as a result of crossing cherry plum with thorns are grown.

Grade description

Plum Angelina is a fruit tree growing to a height of three meters. The crown is characterized by a pyramidal shape with a wide base. The branches of the plant are powerful, slightly sprawling. Plum Angelina is notable for early fruiting: a year after planting, a young tree begins to bloom. Productivity is stable, characterized by high rates.

Plum Angelina grade description

Fruiting is annual. Plums ripen in the later stages: mid or end of September. The flowers are female, therefore, to obtain ovaries on a tree next to a plum in the garden, plants are planted with the same flowering time, which will serve as pollinators. Next to Angelina, experienced gardeners recommend planting cherry plum Kolonovidnaya, Black Amber plum or Friar. Culture has an average disease resistance.

Plum Angelina: a description of the fetus

This variety is a large-fruited crop. The berries are round or barrel-shaped, very tasty in appearance. Their weight reaches 60-90 g, but there are specimens weighing up to 120 g. Juicy fruit pulp has an amber color and a sweet and sour taste. The peel is dense, its color is dark purple with a blue tint and a tint of silver.

The fetus has a small bone, which is easily separated from the pulp. Plum has a unique property: in comparison with other varieties, its keeping quality is characterized by a long term. Indoors with room temperature stored for three weeks without changing the quality for the worse. If the berries are placed in the refrigerator, they can lie there for three to four months while maintaining their taste and shape. It is permissible to remove from the branches the unripe fruits of this variety, they will ripen during storage. The taste of such plums becomes even better.

plum angelina description


Plum Angelina is a sun-loving plant. To place it in the garden, it is important to choose a large plot, as the crown will grow over time. There should not be tall trees nearby that will obscure the plum, as a result of which its development will slow down.

When buying seedlings that can be purchased in spring and autumn, you should pay attention to the root system. It is better if it is packed in a film with a lump of earth fertilized with peat. So the roots will not lose moisture and will be reliably protected from damage. When planting, seedlings will take root well and will quickly grow.

Landing pit prepared in advance. Its dimensions are 60x70 cm. You need to fill the seedlings with enriched soil. For this, compost or humus is suitable. Organics are mixed with the earth. But that is not all. Mineral fertilizers must also be added, for example, superphosphate in an amount of 400 g per one seat. So that the wind does not damage the trunk of the seedling, it should be tied to a peg installed next to the tree. After planting, the soil is watered abundantly: four buckets of water per seedling.

Angelina plum


From the first years of life, a tree needs formative pruning, since it is during this period that branches actively grow. In addition, sanitary pruning is regularly carried out, during which damaged or diseased shoots are removed. The life of this plum variety is short. Usually its duration is no more than three years.

Older trees almost always die. This leads to chronic gumming, which weakens the plant. Gum is released if frost bouts or burns from the rays of the sun have not been processed on time. Damage also occurs if the rules are not followed during pruning. For the treatment of wounds on a tree trunk, the use of copper 1% vitriol is especially effective.

For normal growth and high yields, fertilizers should be applied once every two years. In the spring, ammonium nitrate is introduced, and in the fall, superphosphate and potassium salt are added.


The fruits are widely used due to their taste and unique property of storing for a long time:

  • Plums are good fresh. Their appearance always excites appetite.
  • The fruits are frozen to enjoy their taste in the cold season, which is preserved in them in the same way as all the beneficial properties.
  • Plums are used for harvesting for the winter, jam, jams, and fruit drinks are made from them.
  • The fruits are dried to obtain dried fruits.


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